"In the World of Grains", Chapter 6:
"...The matter of this chapter may seem kind of mystical, and even if the origin of the idea, which I am going to talk about now, bore some mysticism, technique, science and art gained the upper hand over it in the course of realising of what I call a “sonic microscope”.
So, what is it all about then?
Some decades ago, soon after understanding, that synthesizers and soundworks don´t deliver promising ways of impressing possible girlfriends, I asked myself, how a certain, a very short part of a sound might, well, might sound.
I realised, that I´d never have a chance to listen to, i.e. some few milliseconds of a sound. A sound might be changing over time – and indeed nearly every “natural” sound does so – I will never be able to learn, how a short certain moment of these changes would be like, would sound in my ears, how a sonic situation frozen in time would rouse my acouesthesia..."
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