The Old Dog Presents: The Mundane as Art Round Nine. Moss and Lichen! 20 Steem in Prizes!

in mundaneart •  7 years ago 

Are moss and lichen just the ugly cousins of full grown plants, trees and flowers? I think not and I invite you to prove me correct!

First Let's Make Sure That we Understand Our Subject!

All definitions are from

  • Moss: "a small flowerless green plant which lacks true roots, growing in low carpets or rounded cushions in damp habitats and reproducing by means of spores released from stalked capsules."
  • Lichen: any complex organism of the group Lichenes, composed of a fungus in symbiotic union with an alga and having a greenish, gray, yellow,brown, or blackish thallus that grows in leaf like, crust like, or branching forms on rocks, trees, etc.

In This Round We're Turning Moss And Lichen Into Art!

With this clearly in mind let's look at some samples. I'll start with some pictures of moss that I took in my backyard just one hour ago!

Hmmm this is going to be a great round. I just took these quickly with my phone so you will do much better!

Here Are Some More Examples From!

The top two samples are moss and the bottom two feature lichen! I foresee a lot of great art coming from you!

Here's a Reminder of The Galleries That You've Already Helped Create!

  1. Art Exhibit of Manhole Covers!
  2. Your Photographs of Streets!
  3. Damaged Asphalt Gallery
  4. The Tree Bark Virtual Gallery
  5. Mundane Art: Stones
  6. The Mundane as Art: Grass
  7. The Mundane as Art: Rust!
  8. The Mundane as Art: Sand Patterns!
  9. The Mundane as Art: Moss And Lichen (Now in creation)

Here Are The Rules For The Contest With 20 Steem in Prizes!

  • One submission per person
  • If you enter a photo please also up vote this post.
  • You can create a post using the tag mundaneart but the photo must be posted in the comments here as well.
  • Feel free to use processing and editing to create a special look but I also love the natural look!
  • The photo must be your original work. Please don't use photos that you find on the internet!
  • Submissions will no longer be accepted after the post has payed out in 7 days.

This is going to be an exciting round as you help me to create another beautiful  Mundane as Art Gallery! 

What Mundane Object would Like to See Featured in Round Eight? 

Please let me know as your comments are noted, needed and appreciated! I hope that you enjoyed this article on "The Mundane as Art Round Nine. Moss and Lichen!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!

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I’m about to go to a forest after class so I can find some great examples of this :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here's my entry:


I hope people will like it.

I was waiting for one like this! Good old Canadian Shield Lichen!

When I first saw it I was thinking that it's painting. People were just passing by. Not me, though.

Very cool.

I have lived in Canada my whole life and have never seen Canadian Shield lichen...either that or I didn't notice as a kid growing up in the Muskokas every summer. This is so cool.

So so so beautiful. Violet and green together make the ultra magic. 🙏

I will get burrowing under that snow and find the moss!!!

Might I suggest a blow dryer and a 50 meter extension chord. We defrost the freezer with a blow dryer so I know that it will do the trick and 50 meters will allow you enough freedom to hunt down some moss!

I'll give you extra credit for diligence and even more for snow and moss in the same shot!

Also remember I allow Boomasized photos! As stated under rule number 3 "Feel free to use processing and editing to create a special look"

I think the good lady would have serious words with me if I tried to take her hair drier. She is oddly territorial about it!

I shall do my best. if I can boomasize (love that word) it without it looking fake then I will!! :O)

We are still waiting for the first @meesterboom original to grace one of our galleries which now include 8 virtual exhibits and almost 200 works!

It's an impressive collection. I shall endeavour to add to it!

I'm am amature wildlife photographer and just happened to be taking pictures of lichen today and now I find this comp. It must be a sign! Here is my submision, a Xanthoria species of some kind I believe, hope you like it.

Wow! are those mushrooms on top of moss?

No. This is just the way this species of Lichen grows I think.

One of the more interesting ones I have ever seen.

This is wonderful!

