'Electropumpkin' - New Original Music/Chord Progression Practice! - Electro/Instrumental + Walkthrough!

in music •  7 years ago 

Screenshot 2018-06-22 20.13.42.png

So this isn't a complete

song, and I don't like the sounds of the drums too much (or really the synths lol), but I was mostly focused on the chord progression that Tracks 1 and 2 play. I like to just practice chord progression with random instruments, and hence you get a "song" like this, lol. The progression itself turned out really cool, and I am probably going to take this melody and do something with it on a piano with drums and bass only, cause the whole "electro" sort of vibe is a bit goofy. But in the meantime... Let's get into it!

Listen to Electropumpkin here.

So Tracks 1 and 2 play our main progression,

with Track 2 having the dancey video game arpeggiated sort of feel. The progression begins on an F#min, but move down to a D# (sharp Vi in the key), which feels super dark. This sound reminded me of a Smashing Pumpkins song, hence the title. After those 2x through, we play 2 Four Chord parts: F#, D#, C#dim, back to D#, then the second time through: F#, D#, C# (not diminished this time) back to D#, then repeat the whole part thus far. This section is in F#major, which makes the move back to minor really strong and obvious.

Screenshot 2018-06-22 20.14.11.pngF#min to D#, Tracks 1 and 2, described above.

Track 3 is our drums

which I essentially just added to jam over a bit. I really don't like the sound of the kit here, so that'll definitely be changed. Track 4 comes in playing the chord from the progression, but with a beepy-delayed synth sound, just to layer things a bit. Track 5 only comes in towards the middle and the end of the song, playing a crazy noisey synth sound, which drops down to an F# then fades out. Again, just a random addition to layer things a bit, I was tiring of the sound at the this point, despite how much I dig the progression itself, lol.

Listen to Electropumpkin here.

The final track,

#6, only comes in as a little transition between sections, playing a water droplet sound that sort of floats upwards before disappearing into the next section.

I hope you dig the walkthrough and the progression! I know this is kind of goofy in timbre, so when I re-use this progression, I'll be sure to do an updated post with the new hotness!

||| EP 1 - Bandcamp | EP 2 - Bandcamp | EP 3 - Bandcamp |||
||| EP 4 - Bandcamp | EP 5 - Bandcamp | EP 6- Bandcamp |||

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Mind-blowing music and amazingly composed by you. Cangun hood is so fabulous. Very well created. I appreciate your work @grapthar. 🤗

Thanks for sharing this post.

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