Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo and J.J. Abrams Told a Blatant Lie

in movies •  7 years ago 

A great mystery and controversy surrounds the identity of Star Wars’ Supreme Leader Snoke. However good evidence suggests this Muunish and Gollum-like creature is Darth Plagueis the wise. The first evidence comes from the similar music themes. The opera music when Palpatine spoke about Darth Plagueis is clearly the same, but with different tune, as the Snoke theme.

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Supreme Leader Snoke also sits on a throne and speaks to his minions in oversized holograms, intended to scare and intimidate those beneath him. He possesses shriveled fingers which show he’s high on the Dark Side. Rey is seen carrying the Plagueis staff on the sands of Jakku, so this will have important significance later on. When Palpatine seduced Anakin to the Dark Side, he referred to his old master as Darth Plagueis the wise. Also Kylo Ren said in a subtle way that Snoke is Darth Plagueis when he encountered his father Han Solo at Starkiller Base.

Kylo Ren said, “The Supreme Leader is wise.”

Then Han said, “Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you. You know it's true.”

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The Plagueis Staff

Darth Plagueis has a most sinister personality, which stems from his issues of entitlement. He will never be content until the entire galaxy rests beneath his thumb. He’s the Sith no one knew existed (aka Snoke). Darth Plagueis is the source of all evil in the galaxy. He created Darth Sidious and Kylo Ren. Darth Sidious in turn created Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, and Darth Vader. Darth Plagueis is a malignant narcissist who came up with the Grand Plan to take over the galaxy. His apprentice Darth Sidious or Palpatine was also a malignant narcissist, and the two orbited each other like a binary system while they sought to increase their power.

Darth Plagueis the wise is not just any Dark Side user. He’s known for his brilliant and logical mind. He’s more clever than the most powerful Force users, including the Skywalkers. To become powerful in the ways of the Sith, one must be trained by the Sith. Knowledge of the Dark Side does not come easy. It must be generated through the generations and passed down from master to apprentice. Darth Plagueis began his career with Damask Holdings as a member of the banking clan. Through secret deals and agreements he amassed large amounts of wealth. Darth Plagueis was known for abilities to create life and cheat death. He was a scientist and a scholar, and he began many experiments with the Dark Side to influence living things. He also visited the citizens of Kamino and taught them the art and science of cloning the human genome. They used this knowledge to create a Grand Army for the Republic.

Darth Plagueis sought to make his apprentice senator, then supreme chancellor, and ultimately emperor. Darth Plagueis would remain behind the scenes and give the emperor orders. To rise to power, the Sith needed to create a crisis. So Palpatine began a civil war and became the supreme commander on both sides. He killed off leaders on both sides as necessary to keep the war going. As the disasters unfolded the people clamored for a hero, so Palpatine became their savior. At the end of the death and destruction, he brought order and peace throughout the galaxy.

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Darth Plagueis the Wise

Darth Plagueis is the only villain who can trump Palpatine. Darth Plagueis is so tied up in the Skywalker family and history because he started it. He fathered Anakin Skywalker through the midi-clorians. Snoke has large wounds and scars on his head which should be fatal, and they exist for a special reason. Palpatine tried to kill his master while in a drunken stupor by aiming for the face and neck. After this vicious betrayal by his apprentice, Darth Plagueis lurked in the Unknown Regions until he saw his moment to return. He knew Sidious would try to take Anakin as his apprentice, and the Sith lured him to the Dark Side to become Darth Vader. Darth Plagueis waited until Anakin finished the job and destroyed Darth Sidious.

After his return to power, he took the name Supreme Leader Snoke. He knew with such a name his enemies would never take him seriously, and that’s exactly what he wanted. Now with his treacherous former apprentice out of the way, he left a massive galactic army behind him. Darth Plagueis asserted control again from the shadows because his “death” was a ploy to hide from Sidious and bide his time. Now the children and grandchildren of Anakin have some unfinished business with their maker who seeks to destroy them.

Darth Plagueis comes from the darkest corner of the Dark Side. He created the First Order, which took the worst elements of the empire and amplified them. He wanted to create war and chaos to feed off the confusion. Without blinking an eye, he allowed a planet with billions of people to be destroyed by Starkiller Base. Snoke is a predator. He preys not only on people’s desires, but also their fears.