Thanks! I'm pretty pleased how it turned out. Was just doing some reading and according to the Woodland Trust there are 1700 species of Lichen here in the UK and some colonies are 8000 years old apparently! I think I shall have to learn more. :)

It's amazing how Steemit can stimulate our curiosity! Once again it's a great photo and a great find.

Totally awesome photo @timspawls

Thank you Michelle! :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This contest was made for me!

I always loved the colors and textures that can be found in the floor or walls, they're often as powerfull as the best abstract paintings.

I took this picture (among a lot more) in Mucubaji's Lagoon, in Mérida, Venezuela. It's an incredibly beautiful landscape and yet I was obsessed with the ground.

There were so many different compositions, but I chose this one because it has an interesting color palette, where green isn't a protagonist. Therefore, it looks almost artificial, like dry paint (talking about favorite textures), if not for the white lichen's amazing organic form.


(Taken with my Samsung Galaxy Mini S3)

Here's my full post
Thank you!

I was waiting for something like this. Beautiful!

Thanks! Glad you liked it (:

Me encanta

Gracias, amiguita <3

All of my favorite colors in one spot. Perfect.

Thank you! I think your entry is great too. Good luck!

Thanks for sending in your photo!

This is very painful. It's dry season here in Nigeria. All of it is dried. This is gonna be an ultimate search for me.

Hmmm, not sure what to say. It is a global competition but some areas have advantages at certain times of year. Another Steemer wrote me that all of the moss was buried in snow!

Of course, I know it is global. I will still look around, probably I will be lucky.

This would be cool but I do not really see them where I live

Maybe the next theme will suit you better!

Yeah, I hope so, thanks for your concern, it means a lot.

My entry:

Very nice!

My Submission:

Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 12.18.04 PM.png

A Pillow of Green Green Moss.

This is from a walk through a forest in Eastern Ontario along the Rideau River in Canada.


Great contest with a great theme!!! I really love how the moss and the lichen work to create art!!
This is my entry:

I love the small growth of moss on this pipe with the lichen growth. This is such a rustic piece, I would have it on my table as a display.

An amazing monument to the power and beauty of nature. Love the way the spiraling iron takes on the appearance of a tree trunk, with the moss, the canopy. 🍀

Oh my good strong Italian friend you have presented a beauty!

A green blanket of moss draped over the rock. Springtime in Wisconsin.


That's a great entry!

Choosing between the moss photo or the lichen photo was hard!🤣

so fluffy !

So beautiful Melinda. 🦋

Thanks, Ally!😘

Really good picture!!!

Thanks so much! The light was hitting it just right.

:-))) WOW


Of course you'd have a beautiful photo @melinda010100.... :) This is so cozy and soft looking, I can only imagine what it feels like.

Lol! It was absolutely lush! I had never seen any like it.

Wow! Healthiest moss I've seen in awhile, Melinda! :D And so fluffieee.... lol

Wow. Wonderful,

After looking at all the amazing images of Moss and Lichen submitted so far, I just have one question? How could anyone think of mosses and lichens as being 'mundane' ever again?

My contribution is one of my ephemeral art pieces called: Submerged and Frozen Lichens.


This is very nice @allyinspirit. It looks like something I'd like in a terrarium. The succulents add a nice element.

Thanks so very much @countrygirl.

Always loved terrariums and made a few miniature ones many light years ago. Had forgotten about them till now. On the ever expanding 'to do' list, to make them again in small glass/clear perspex cubes so you can could see the layers. 🦋

I've done those before too....really fun and relaxing - such an easy project. I'll bet yours would be fabulous.

I loved them ~ Not sure about anyone else though. I gave them to friends as presents, who used to wonder what they were and what to do with them. 🦋

@countrygirl, I continued my reply with a tale about a disastrous artwork I did while at artschool at: Mundane as Art: Round 9: Moss and Lichen. Submerged and Frozen Lichens.

Thanks for this.

Pleasure @kus-knee. So many truly amazing images of moss and lichens. Have loved seeing them all.
A few suggestions for other Mundane as Art topics: Someone mentioned 'puddles' ~ Which would be great. Grasses. Shells. Electrical cords. 🦋

Here is my entry. It's mostly about the shelf fungus, but the moss background is what I think really sets it off.

shelf fungus.JPG

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That was quick! I love your work and it's nice slowly getting to know you and what you can do!

