I was bored last night, and had an hour

or so to myself before I went to sleep, so I visited PianoBook, an awesome, free resource for sampled instruments, which I've mentioned a few times in the past. The instruments are all sampled by users, who submit them from all over the world. Many of them are Kontakt instruments, and supposedly run in Kontakt Player (the free version), but often tell me my Kontakt Player isn't up to date, though it is. So, I generally look for instruments that will run in DecentSampler or Sforzando, both of which are free tools to play sampled sounds. Here, I used a couple of instances of 'Parallel Inversions', which you can see pictured to the right, which has some interesting dissonances you can create by sliding up and down the volume on various intervals (numbered at the top). Outside of that new instrument, I used an older Pianobook sound pack, NIUE, which has some really solid, simple synth sounds of various kinds. I also, of course, added a ROLI synth at the bottom, haha, and, an instance of Thermal. I included a screenshot of the Thermal UI below, because it's just so awesome. I thought Portal looked incredible, Thermal is next level. Overall, I'm not sure if this idea is something I'd ever pursue, but I figured the sounds are at worth experimenting with, so here they are!