With a Song in My Heart (and on My Mind)

in music •  7 years ago 

I'm a big fan of musicals. Interestingly enough, my favorite part is the dancing. I'll share more about my enjoyment of that in another post. I haven't seen any stage performances for awhile. As I've noted previously, health issues have kept me from doing different things. Though, next month, the local theater will be putting on a production of, Guys & Dolls, that my husband & I plan to attend. We've seen the film, but, have never seen it live. This will be a treat.

This post isn't so much about musicals as songs. Many well known & loved songs have come from musicals. Which brings me to what I wanted to share. Songs that we have memorized. I know a few lyrics from many different songs. One I do know completely by heart is, Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific. Which song(s) do you know all of the words to?

Some Enchanted Evening--Rodgers & Hammerstein

Some enchanted evening
You may see a stranger,
you may see a stranger
Across a crowded room
And somehow you know,
You know even then
That somewhere you'll see her
Again and again.

Some enchanted evening
Someone may be laughin',
You may hear her laughin'
Across a crowded room
And night after night,
As strange as it seems
The sound of her laughter
Will sing in your dreams.

Who can explain it?
Who can tell you why?
Fools give you reasons,
Wise men never try.

Some enchanted evening
When you find your true love,
When you feel her call you
Across a crowded room,
Then fly to her side,
And make her your own
For all through your life you
May dream all alone.

Once you have found her,
Never let her go.
Once you have found her,
Never let her go!

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