Dear Steemians,
Here I am, back for another movie review!
After had covered Get Out and Red Sparrow, I’m turning into one of the most recent films I watched: Sicario: Day of the Soldado!

Yes, I know, it’s popular to talk about illegal migration, drugs, cartels and all, but it also makes great films… At least, this is one of the many examples!
Starring two of the best actors ever – Benicio Del Toro and Josh Brolin – this is a very good film to watch, with a lot of action, unexpected plot twists, suspense and amazing photography.

Benicio Del Toro plays Alejandro, the secretive partner of CIA agent Matt Graver, portrayed by Josh Brolin. Both are amazing at their roles, which is something I’m sure you’re already expecting!

This story is a sequel of the film Sicario – it has also been described as a “spin-off” of it though –, directed by one of the best directors around – Denis Villeneuve –, in 2015. (Yes! That long ago!)
The focus is on the creating a war between Mexican drug cartels, which changed their commodity: helping illegal migrants crossing the boarder to the United States seems to be more lucrative, these days. This war is started by the abduction of the daughter of one of these cartel’s leader: Isabel Reyes, portrayed by Isabela Moner, who unfortunately doesn’t have that much time on screen…

Despite her age, Isabela Moner looks a promising actress. I point the lack of development of her character’s arc one of the downsides of this film.
As always, I don’t want to spoil anyone so no more on the story, which is quite unexpected at the start of the film, but you’ll discover it!
Regarding the pace of the film is very well orchestrated by Stefano Sollima, who seems to work around the same theme on his films and TV series: organized criminality. He does a very good job with the movie direction.

Another high point is the photography of the film, which is very good. The scenery was also very well scouted: New Mexico seems so beautiful! (Yes, it was shot there 😉)

(Look at that filter! Feels like a Western, right? 😊)
One of the downsides of this film – which made me rate it with a 7 – is the third act, which seems to have some flaws… And I have to say it, some stupid flaws, in my opinion… The events don’t seem that credible…
All in all, it’s a very good film, very entertaining and quite violent – so don’t bring your kids! 😉
RATING: 7/10