A band to remember, both positive and negative...

in music •  6 years ago 

@slobberchops put me to the idea of this post with posts of his 'candit recollection of his memories' This is a memory of me which I often still think of or talk about, so I guess it impressed me :) I will write it in two parts because otherwise it would be quite some stuff to read.

In my early day's as a 'amateur musician' I have played in several bands, they were all fun to to with not to high expectations. Untill one day I got asked by (at that time) one of the most playing and leading coverbands in our surroundings. The band was called (very original) 'Sixstrings' , the band consisted of some great musicians which I saw quite often at Jam sessions and where I always looked at with open mouth because they were so !@# good.

The band was formed around a local guitar hero, Michel, he was really a great guitarist and could (if he had used his head) have been on of Holland's top guitarist. There were one male and two female singers (one of the female singers was the girlfriend of Michel), a drummer and a keyboard player.

The thing was that their bassplayer had a chronical injury on his wrist, and because of that he wasn't able to play anymore. So they were looking for a new bassplayer and came (I still don't know why, but they did) to me. The asked me if I wanted to audition for their band. I was thrilled and of course I wanted to audition. They asked me to study on three songs:

(1.) Seperate Ways - Journey

(2.) Like a Negro - Mother's finest

(3.) In the end - Linkin Park

So I studied my ass of on those songs, I was determined to suprise them and to convince them to take me as the new bassplayer. When I arrived at their rehearsal studio I was quite nervous but on the other hand convinced of myself, because I had studied hard, long and good.. I did know every note in the song and timed the songs perfect. So when we began the old bassplayer was also there to hear, when the female singers started to sing, I remember o so well, I got the goosebumbs.. Not only because the sang so darn good, but also the fact that I realizes that I was playing with those (in my eyes) great musicians...

After the three songs everything felt good, I didn't made a mistake while playing. Everbody was cheerful and I got some compliments of the old bassplayer. In stead of saying 'don't call us we call you' they immediately said that I could join the band if I wanted... I didn't have to think a minute and said 'of course I want'... And so I was part of 'Sixstrings'..

I had a busy time studying the whole setlist for the upcoming gig, the first gig was at a local bar in just a couple of weeks. So we rehearsed a lot those weeks before. When the word was out in Zutphen that I played as the new bassplayer a lot of my friends told me they were comming to the gig, so the tension was high for me.. :)

At the night of the gig I was quite nervous, did I know all the parts well enough, was my amp ok, what if my strings broke... Things I nevere worried about suddely were big worries. I guess it was just the tension playing the first time live with them on a quite short time of practicing...

The gig went very well, I had a great time on stage and after the gig I got a lot of compliments from friends and family. But the best compliment was from their former bassplayer who came to have a look. So for me it was a big succes and was even more thrilled playing with them....

To be continued......

Have a great day and keep up that music !!

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Good stuff! I think there may be a twist in the tale though in part 2?

Or perhaps part three, I am nog sure yet :) But there comes a twist, that is for sure ;)

It's great when good musicians want you to play with them. It pushes you to play better. I'm waiting to see how this turned out as you are implying it wasn't app good

That was also the thing, I've learned a lot in that band. And indeed I was focussed on being 'just as good' as they were. I can already tell you that the problems rised were not of a musical nature... :)

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Wow, thanks again..... Much appreciated and it motivates me even more :)

Sounds like some great memories so far. I can't imagine how scary it would have been playing in front of people you respected so much. How awesome that they asked you to join. I think everyone dreams of being a rock star at some point in their life. How cool that you got to be one!

haha thank you very much. It were indeed great memories, although it ended somewhat different and things aren't always what the seem... But I will post that in the second part of the memorie :) Thanks again !!