Tip of the day: If you make it into a post I try my best to upvote that as well!

Thanks! Actually, this is an older shot and I already posted it a couple months ago when I first got on Steemit. I have a few other moss images that I haven't shared though, so I will put together a new post with those too and link back to your contest post. I have to run to a meeting now, but I'll do it later today.

OK, I just made a post out of it. I really do love these "mundane" themes. Thanks for organizing!

Here is my Entry. If you like this then i will make a post.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I like it very much and typically if someone makes a post I try and upvote it as well. Did you use a long shutter speed here?

I took that pic by a phone. Windows phone lumia-540.
Is it qualified??

Of course it is. I like it!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

okay .now i am post it on my blog.
thank you

Here is my Entry.@kus-knee
100% like and resteem

This is a wonderful submission. Thanks!


Is that moss growing on the snail shell too?

here's mine I love it and I hope you like it too

That's a nice one!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My pictures moss and lichen...

Have a nice day @kus-knee

These are great. One per person so I'll enter the second one. It's a great example!

I did not know which one to choose :))

Love the top one as well. Such unusual 'flowers.' 🍀

Took this one quite a while ago in Tongariro, New Zealand. I guess it qualifies for the category "lichen" or as we say in German "Flechte".

Hope you will get some better entries too!!
sweet as..

画像 223 (2).jpg

Very nice entry!

Taken alongside Zug lake in Switzerland


Very nice! Thanks for entering!

Hello @kus-knee!

Thank you for such an amazing theme. It's very inspiring. :)

Here comes my entry from the mysterious and magical Wistmans Wood in Dartmoor.


This is the most amazing moss and lichen growth I have ever seen. It's truly unforgettable. :)

I wonder if you stayed there for a while the moss would cover you too?? hehe.....Must have been magical!

Looks like the most amazing old growth forest but with light coming through. Beautifully photographed. 🍀

Hey @allyinspirit - I think you meant this reply for the person who took the photo but you replied to me instead. hehe....I do this too. Thot you'd want to know :)

Oh no. I'm such a Silly Billy sometimes. Glad I'm not the only one. ♥︎

Oooo, this is what Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada looks like. So magically delicious.

Thanks a lot for entering!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Shot around ten days ago infront of Charlottenburger Tor in Berlin


Click a picture to check out my entry post

Very nice @jumowa I'll enter the second one. Can you please teach me how to make the photo link to the article?


First post a picture.

Then surround the whole code with [] and add the link you want it to link to (link)

OK cool, the same as a hyper link. Thanks!

thank you !! :-) I managed it too!


yes for sure Yay ! I am so blond when I have to learn stuff, that I am proud I managed ! :-)

With your attitude you can manage everything

haha :-) At least I think I will manage everything, that is how blond I am! lol

Moss forest macro (taken with my Olympus E-410+Raynox lens)
Click on the pic to see it in full res)

Very nice @kalemandra

I like it but is it moss or rather some type of fern?

It's indeed moss. I remember that these mushrooms were tiny ones, some few centimeters high and the ground was full of that fresh and soft moss.
Central Switzerland, where I took the photo, is known to be very wet and some sorts of moss can grow up to that size. But it can not be compared with the moss that I saw in the woods near Gustavus, Alaska in the early 90ies. By places it was at least 30 to 50 cm high. I didn't know that either before, but moss can grow quite high under favourable conditions.
Add to that the fact that I was lying on the ground for this photo. It was supposed to be a so-called "bugs eye" shot and I guess for the bug, whose view I try to imitate in these shots, this moss really looks like fern.
Have a great day, @kus-knee! :)

Thanks for the explanation. You're a real adventurer!

Beautiful green jungle of moss and mushrooms. Love how you've shown the forest in the distance as well Patrick. 🍀

Thank you so very much, Alison!

At TSU I had a channel called "Bugs eye photography" and I loved to post this kind op photos and some from an even lower angle. On these pics you could have an idea from the "jungle" this area must be for the Bug.

