«««-BackSteps into the BackSides-»»»

Good evening folks! One more time, we've arrived to the treshold of a new relaxed #abstractauralbit weekend. So, here's the 'sixth' batch of those rare, singular, memorable and astoundingly good old songs to make you fly in pure delight from your rocking chair. An additional handful of extraordinarily stunning tunes that I've been including in my past posts through the months in which I've been in steemit.
Immersive Sonic Stimuli, audiovisually embededed within good readings from the past. To launch you one more time, across a highly pleasing and awesome voyage of peaceful discovery and inspiration. So, don't miss the chance buddies. And fill up your tank every friday with high octane fuel visiting the main gas station by clicking on the #abstractauralbit tag.
Since we have registered for a new promising year, we must fill it out early with renovated good feelings, new positive expectations, a better future and more and better music. ¿We agree? ;)
So, without more babbling let's start the parade.
Make yourself comfortable and light your nice little cigarette. ¡Because the party is going to start!

«The Spark That Lights Us Up»
«Wasting Some Gunpowder On Vultures»
«Continuing With The Cranky Rave»
Well folks, that's all for tonight!! This is the sixth batch of 5 additional stunning tunes after having started this experiment nine fridays ago when I did the official announcement of this initiative. While we all patiently will be waiting until the HF-20 Velocity Roadmap2018 finally becomes a reality. Giving to us all those long awaited "Communities - Sub Communities - Groups" features and tools that we all expect enjoy in our steemit ecosystem very soon.
It's 2018! 'Communities' may arrive soon. So, stay coughing.. and ¡Listen!
Cigarettes and surrounded by smoke & good music.. will make you ¡IMMORTAL!

¡Happy Weekend!
"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"