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Hello folks! One more time, we've arrived to the treshold of a new relaxed #abstractauralbit weekend. So, here's the 'seventh' batch of those rare, singular, memorable and astoundingly good old songs to make you fly in pure delight from your rocking chair. An additional handful of extraordinarily stunning tunes that I've been including in my past posts through the months in which I've been in steemit.
Immersive Sonic Stimuli, audiovisually embededed within good readings from the past. To launch you one more time, across a highly pleasing and awesome voyage of peaceful discovery and inspiration. So, don't miss the chance buddies. And fill up your tank every friday with high octane fuel visiting the main gas station by clicking on the #abstractauralbit tag.
It has already been more than a month since the last edition in which I published a post related to these 'Abstract Aural Bits' "Velocity" series. And yeah, of course, a bunch of new events, route changes, adjustments and plans modifications, reflections, vision statements and novelties have been happening behind the scenes of our platform all this time.
Therefore, through this new post I'm gonna invite you to revisit with me our previous hunches and predictions from the past to simply compare and know a bit better where we are standing now.
There was a HF-20 Velocity roadmap2018 published three months ago. And barely three days ago, we've finally got a meaningful 'update' since that initial announcement thru this recent post.
So, without more babbling let's start the parade.
Make yourself comfortable and light your nice little cigarette. ¡Because the party is going to start!

¿Do you know wadda hell is an 'Abstract Aural Bit'?
¡A Record For The Posterity!
¡Tidal Waves Of Thoughts & Emotions!
Well folks, that's all for tonight!! And.. Oh yeah! I must confess, that in this 'edition' I've done a bit of cheating. Since I have led you to read a few posts from the past in whose 'wordy' content did not reside the 'Abstract Aural Bits' you expected. But what can I say? I just hope that for these current times we are running through. The reading has been of greater value to inform you better about where we are standing today and toward where we are going tomorrow.
After all, we are talking here about RoadMaps ¿right? Therefore, I hope you have enjoyed both. The songs and the proposed readings for this weekend. Each chunk of these, while all of us will stay still awaiting those promised "Communities - Sub Communities - Groups" features and tools that we all want enjoy in our steemit ecosystem sooner than later. }:)
And don't forget...
Cigarettes and surrounded by smoke & good music.. will make you ¡IMMORTAL!

¡Happy Weekend!
"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"