Moving Out and Moving On

in movingon •  6 years ago 

Hello my angels,

I can recall if I posted about this before but I moved out into my old dorm into a new single one and it has really opened up my world.
About a month ago, my roommate issues became so extreme that I wasn't even able to stay in my own room and would end up on friends futon just trying to escape my roommate. She did some pretty crappy things that I'm not yet ready to share publicly yet but just know, it was bad. I decided that my best bet was to move out and I choose to get a single room. Although it's another $800 a semester, it's worth my sanity. It was when I was on my own that I began to learn some things about myself and I think others should follow as well:

First off, you are not here on earth to please other. I'm not saying be an asshole but what I mean is, if someone wants you to do something that you don't want to do/ aren't comfortable with, don't do it. When I was first told this by an old friend, I thought he was ridiculous but the more I began to process it, I realized he was right. God did not put us here on this world to do what others want and live a miserable life. Do what makes you happy even if not everyone likes it.

Second, find an outlet to focus on. For me, I choose my religion. When I was younger, going to church was a drag and more of a burden than anything but in these last few months I learned that I need something bigger to focus on and channel my energy towards.

Finally, just please be kind. As I moved out of the house I grew up in, I realized when people said the world is "a big bad place", they weren't kidding. Being friendly, smiling at strangers, holding the door open, or even saying bless you when someone sneezes could make their day because you never know what someones going through.

Thank you for reading!


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