In the World of Grains

in music •  4 years ago 

"In the World of Grains", Chapter 5:
"...Sounds in motion, that is the domain of granular approaches.

But isn´t there something basic on the field of grains, which could eventually take over the role of Fourier Transform spectra (like the above shown), or the role of at least the basic wave forms of classic synthesizer soundworks: sine, triangle, square, pulse and saw?

Isn´t there something basic and easy, which I could at least approximately use like these “Lego bricks of producing audible art”?

To make it short: No, there isn´t. None of the bunch of parameters, that I mentioned in the chapters before is able to serve as something that simple. It´s either to static (like taking the pure length of a grain), or neither generally valid nor easy to apply to a larger number of compositional or sound designing situations. But there may be something distantly related out there.

I´d like to call these (very) distant relatives of saws, sines, squares etc. “microtransitions”. When spectral changes are the matter in question, well, then microtransitions are the atoms, these changes are made of..."

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