Pleasure Patrick. There's nothing like actually being/lying on the ground to take images of the beauty there, from the view of ground creatures. It can be 'challenging' to lie on the earth here now because of tics. But this area looks like it would be tic and any other 'harmful insect' free? 🦋

You're so right, Alison. The only thing you risk is to get dirt on your clothes. OK, you better be careful not to lie down in glass fragments or rusty metal left behind by unmindful contemporaries. But we do not have dangerous snakes and/or harmful insects. :)

I like this :-) I expect Chinese nones under the mushroom heads. Fairytale-like!

Thank you, Janine-Ariane! I like it to walk through these woods, because the atmosphere is indeed Fairytale-like there. ;)

Here is an old photo of my troll in the woods, it's not that mundane, but hey :P

My goodness, you have a LOT of entries!! Good luck sorting through them all!

Indeed. Thanks for joining in the fun!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I was not very active on this site and I think I lost many interesting challenges. I love this one so... I am in! :) Here is my entry

I absolutely love your photo and I'm quite sure that it will find a place on the walls of our next gallery!

Thank you very much! It is an encouragement for me to continue here!

Beautiful! I Love the colors!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you! Foliose lichens growing on the twigs of a shrub. The lobes, about 1 cm diameter, are silvery-grey above and black below.

Hello! Great idea for a contest.
This is my entry~ smartphonephotography~20180121_143612.jpg

Thanks for the entry!

Hello Old Dog and fellow steemians. This is my entry for Round Nine - Moss! This is a fun and popular subject : )![mundaneart-moss.jpg]


Thanks for the entry!

Thank you for another fun topic : )

Wow @kus-knee, you totally changed my mind about moss and lichen. I haven't got such skills as a photographer, but I will try to do my best in this challenge.

Here is my entry:



I like your pictures and thanks for sending them in. There doesn't appear to be any moss or algae in them but perhaps in a closeup of the cement between the stones you might find some.

😨Oh! You are right. I must have taken some more close up 😯 Ow well, I was glad to participate anyway. Thank you @kus-knee 😘

Thanks to you for your visit and your support!

Here's my lichen entry!!

Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at 5.54.03 PM.png

Wow country girl. I LOVE this! That is art!!!!

Thanks so much sir. I appreciate your kind words.

This picture is so beautiful. I like how the rock's blue-ish grey brings the other colors together. Well done!

Thanks @sarahart! You and I have the same kind of lichen photos.....I love what it does to the rocks.

cool texture and colors :)

I can't take the credit for that!!! Lichen is such a great painter!

You must have had such a hard time choosing which photograph to submit. All three are absolutely incredible. 🍀

They're the blankets that keep the rocks warm!

That's a good description!

There's some nice photos here... The only moss I can think of around here is on my knees!

Thats a good way to look at it!

Photo taken in Hidalgo, México.

Thanks so much!

That's a beauty!

Thank you:) @kus-knee Pl Check other photographs of the same post

I never knew there was a difference between moss and lichen 😬 now you have me curious! maybe I can find something in my backyard to present for the contest.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Give it a shot. Maybe at Parco Breggia!

This is my entry for The Mundane as Art, Round Nine; " Moss and Lichen." I discovered this interesting lichen growing over a post. The beautiful hydrangea flowers made an attractive backdrop and when I took a longer look at this photo I got the impression that the lichen was attempting to imitate the flowers with their condensed curly shapes. (Me and my imagination!) Thank you @kus-knee for getting in touch.
WM lichen covered post.AD jpg.jpg
A suggestion for another Mundane Round. How about Leaves? They can be very mundane but there are so many different varieties.

Great picture and thanks for the theme idea!

Thank you very much @kus-knee And, you’re very welcome. 🌸

Lovely Trudee. Yes, the textures are so similar. 🙏

Thank you @allyinspirit 🌺


I took this photo at Yangming Mountain in Taipei, Taiwan during the annual flower festival. Of course the moss had been there for a long time but the delicate white petals that had fallen on the lush carpet of green caught my eye.

