西格瑪音樂自然健康 ς能量音樂與自然健康
聆聽時可閉上眼睛、緩慢呼吸、安靜放鬆──天籟之音、琴韻悠揚...... 靜靜地體會每音符敲擊在相應五臟六腑和每條經絡時的感受(請勿往往,切勿期盼),順其自然,由點到線,由片到面,當全身都沐浴在音符的共振中和全身被樂章所包圍,每當音符由開始時的氣勢磅礡到之後的餘音繚繞在體內共鳴時的氣血方剛和綿延不絕,當不同的旋律和節奏沁入肺腑人心脾,全身的氣血都跳音符跳音符作用,動作不同的身體器官時之時,這種美妙的感覺和和組織產生無窮回味和心受益身,並且可以人體潛能和有機會進入狀態或胎息; 哪裡有特別(失衡)的感覺,即說明那裡有問題和障礙,那裡的經絡不通和氣血受阻(音波受阻時會來回反射產生激盪),音波的滲透力迴腸蕩氣,可克服並消除這些障礙,讓絡恢復暢通,臟腑恢復功能,從而恢復健康; 音波全自動運作、自動尋的、自動滲透、自動到達應該去的地方,讓人身體健康、青春美麗和聰明智慧。
close your eyes, slow down your breath and relax, just listen.
Silently experience the sensation when each musical note knocks on corresponding internal organs and meridians, without any hard thinking and hoping and take it easy.
If you feel any strange, such as cold, hot, warm, painful, headache or others stating in MingXuan Reactions, at a particular point or place of your body, it shows there is problem or obstacle there, where meridians and Qi & Blood are obstructed. The strong penetrating force of sound waves can overcome and eliminate such obstacles, then open the obstructed meridians, restore internal organs to their original functions, thus recuperating the patient.
Our energy music sound waves work automatically in searching targets, penetrating and going where they shall go. They help bring back your health, youth, beauty and wisdom.