Mayhem's Horror History

in music •  6 years ago  (edited)

First. I have to tell you that this history might disgust you or at least. left you thinking about how distorted human mind. It contains information, that some people wouldn’t understand the reason of...


Norway is an admirable country, example of a culture, development and social system that may keep the envy of much others others, is almost everything we want for our country to be, however, no single place in the world can be perfect, and as others, it keeps Darkness and records of atrocious events that has passed down in the history.

The country contains (As normal in nordic countries) an enormous contemporary music fanbase,, being recognized for his love to Metal, in specially subgenres like Gothic , Death metal and Black metal . Taking the example of the early Black Metal Bands, combined with antisocial behavior of the late 80’s, the youth started to revolutionized the genre creating new bands.



That's how Mayhem was created. In 1984 by guitarist Øystein Aarseth , known as "Euronymous" (which means “Death God” in greek) ; altogether with Jørn Stubberud and Kjetil Manheim . Through their firsts years, the band passed down with lots of members and no single song recorded or any fame, just being recognized thanks to their contributions to the genre in the Underground scene, but

It was just a matter of time for fame and dead to come for them…


In 1986, a box was delivered for the group while looking for new members, a small package containing a demo tape, and a letter, but there was something wrong, the box was fetid, rotting flesh scattered across it… It was a crucified Rat. The sender. Per Ohlin , better known as Dead .

Dead joined the band in 1988, and wasn’t exactly the kind of person you hope to meet. The other members described Him as "A very strange personality".

"Depressed, melancholic, and dark",
"A guy you could know very well, hard to get close to, with apparently no humor except for a very obscure one".

Everything, thanks to an accident. He was found clinically death for a prolonged time, when he woke up… Everything in had changed-

He had a different perspective of life, obsessed with death, yearning it, due to to visions he Saw while he found himself, for a period, in that cold unknown place, where everybody is afraid to be.

He… believed himself dead, so much, that erratic behaviors like bury his clothes into the ground so that they could start to rot and carry dead crow in bag in order to have grave scent was normal... for him. He also kept dead birds under his bed, to smell death whenever he wanted.
He also changed the dynamic of the band, putting and throwing impale pig heads in the stage, he even cut himself with a broken bottle and splatter his blood to public.

In time, Dead's situation and fascination with death caused his mental state to worsen. He would try to cut himself while with his friends,this made upset people around, but, Euronymous became fascinated with Dead's suicidal tendencies, even encouraging Dead to kill himself.


Year. 1991. Dead and Euronymous were living in a house in the woods; Dead is everytime more depressed and obsessed, to the point of getting the band everyone nervous, everyone, except Euronymous, With whom Dead, had a really bad relationship.So bad that In point, Dead went outside to sleep in the woods because Euronymous was playing music that he hated, then Euronymous in an act of insanity, when outside and began to shoot to nowhere with a shotgun, waiting, that maybe one shell would come to Dead.

Depression, Insane relationships and mad obsession with something; something that would be, in the end, easy to obtain. The time passed, and so,

April came..


April 8th, another sad and lonely day in Norway, also, in Dead’s life. That morning, He was left alone in the house.There, wrote some words, and , in the cold and dark loneliness. He slit his wrists and throat… Blood sprayed everywhere, room stained. He was finally, going to accomplish his wish. But , with a suffocating pain, wet and sticky of sitting in his own musty blood, he decided...
everything... was too much to handle- .

then shot himself in the forehead with a shotgun.


At this point, all the history seems like a messed up experience for anyone, but sometimes, human acts makes you ask yourself, how much insane can people become, especially, people around you...

Euronymous, had found dead's smelly, amorphous and nasty body, instead of got stunned, he found amusement in the act. He found the body but couldn’t get access to it, The doors were locked, there was no keys; he got sight of the body through the window. He didn’t call the police, instead, went to shop, bought a camera and broke the windows of the house. after rearranging some items, he photographed the horrendous act in a “Stylish” and artistic way, even put the pictures in his album. Later Euronymous made a stew with bits of Dead's putrid brain and necklaces with bits of his shattered skull, later gave them to musicians he deemed worthy.

He clutter about Dead’s suicide, his sadistic nature came up to the level that he forced his friends, in numerous times to watch the pictures. petrified and fearful of Euronymous acts, many rifted their relationship, sinking him into darkness more and more

Euronymous and the other members of the band started to become more radical, his behavior wasn’t normal anymore. He started a relationship with a Bassist called Varg Vikernes , young and distraught as him. He expected to raise him under his wing, for him to become someone like him; and in fact, he did.

Both started to promote hatred and fear, mostly to promote the Band, other times, because they like it.Vikernes and Euronymous began to burn to ground christian churches and intimidate all faith’s members, at least 5 were burned by them. Obviously the Band was subject of investigation by police, they were all too far gone… Their nauseating history must had ended alredy.

Vikernes learned too much from Euronymous, even, his psychotic social traits, this led to a rivalry between both artist, and with that, a relationship that while time passed, was going broken. it was just a matter of time for both wanting to kill each other.

Some say that says that Euronymous had plotted to stun Vikernes with an electroshock weapon, tie him up and torture him to death while videotaping the event. Unfortunately for him, Vikernes was more rash, when he found out about Euronymous’ plan, went directly to climb the stairs straight to Euronymous’ apartment, he met him at the door and told Euronymous he wanted to talk about their contract, but Euronymous, felt something wrong… when Vikernes stepped forward to confront Euronymous, Euronymous got intimidated, fearful of walking to the unknown and cold valley that his friend once walked He kicked him in the chest. A struggle had begun, after a hard fight, Euronymous took a knife to end what he started, shamefully for him, he failed. Vikernes almost died facing him, He was decided, he quick took Euronymous’ knife and stabbed him in all the middle of his head. His eyes went flying out, the gross and disfigured face of Euronymous was pool of blood and brains, but that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted more, furious, stabbed the body over… and over… and over again.

Mayhem terror reign was finally over, Vikernes was arrested and found not only for murder Euronymous, also the arson three churches, the attempted arson of a fourth church and even for the theft and storage of 150 kg of explosives that Gossips said, were going to be used for a terrorist attack.

The sentence was 21 years in prison, and, one may think, what in that situacion, a normal human being would look like or react like.. Crying, anger and ache, is what one might expect, and let me tell you, instead of that, Vikernes gift to the world, one of the most sadistic smiles to be remembered. (Yes, the man of that infamous image, is in fact, Vikernes.) .




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