What happens when you have two brothers, who aren't tailor made for radio, jump on a track that sounds phenomenal enough for radio?
You can ponder on that question, but while doing that, listen to Live from the Basement. They've never made "commercially viable music" and somehow they've both ended up on radio. I call it the Nirvana effect. They have never and probably never will conform to the industry standard of commercial music, they don't chase the mainstream, the mainstream is instead chasing them. This track proves it, as it's not designed for radio, but should be on that platform.
You're transported on a journey from the beginning of the song as it has an almost 80's/90's feel to it. Considering that Kimosabe mentions he's fathers influence on he's musical tastes, the retro feel is deliberate. Kimosabe sings about how far he has come and how long this journey took him, all while leaving the listener knowing that he still has a long road ahead of him.
Then came the verse that almost left me in tears, if not for me being at work; BYLWANSTA's heartwarming verse. He's made no secret about how he's brother influenced him or how proud he is of he's older brother, but when it's said on wax with this much emotion and conviction it touches the soul. I'm part of this insanely NORMVL group of BYLWANSTA fans and on behalf of all of us we thank Kimosabe for allowing our fearless leader to shine on this track.
This song deserves to be heard by every aspiring artist, just so that they know how far these two have come and how far they could potentially take it. South Africa stand up and take note, the kings have arrived.