Oh wow! Another great entry from @snooway!

Thanks @kus-knee

Great. Thanks for joining in the fun!

@kus-knee,here is my entry, i found this picture, and there is moss, if you like a close-up from moss no problem, i liked the full pictyure :-)

Thanks @vee2180

you asked me if I had any ideas , well this is one ;-)

Wow. So Beautiful...
Love it!

Thank you :-)

hay@kus_knee i have found it very hardly a little bit but i hope u will like itppppppppppppppppppppppp.jpg

I do like it!

i glade u do!

The beauty of the unexpected moss



Very well done!

Woooooow! What a great contest, although i am in the northern part here, and here seems to be dry but i hope to stroll out and make some enquiries tomorrow because i would really love to participate in this contest, thanks for this opportunity @kus-knee

Who knows what you might find if you look around. Maybe in a dry area you'll have some unique specimens!


I don't know how you come up with these things, Lolz you never disappoint. This is a great arts idea and I can't wait to see the best and most compelling arts from dear steemians. Go #mundaneart. Nice contest in btw

Your entry would be most welcome!

I would look around if I find any of them in my area as they are not too common here. I mean the moss and lichen. But if am lucky to find, u bet I would be taking a load of pictures lol

Greetings @kus-knee!

Had to enter this one, especially since I think I was one of the ones who suggested this topic! Had fun with this-- this is the picture I would like to enter in the contest... but there's also a whole post with pictures at the end of the link below.

Yes you were the one that inspired this round. I forgot to mention it but I hadn't forgotten. Thanks for the post as well!

The moss can be a very beautiful piece of art when portraits use a macro lens. I am very fond of small life photos like insects, mushrooms and other small life. But I have not got to the moss. I think this is very interesting to do. I will photograph the moss later with the original style from me. I'm sure this contest is very unusual. Thanks for sharing @kus-knee.

Ok looking forward to it! always introduce new photo competitions :) cool

Yes, my goal is to help everyone have the chance to enjoy the platform and earn some Steem!

Thank you for posting @kus-knee.

Steemians appreciate these contests.

From bleujay's current post for the week...a bit of moss.


Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

Thanks for entering!

This is great and creative contest @kus-knee!!! Well done!!!
Tomorrow I'll take photos of lichens😉!


Excellent the challenge of this week, I will see in my family albun with what I can contribute.
Thank you very much dear friend @ kus-knee for the opportunity to have fun in your dessafiro
I wish you a prosperous week

Blessing to you as well @jlufer!

Im not going to let any moss grow under my feet and get right into this one LOL

I'm expecting a Renoir from a Rembrandt!

I think I have images of mosses on my gallery. I just need to look for it.

Anyway, this is an interesting competition. It is very unique for people to share shots of different mosses and lichens. two thumbs up

Thanks a lot. I'm waiting for your entry!

Nice contest idea with great potential to improve creativity of participants. Thanks @kus-knee.

I hope to have a submission from you!


It's a great idea for the contest. Unfortunately in my country, Romania, it's snowing, so I can not take photos with moss and lichen. :(

All the best for you!

So sorry. Maybe the next round will suit you better. How about "The Mundane as Art: Snow"! :)

That could work well!

Yes, it sounds good, I can hardly wait to participate :)

we have winter here so moss is not growing. Reminds me though "As moss grows fat on a rolling stone." lyric from a song you may know or can guess. Indeed it will be a good round.

We have winter here too but I found some moss on a wall. Not sure how cold it is in your neck of the woods!

just seeing this and its already too late to go outside but am surely coming up with one tomorrow...

Go for it!

I hope you like my entry though not very good

I actually see a lot of beauty in it!

Yes thanks freind @kus-knee

It's not fair! We are covered with snow!)) There is no Moss and Lichen here. Only bears!

Send a picture of a bear. I love them from when I lived in Canada!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But I don't want to die so young :((

Do you have a telephoto lens?

I will probably need to buy it specially for bears! Otherwise, they will do bad things to me!)

I'm in! Do I ever have moss and lichen photos... Now, I need to find the right one! ;) Thanks for the contest, looking forward to participate.

