RE: Musicoin - Dubbing you crazy!

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Musicoin - Dubbing you crazy!

in musicoin •  7 years ago 

You added too many zeros. Musicoin hasn't dropped below $0.01 as long as I have been following it. Usually between 2 & 5 cents.

Further, there isn't a ceiling. The cost per play in MUSIC decreases as the monetary value of MUSIC increases. So when MUSIC is worth $0.25 is will cost around 0.20 MUSIC per play instead of 1.0.

I for one, think the platform is missing the "purchase and download" song option. I don't think I should have to keep paying for a song each time I listen to it. If that were the case, I would have had to pay about $6,000,000 on Dave Matthews over the years ....

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