He seduced Palpatine into becoming his apprentice by offering him delusions of grandeur and ultimate power. Kylo Ren was insecure, empty, and dead inside. He had no identity of his own, and Snoke seduced him to the Dark Side by offering to teach him more about Darth Vader. Snoke asked Kylo Ren to kill his dad, just as he convinced Palpatine to kill his dad. He tricked Kylo Ren into thinking he’s just an old man who needs his help, but this could not be further from the truth. Snoke is just as powerful as Yoda in the Force, and he seeks to kill the last Jedi. He senses the confusion in the young Kylo Ren and feeds off it. He will train Kylo Ren at Darth Vader’s castle at Mustafar, which overlooks where Vader met his ultimate failure with Obi-wan Kenobi.

In spite of this overwhelming evidence, Pablo Hidalgo has told blatant lies to the public on Twitter. He is the creative executive for Lucasfilm and a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group. After Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, Pablo Hidalgo got George Lucas’ job of helping people navigate through the lore and the storyline inside this galaxy far away. He has insider knowledge about what is truth and what isn’t. However he does not want to give away the big reveal for Star Wars: Episode IX, even when asked directly. He would much rather hide the truth and keep everyone in darkness.

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The Big Lie

However if by some chance if Pablo Hidalgo is telling the truth, things still do not add up. After all, why is the Snoke theme so similar to the music in the opera scene? If Snoke is not Plagueis, this really makes no sense at all. And why is Rey carrying the Plagueis lightsaber, if he has no significance to the storyline whatsoever? Also when Kylo Ren says the awkward and clunky line, “The Supreme Leader is wise,” this seems really odd and out of place if Snoke is not Darth Plagueis. If Snoke is just some random new character as some have suggested, the end will be anti-climactic. But if he is Darth Plagueis, this will show the Skywalkers have found themselves in a most desperate situation.

Pablo Hidalgo didn’t stop with his lies on Twitter, but instead took things a step further. He made an agreement with internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo to obscure the truth even more. Since Lucasfilm is now headquartered near Silicon Valley, this deal was easy to make. If someone types in a query such as “Supreme Leader Snoke is Darth Plagueis,” the first hits have come back saying it’s not him. We are dealing with one who dearly wants to create propaganda and obfuscate the truth as much as possible, in a true First Order fashion.

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A Simple Google Search

Darth Jar Jar Abrams is not to be trusted either. He directed Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens and also has a history of lying. When he directed Star Trek: Into Darkness, J.J. Abrams lied and said that main villain in the movie wasn’t Khan. Surely enough, the big bad in the movie happened to be Khan. He later admitted that lying was not a good idea, and he received tremendous backlash for it. Even Benedict Cumberbatch who portrayed Khan later said,

“What a dickhead… I mean the amount of times we had to lie for him. The amount of secrets, the amount of times I had to not talk about it being my character. God damn him.”

Now while directing Star Wars, J.J. Abrams got his apprentice Pablo Hidalgo to lie for him and become his fall guy. However J.J. Abrams has made some public statements. Instead of outright lying this time around, he has used clever double speak to hide the truth about the characters. Although he is technically telling the truth, his statements are obscure and misleading.

“Kylo Ren is not a Sith. He works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force.”

Translation: Kylo Ren is training under the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke, but he has not yet earned his Darth title. (Abrams was careful to note that Kylo Ren is not a Sith, but never made a similar statement about Snoke. Remember that names and titles are passed down from master to apprentice, and the master defines the apprentice’s scope and mission.)

One fan asked if Darth Plagueis would be mentioned in Episode VII, and Abrams shot down the question as fast as Han Solo shot Greedo. He said,

"We don't want to be talking about story too much too soon, but I will say... no."

Translation: The name Darth Plagueis will not be mentioned in The Force Awakens, but will say nothing here about the true identity of Supreme Leader Snoke.

“Supreme Leader Snoke is quite an enigmatic character, and strangely vulnerable at the same time as being quite powerful. Obviously he has a huge agenda. He has suffered a lot of damage. As I said, there is a strange vulnerability to him, which belies his true agenda, I suppose.”

This last statement is 100% true. However Abrams failed to mention here this damage to Snoke was done by his former apprentice Senator Palpatine.

The misleading statements and deception by these minions may fool the weak minded, but not those with the true knowledge of the Force. We need not fall for these mind tricks. J.J. Abrams and Pablo Hidalgo need to use the bathroom because they are full of Sith. These Knights of Ren seek to protect their Master Plagueis and keep the young as fools. We recognize lies by knowing what is true, and time will expose them as who and what they really are. As the Jedi master Yoda says,

“My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. But joined the Dark Side, Jar Jar Abrams and Pablo Hidalgo have. Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are their ways now. But the truth reveal itself in time it will.”

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However Director Rian Johnson is not impressed.

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