Namaste :)

Ok Great! You always have very nice photos!

Here is my entry
Although not necessarily you like it

Nice i will tell others to take part in this :D

And you?

bello questo tema! ci sarò

I shall wait patiently!

A good reason to take a walk in the woods!

Of course and don't forget your camera!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @kus-knee
This truly took me time to get cause the rain-fall here is limited now, although i found one somewhere and brownish in colour so i used photoshop to edit and some other cool things


Very cool! I like the pattern here!

thats nice to hear

Hey @kus-knee, on one of your posts I promised to join on your contest. Here it is!


I hope you like it. This is a shot from few hours ago and I did a lot of it and put it on a Post here:
On this post, I talked about my thoughts of your contest/challenge and my thoughts about the mundane. To be honest, It was really challenging, I had creative block at the beginning until I managed to make few decent photos from a bunch of shots. Anyway I hope you visit my post, Thanks for initiating this contest! Have a great day ahead!

I really like your photo!

Thanks a lot @kus-knee!

Winner of lichens!))) Thanks for the interesting idea))) That's my contribution)))

This has an interesting twist!

Here is my entry
Have a great day :))
moss b.JPG

It is always a pleasure to get an entry from you @pepe.maya

Very fairytale like 🦋👍🏻

This is my entry @kus-knee

Be sure to click on the image for the full size image!

Very nice example for our gallery!

thank you @kus-knee .
the next I will continue to follow the activity that you held.
and I ask permission to you, to the next whether I may translate your posts into the language of the my country. of course this will be more people who follow the contest that you held.
i come from Aceh, Indonesia

Feel free to translate. Thanks!

This tree looks like it could walk on the many roots it's grown - like a multi legged octopus! I can even see a face! lol. Nice shot.

Oh, this is a good one! I think I need to go on an adventure! Watch this space! 😆

Here is my entry for you:

Some more in my post!

Let's see if you can come up with another masterpiece!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I usually walk straight without looking either side much. But seems that I have to change my walking pattern to locate moss and lichen .

Change can sometimes be good!

Moss, macro shooting :)


Thanks @tanata it's always great to have an entry from a pro like you!

Interesting! I quite like these miniature landscapes.

thank you very much for your attention

Super image ~ Far from being mundane. 🍀

thank you very much friend I'm glad you like it...

Pleasure. The sea green/aqua is beautiful and lovely how the mosses fade into a background of what suggests lakes.

Yes it is

And again a fascinating contest! Only at us all has brought by a snow and it is necessary to me properly to search for moss or a lichen. But I'll try, I think I can handle the task))). I'll dig snow if I have to. Good luck and patience to you!

И опять увлекательный конкурс! Только у нас все занесло снегом и мне придется хорошенько поискать мох или лишайник. Но я постараюсь, думаю справлюсь с задачей))). Буду копать снег, если придется. Удачи и терпения вам!

Finally, I was able to find something worthy. -


Here's my entry:
Upvote Resteem

Here's my official entry for this week's MundaneArt Photo Contest, including the link to the little presentation of this photograph.

@eric-boucher, "Of Lichen and Moss" Mundane Art 9.jpg

Namaste :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, this photo is taken in the Crimea, on a small waterfall.

Изображение 067.jpg

So magical. Beautifully captured. 🍀

Here is my entry for the contest.
I posted that picture 2 days ago in my steemit blog. Thanks to @steemclaira for the link to this contest.

Macro shot of moss in a flowerpot

Click to zoom

Like a mini landscape. Beautifully photographed. 🍀

This reminds me of an embroidered paisley fabric. So delicate.

This is so beautiful. Seriously, amazing!

Beautiful and extraordinary colour and patterning. Giving artistic expression to lichens that can be overlooked and thought of as 'mundane.' 🍀

We have a lot of snow, for this reason, pictures taken by me in November).


Here is the continuation)) -

Entry: some Shrek's ears for your lichen collection:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO200, f5.6, 1/30s

These are cool @ocrdu. They look like little green goblets collecting the water.

They are. When they are full, the next rain drop spatters away the spores in the water; it is how they spread.

