There are musicians who can make their daily lives a source of inspiration. That is, the simple things that happen in life around him become endless inspiration. It's just how he is able to process it into inspirational work and always sounds new in the ears of his listeners.

In other words, he does not need to seek inspiration. He is present in everyday life. The theme can vary, ranging from personal feelings such as feelings of happiness, heartbreak, anger, disappointment or even feelings of depression. Or, it can take the perspective of communal riots such as environmental damage, natural disasters, war and even religious values. Musicians like Iksan Scooter, Rosemary, Turtles Jr., Karinding Attack, or Extreme Decay are just a few examples of bands or musicians that come up with work that puts forward problems that occur in everyday life.
However, there are times when inspiration doesn't just appear. This requires complex excavations and searches. Musicians must struggle to build their own ecosystem for inspiration. The search process through a pile of theoretical books, a long discussion process with various experts, travel and settling in various places is one form of how inspiration can finally be found and then processed and poured into work.
Of course, we still remember how vocalist Lupa Addy Gembel painstakingly built the ecosystem. He immersed himself in a pile of books about the theory and rhetoric of social movements for inspiration to create lyrics. There are several bands that want to travel together and then settle in a place to work. In addition to building intimacy, it is hoped that a new atmosphere can provide an injection of their inspiration and creativity. In fact, there are some musicians who have thrilling adventures in the world of sex, drugs, and rock n 'roll to get inspiration and are willing to put aside all the risks.
Inspiration can appear anytime and anywhere. It's only a matter of sensitivity and creativity of musicians to be seen from various points of view. However, sometimes inspiration becomes something that is hard to find and find. Especially if the factor of dissatisfaction and totality in creating different works encourages every musician to always be moved to look for it. Sometimes, listeners forget to ask questions or just think about where the initial idea of the work he is listening to. He can go through a very simple process or even have to go through a complex process stage. Happy inspiration!