The Music You Listen to Can Affect to Success

in music •  7 years ago 

Since childhood, even in the womb we have been introduced to the world of music by people around us, both classical music, jazz, dangdut, mixed sari, pop, rock, EDM, and so on.

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Music is a collection or arrangement of sounds, tones and rhythms that have a certain rhythm and contain content or values ​​for certain feelings. The term music comes from the Greek word mousikos, which is taken from one of the names of gods.

Music is one of the artistic expression mediums besides dancing, singing, painting. Besides entertaining, music can also educate humans, as a health therapy to treat stress in humans. Listening to music can also affect mood or mood, music will make your days when you do activities, whether at home, school, campus, office, or just hanging out with friends more coloring. Especially now in this era of technological development, it's easier for us to access music. Gadgets that can download and store favorite music, various online music streaming applications, to the emergence of many free and paid music festivals.

Based on research conducted by Ferguson, a scientist from the University of Missouri, published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, people can improve their mood and happiness in just 2 weeks by listening to music.

Listening to music makes our moods affected because music makes the body produce dopamine. Increasing dopamine in the brain that responds to music proves that humans get pleasure after listening to music.

Sometimes people think that mood problems are trivial, something that is taken lightly, even though it turns out that a person's mood affects his success. The mood itself is a state of one's mood that pervades, lasts a long time, and colors one's perception of his life. According to a psychology professor from Standford University, America, Philip G. Zimbardo, because changes in one's mood are often subjective or unclear. It can be triggered by external factors or emotions that become someone's innate. This atmosphere can change in a matter of hours or days that often affect one's passion for doing something or can even influence their decisions and actions.

There is a strong correlation between a person's mood and happiness or success. Good moods make it easier for people to focus and be passionate about their activities and work (Prof. Sonja Lyubomirsky's research). The atmosphere of happiness, focus, and enthusiasm for activities will make it easier for the way to achieve the desired results or success. In addition, music that contains positive lyrics will increase creativity while working. While bad mood or bad mood will cause a way of thinking, saying, and doing things lazily and not excited. People will tend to delay work so that success will be achieved in a long time.

But apparently not all music genres can increase your productivity in doing various things. Some classical music with medium tempo is good to increase work productivity, especially work related to numbers or need more concentration, because in classical music song lyrics are rarely found. Music that contains lyrics in it can interfere with focus while working. With lyrics tends to make us sing the song so that our concentration will be divided. Electronic music that has a repetitive tone will not interfere with your focus. Pop music is good to hear when doing work related to data entry or when you are chasing deadlines.

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