My new music obsession : The Dad Horse Experience

in music •  6 years ago 

Greetings Steemit!

Youtube gave me a gift in the form of a new musical obsession.

I heard this artist on a 50+ mix based on a Woody Guthrie song.(I think)

I like to let Youtube playlists roll while I play video games, in this case Dragon Age Inquisition.
As I was playing, I kept hearing this voice... it was rough, but so powerful. I kept having to pause the game so I could see who was singing these songs, and it was The Dad Horse Experience.

This song hit me in the face and in the heart. His voice is so unique and powerful... and the kazoo!

I couldn't really understand all the words he was saying, and that is because of a German accent.

He apparently started playing music at the age of 40 with a banjo he was given as a gift. He plays a dark version of Americana, shot through the lens of a German.

I can't say how much I love this song. I just listen over and over...

The 2nd song that made me take notice really was the decider. I am a fan of this guy.

I'm going to include the lyrics to this song, because they are amazing.

"Oh my mother she went to heaven
And the last word that she said
Son you won't never follow me
Because you're so mean & bad
Oh but I want to go to heaven
I want to see my mama there

But when I stand before the gates of heaven
With a bucket full of sins
Lord I'm a bad ass motherfucker
But won't you please let me in

So I'm a motherless pilgrim
I miss her everywhere
I want to go to heaven
I want to see my mother there
I want to play the golden harp
I want to hear my mama sing

But when I stand before the gates of heaven
With a bucket full of sins
Lord I'm a bad ass motherfucker
But won't you please let me in"

His website is here

I love this so much, I had to share.

Peace and long life, Steemit.

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Hot damn!

Did you listen? It's so cool!!!

yeah, great, I like the second song too - voice like rusty nails, certainly makes you stop and listen!

OMG, that second song is ALL THE THINGS! Thanks for sharing the ear candy, @tarotbyfergus!

Thanks for checking it out, @traciyork!
I'm probably going to cover these two:)

Coolness, @tarotbyfergus! 😊

Oh wow! This is amazing! Thank you for sharing this with us :) Tons of hugs your way!