Movie "Oldboy" (Oldeuboi), 2003 - Review πŸ“βœοΈ

in movies β€’Β  8 years agoΒ 

I continue to enjoy the works directed by Park Chan-wook. And today I offer you to immerse yourself in the world of art film, which he created in the film 'Oldboy'.

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But before I start my enthusiastic review I want to give you a few words about Park Chan-wook.

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Park Chan-wook is a South Korean filmmaker, screenwriter, film producer and former film critic. After watching Vertigo (1958, Alfred Hitchcock) he decided to be a director.
He films very beautiful movies filled with deep meaning. I'm advertising to all people I know his latest film - The Handmaiden (Ah-ga-ssi) because it impresses with his plot twists and eastern beauty.

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If you are a fan of a cinema, then oriental movies are for you. It strikes with its eastern philosophy and an incredible world.

And now let's turn to "Oldboy".


Oh Dae-su is arrested for drunkenness. He is released to celebrate his daughter birthday. But on the same night, he was abducted. Oh Dae-su finds himself in a room without windows. He will spend 15 years in this room, not seeing the sunlight, not feeling the fresh air.

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After 15 years, he was released, as well as kidnapped. Now the purpose of his life is to find the kidnappers and take revenge.


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As you understand, I love Asian cinema and I'm very upset that it is not popular. Perhaps because Asian films are very realistic and cruelty. I know that the Americans have filmed their version of Oldboy, but there is a lot of pathos and no deep philosophy, which in Oldboy seems boundless.

The plot is absolutely fantastic - the protagonist from one prison falls into the next one. After 15 years in freedom, he still feels imprisoned. Revenge flows in his veins instead of blood, he does not understand the new world in which he turned out. Despite the fact that he watched TV all the time, he was out of touch with people. He is a modern Mowgli.

15 years and he has nothing: no family, no home, no memories that he can share. The worst thing is that he does not know the reasons why he was kidnapped and why he was released. However, after release, the kidnapper continues to play with him.

This is a bloody detective, where the main character is no different from the antagonist. In an acute desire for revenge, both heroes destroy the destinies of people and kill. Blood flows like a river, it permeates the heroes clothes. Will this revenge bring pleasure and tranquility?

The picture is not as beautiful as in other Asian films. It is underlined dirty, like the story itself. The camera is constantly twitching as if the viewer is watching a documentary. The musical accompaniment maximally immerses to the depths of the soul. In contrast to the abominable shots, we hear Vivaldi. The titles end and the music sounds in the head.

This film is very cruel but bewitching. After "Oldboy", you are afraid to go out so that you are not abducted and locked in prison. You start to remember, but did not you do something that offended a person?

"Oldboy" is an endless dance of two people, in whose veins anger flows. They are both impersonation of the ouroboros - a snake eating its own tail.

Suffering is so intense that after learning the denouement of this detective story, you can not say a word. The level of acting is raised to a high level. I believe that this film is a masterpiece, to which other films are very far away.

At the end Oh Dae-su asks

β€œMister, even though I’m no better than a beast, don’t I have the right to live?”

And at this moment, we understand the depth of the suffering of the main characters.


"Oldboy" won the Grand Prix at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival and many local awards.

IMDb 8.4/10 Rotten Tomatoes 80%


  • Movie slogan: Β«15 years forced in a cell, only 5 days given seeking revengeΒ»;

  • Quentin Tarantino was impressed by the film and he cried with Evergreen - antagonist. He said the film is "Absolute masterpiece" and voted for its awarding the Golden Palm, but the film did not have one voice for the prize. The winner was Michael Moore and his film Fahrenheit 9/11;

  • This is the second film of the trilogy about revenge. The first film is "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" (2002), the second is 'Lady Vengeance" (2005).


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I enjoy Asian culture and cinema. This movie looks fascinating. I will definitely put this on my list of must see's.

Thank you for sharing.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

This movie will drive you crazy. It's fantastic! Thanks for reading my post!

Being of Korean background myself, this was one of the first Korean films I ever watched. This film makes you squirm at certain parts yet is incredibly intriguing. I do think this film will withstand time.

I really enjoyed 'Ode to my father' and 'The Throne' which are more recent films. But if you're looking for more classics, 'Shiri' directed by Kang Je-gyu and 'Silmido' directed by Kang Woo-suk are a must see.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

Thanks for your advice! Recently, I try to watch more Korean films, so that your suggestion is right in the way

You're most welcome! I hope you enjoy them :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I love his movies... i watch it...

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Did you see Handmaiden?

One of my fav movies of all time. So well produced. I saw in the cinema when it came out. Blew me away:)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

lucky you are! I can only imagine how it looks like on the big screen! I guess I would go crazy watching it in 2003)

thats sounds good..ill try to watch it.. im also a fan of asian movies... i think it can offer wide diversity...and more realistic.. thanks for sharing

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Yeah, you are right. Watching Asian cinema is like being in another world. Hope you'll like Oldboy. Even if you do not like it, it will not leave you indifferent.

I've seen it, Oldboy is a classic!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Did you watch The Handmaiden?

No I haven't, but I'll make a note of it and try and watch it soon!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

You should do it! It's so beautiful just wow!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Great movie!!! as are 'Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance' / 'Lady Vengeance'.

Cool post :) upvoted:)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Thank you so much! I'm just going to watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance' / 'Lady Vengeance. But I have to prepare for watching)))

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :]

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

thank you so much!

this movie i saw 1 million times, i love it, thanks for sharing have a nice day friend :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

wow! you have nerves of steel))))

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Great review! Never seen this movie before, you got me interested!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Thanks for reading my review! Even I was surprised cruelty of the movie. So think twice if you want to watch it. But it's a masterpiece, without further ado.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

New news for steemit friends getting more and more okay. Hopefully we are in this steemit can share vote to friends all friends folloq

Oldboy is DOPE! Thank you for sharing!

Btw, following you! and upvoted!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

thank you so much!

Oldboy is Chan-wook Park's masterpiece and I saw from him Thirst (2009), Stoker (2013) and The Handmaiden (2016) so far but I want to see also the movies:J.S.A.: Joint Security Area (2000),Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002),3 Extremes (2004),Lady Vengeance (2005),I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK (2006).

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I'm going to watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Lady Vengeance this weekend. Hope I won't kill myself after two movies in a row)

I love his movies! If you like Korean movies, check out my top list