Listen To This AMAZING Guitar Sound With this $40 Pedal!

in music •  8 years ago 

Getting a good recorded guitar sound can be very expensive, even for home studio producers. On this video I demo an amp simulator pedal that is very affordable and, in conjuction with some free software, can produce some pretty outstanding results!

If you're a guitarist or a music producer looking for a way to record some more than decent sounding guitars without having to sell your kidney this might be just what you need.

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I will support you, God bless you, I learn english, so if I made some mistakes, then I apologize and keep it
thank you very much


thank you! your English is fine.

Glad to know there are things like this out there, but it doesn't make up for the amp sound. :(

yeah, nothing really does but for silent recording is a pretty good solution.

  ·  4 months ago Reveal Comment

My only musical talent is listening to it and I thoroughly enjoyed this.

glad you liked it!

Heard good things about this pedal series...the American and British, too. I think the Cali sounds the best though.

Great sounds and playing! Is there a reason you use this pedal plus the interface, instead of just using the interface and letting the software alone process the sounds?