I never knew that....makes sense. Thanks for letting me know. :)

It gives you a instant smile :-)

Extra extraordinary @ocrdu. Really glows. 🍀

Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi! @kus-knee, here is my entry... In this old trunk, there's a lot, lots of moss. I thought it was beautiful!.

I shot this back East on Long Island. I have many other Moss/Lichen shots but I thought this one was the most unique. Here you can see the lichen have taken over the mailbox and you can see more on the trees in the background. Makes getting your Bills and Junk Mail a little more fun :)


My idea for another #mundaneart contest object is "puddles".


Love it. A letter box really fits the bill of Mundane. But having lichens growing over it changes the dynamic somewhat. 🍀

Love the idea of 'puddles' as well Steve. 🙏

thanks for checking it out :)

Thanks to @countrygirl I found your interesting contest. Here's my entry, a long exposure photo taken at a stream in the Bay Area:

You made it!! So glad you are participating in this contest. This is a beautiful spot with the refreshing pool and all that green goodness! Good luck!

Yoohoo! thanks for the referral :)

👍🏻👍🏻 - I meant to upvote you but hit myself by accident....fixed that :)


I like this too.....more of those little cups.....its nice with that knot in the wood surrounded by rust colors...very good!

thank you @countrygirl, I made serial of photos that day, all the trees in yard had something on crust..and it was surprising since the trees were grown and fruits were picked from them, they are not forest trees...

So fascinating Dunja.

thank you again @allyinspirit :)

Hey @kus-knee

Here is my entry for the contest:


It was really hard to decide which photo to put in the contest, so i created a post about it with couple of more photos and some explanation. Maybe you'll like any other? If you would like to check the post. Click on the photo to get you there.

I have a proposition for the next mundane as art for you:


After all it's winter time in Europe :)

I like your ice idea!

my entry took from my recent trip to Volcano Hawaii FA27F027-32CE-4858-8766-24D5EF090B7F.jpeg

It is really good the way you are giving a good message to the world. I love this your post.

In the snowy ice environment!
Here's my entry:


Hello from Serbia

This is so delicate - frozen in time. I like this very much :) Hello from Canada !

Thank you, that's so nice of you, @countrygirl.

Such a very special moss and lichen image @soricatech. Looks so fresh and alive. 🦋

Thank you very much, @allyinspirit. :)
Nature is incredibly beautiful and immensely inspiring!
Beautiful, incredible moss and lichen are really fresh and look great during the winter.

Pleasure and so true. We can gain so much inspiration just being in and observing nature. You are so lucky to live with this sort of 'natural wonderland' with ice and its magic. 🦋

Beautiful and soft mix with the blurred red browns in the background.

Thank you very much

Good Luck to All

Well my viewers choose this:


Looks not unlike one of our Aussie logs @old-guy-photos.🍀

#5 for the win! :)

Hello from Lille, France. Sony a6000 + Helios 44.


I love this reminds me of a sea sponge.

Your wish is my command @kus-knee. I made a special effort just for you. And very happy about it too. Here's my entry:

Go @gillianpearce!! You "rocked" it. :)

You're to kind @countrygril! Thanks so much and for the reminder. 😍

It's incredibly beautiful Elena. Love the soft greens of your moss. 🍀

Thank you so much, Alison!

Beautiful micro world of mosses. Photograph brings out not only the beauty but the feeling of the mosses being so alive. 🍀

This is my entry:

DSCN0037 (2).JPG

This is cool! Is there a statue underneath or did you put a stone mask there because of the curves?

yes i am curios to now :-)

I hope we find out !! :)

yes :)

This is an awesome subject for a contest! Here's a picture of Lord Shelton exploring some moss! I hope the inclusion of Lord Shelton doesn't detract from the spirit of mundaneness.


If you'd like to see how I made Lord Shelton here's the tutorial post:

If you'd like to read about Lord Shelton's personality here's his introduceyourself article

(P.S. I hope the inclusion of those links aren't considered spam (they've both been paid out) but please let me know if you'd like me to remove them as I'd be happy to.)