Listen to Donate

in music •  7 years ago 

I used to be active on - and liked the "click-to-donate" concept, so I got the idea, why not make a "listen-to-donate" concept, and thus set up
The hard thing was to monetize the plays however - For a long time I used the Reverbnationplayers, as they did pay out small amounts for plays, and then had Google ads on the page. The ads did generate quite some money, but of course Google closed the account, as I've learned many small websites have experienced with Ad-sense, just before payout, they send people some message that they ban the account, and you don't get the payout - so you have been tricked into giving advertisers free website exposure, and Google keep the whole revenue in their own pockets
Well to make a long story short, it was hard to monetize on the concept, because after the donating songs got on the streaming and download platforms, traffic went to Youtube videos mainly - well and as you all know, they hardly pay you anything, again Google stuffing advertisers money n their pocket for your hard work

So a couple of months ago, I stumbled upon a post from @DJLethalskillz about cryptocurrencybased musciservices. Awesome, especially because he actually was participating on the first project Beats4Change did, an album donating money to Save The Children during the civil war in Libya - >


SO thanks to the cryptocurrency initiatives in music, Beats4Change finally monetize decently on the "listen-to-donate" concept, and even better doing it ad-free - at first by joining Musicoin, and recently even dropping Youtube like a rotten apple, after finding BitTube - >

A special thanks to @atomcollector for all the informative posts about how to work with cryotocurrencies, and all the awesome services networking cryptomusicians !!

Basically I see economy as Production-Distribution-Consumption of goods and services - and just as in the real world, this is true for the cryptoeconomy - You can mine resources, and keep them in a vault, and value will come from what people think it's worth, but the true value in this come from the expectations what these resources can be produced into, and the use the products have for people - true value come from WORK that turn the rawmaterial into a product in a market - so am happy to see services emerging, that provide value through services in the cryptoworld, services that is decentralized, mutually beneficial and adfree !!


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Great to have u on the blockchain and its an honor to take part in ur initiatives, im sure u will do lots of more great things with the power of the blockchain and have a much better impact in what u doing. Keep it up and u know u got my full support. Salute!

Thanks a lot for the encouragement

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