Mens issues sources by topic

in mra •  7 years ago  (edited)

Just posting this here to post any newly relevant sources in the comments - feel free to comment as well with links - and every now and then post a new post with everything listed by category.
Just a modest start with my most commonly or recently used ressources, will save any links used in the future in the comments.
Wether it is useful for anyone else, it is definatly helpful to me to have citations readily accesable from anywhere.

Domestic Violence

Statistics on sex distribution of perpetrators of intimate partner violence in heterosexual relationships(majority female):

"Women were property"

Can i be prosecuted for damaging my own property? Thats news to me.

Oh, and appearently you can sometimes be prosecuted for being hurt by your property as well.

And my property can even legaly use my money however it wants?


Women actualy doing what is claimed about incels.
Quote: "As the Guardian likes to remind us, loneliness kills - so dithering lads are actually murderers, when you think about it."

What even are incels and how does being an incel affect people?

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The cost of dating: 12000$ a year for dating men according to the good men project - a feminist organisation:

White feather
The white feather is a widely recognised symbol, although its meaning varies significantly between different countries and cultures. In the United Kingdom and the countries of the British Empire since the eighteenth century it has been used a symbol of cowardice, used by patriotic groups, including prominent members of the Suffragette movement and early feminists, in order to shame men into enlisting. However in some cases of pacifism and in the United States armed forces, it is used to signify extraordinary bravery and excellence in combat marksmanship.

Sexual violence
"The Sexual Victimization of Men in America: New Data Challenge Old Assumptions" published in 2014 found a similar amount of men and women (the numbers vary by category between rape, sexal assault, timeframe and so on, but in each category, males reported in similar numbers as females)

Bureau of Justice Statistics released data in "Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth" followed by year numbers, revealing a lot of boys being raped there - the staff being primarily male, the perpetrators being primarily female staff.

59% of rapists being raped by older women (at a mean age of 10.86 years in the sample): Petrovich M, Templer DI: Heterosexual molestation of children who later became rapists. Psychological Reports 1984; 54:810

Single mothers do worse than married mothers and single fathers do better than smarried fathers:
Comparison of Parenting and Children's Behavior in Single-Mother, Single-Father, and Intact Families
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
Volume 29, 1998 - Issue 3-4 Pages 23-54