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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  6 years ago 
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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well, this might sound annoying to most people, but one of the things that I find so weird about modern life that people accept as normal is the fact that most people get married over and over again. It beats my imagination how marriages don't last these days especially celebrities. I still wonder why people are okay with this. Why can't the modern and civilized couples try to work on their homes rather than opt for divorce without even trying. Most of our parents are still together after so many years and still counting. They were able to renew their love for each other having mutual respect, patient, and understanding, but today, getting married to 10 different men within the space of 5 years has become normal and accepted by the society. 

Facebook. I think that Facebooks only purposes are to sell to its users advertising, to sell their personal data to advertising companies and to track them and their lives almost 24 hours a day. I don't know if it was really created by the CIA as some say, to make their tracking work easier, but I see Facebook the weirdest thing in modern life.

Making some of your intimate moments public and seeking attention and appreciation for them for me is too weird to be true. Plus many cases of depression, anxiety and low self esteem are caused by the excessive use of Facebook. 

Also weird about it is that lots of people see it as I described it, but keep on using it the same smokers keep on smoking despite knowing that cigarettes are harmful for their health. 

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


My generation and older remember before smartphones became prolific and realize on some level that something is a bit off, a bit weird.  Those who've grown up only knowing smartphones and the constant connectivity they provide believe this is just a normal part of modern life.

It's not normal and it's not healthy.   Americans spent over 10 hours with screens per day.   Excessive smartphone usage has been linked to neck and back issues as well as to sleep deprivation.   Studies have linked elevated screen use to higher levels of depression in both adults and children.    One study found that simply having a phone nearby(even without checking it), can interfere with attempts at interpersonal connections. 

This is beyond weird. Something's wrong. Left unchecked, constant screentime can lead to mental, physical, and interpersonal dysfunction. 


The idea that if you are born in a particular place then you are somehow beholden to that area of land. When you scale the idea (my country, my city, my street not your street) it's just wierd. 

when you see funny things then suddenly you scream like a seizure or what is known as laughing and you spend a third of your time each day in a corpse-like state or what is known as sleep. With a little reflection, over time you will think these behaviors seem really strange.

Apparently not only laughing and sleeping, there are still 8 other things you usually do all the time but it feels weird and the reason you do it

1. Crying

It's strange if sadness can cause water to spill from our eyes. Moreover, among all types of animals, only humans emit tears because of emotion.

The existence of tears does not only aim to communicate feelings of depression, but scientists also believe that tears carry certain unwanted hormones and other proteins produced during periods of stress to be removed from the body.

2. Hiccups

Hiccups are spontaneous seizures that occur in the diaphragm or muscle membrane in your chest that are very important for your breathing process. Hiccups also occur because the diaphragmatic muscles are disturbed, usually due to too much or too little food in the stomach.

Strangely, besides being annoying, the hiccups turned out to be pointless. One hypothesis suggests that hiccups may be remnants of reflexes from sucking. So hiccups are nothing more than a distraction produced by the body.

3. Sleep

Most humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping. No human being can survive without sleep for more than a few days and maybe sleep is one of the most incomprehensible activities.

Sleep does allow the body to do "maintenance", starting from the production of chemicals that can be used during waking up to the organization of neurons in the developing brain. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep with high nerve activity occurs longer every night during periods of brain growth.

Some theories suggest sleep is important for the maintenance of memory and learning. Sleep can also help embed episodic memory into a kind of 'folder' of long-term storage in the brain and provide a break that your mental needs so much.

4. Dead

Technically, death is not an activity that can be done everyday. But many people die every day. The reason is, humans die because the cells in their body die. Even though the cells are able to renew themselves over and over again, they cannot do it forever.

Inside each cell, there are telomeres that contain genetic information that will always be cut off during cell division. Telomeres are able to handle that but eventually the cells will run out (nothing more can be cut), the information it carries will disappear and the cells cannot divide again.

Therefore many scientists are starting to think about extending human life and hope that someday they can extend the average human life to double.

5. Blush

It turns out that the reddish reaction of the cheek is a universal human response to social attention. Everyone can do it, even some people can do it more often than others. The trigger for blushing is none other than meeting important people, receiving praise and experiencing strong emotions in a social situation.

The biological mechanism of blushing is the veins in the face widened so that more blood flows to your cheeks and produces reddish skin. But scientists are still confused as to why all this can happen and what its function is.

6. Kissing

For some people, kissing is weird, especially if activities that involve exchanging saliva are romantic. It turns out that it is a biological instinct.

Kissing allows people to use aroma and taste as an assessment of potential potential partners. Saliva breath carries a chemical signal that can indicate the condition of the person concerned is healthy or sick. Especially for women, both chemical signals indicate the process of ovulation, an important message needed by prospective reproductive partners.

Along with chemosensory cues that are exchanged during kissing, psychologists also believe that the actual physical action of kissing can help form bonds in pairs. This theory is supported by the fact that oxytocin (a hormone that affects one's feelings when socializing, love and trust) floods the brain when the mouth is kissing.

7. Fart

The fact of fart may sound dirty, but indeed everything you eat or drink gives you gas. Even normally humans will fart to half a gallon (1.9 liters) or around 15-20 times every day.

The special odor that comes out from farts comes from bacterial colonies in the channels under our intestines. In the process of converting food into useful nutrients, the bacteria that digest food produce hydrogen sulfide gas that smells the same as rotten eggs.

Like humans, these bacteria prefer to digest sweet foods. Therefore, natural sugars in milk, fruits and of course nuts will produce the most farts.

8. Laugh

Laughter is weird. When you see or hear or see something funny, then there is a strange feeling that makes you suddenly want to scream while doing movements like seizures and repetitive. But why do we do it?

Psychologists think behavior to respond to something like laughter serves as a signal to others to spread positive emotions, reduce stress and contribute to group cohesiveness. For the same reason, chimpanzees and orangutans also smile and laugh when playing with their flocks.

9. Flashing

Actually blinking is not too strange because the activity of a tenth of a second is capable of cleaning dust particles and giving lubricating fluid to all parts of the eyeball.

Scientists have found that the human brain has the talent to ignore such momentary embezzlement activities. Blinks suppress activity in some areas of the brain responsible for detecting environmental changes so that you can still feel the world around you the same as before.

10. Daydreaming

No matter how hard you try to stay focused on daily activities such as brushing your teeth or waiting in line at a coffee shop, you also still can't stop your mind from not hovering.

Strangely, losing the short cognition awareness is actually a good thing. Daydreaming is considered important to increase creativity and imagination. Neuroscience research shows that the level of human attention can increase and decrease, even humans are claimed to spend 13 percent of their time to daydream.

Okay, the fact that modern life is really making Moral virtues wither out and everybody is just pretending as if nothing is happening. But our moral standard is on the decline as things like respect for elders, teachers are simply dying out.

Well my friend there are many weird things in our modern life, things that in the past weren't just weird but unacceptable and even offended by the community, but now people start to do those things as if its normal, here are two points to clear that:

1. The weirdest thing ever is considering something weird normal, and considering normal things or normal people weird, because that will take our life into a wrong way, some people come and say that we live in the 21 st century so we should stop doing things that way and we should start doing it this way, stop living our life that way and start living it this way, and words like " those things are old we should move on", i say no we should do things in a normal and logical way as it should be done, an live in a normal and decent way as we should be living like humans according to principles and reason.

2. Then come the many weird things that many people are adopting and inventing in the name of modernizing and freedom and personality and so on, like  couples living together for many years and having kids then the decides after 10 years to get married, the kind of thing which makes me think again about the meaning of marriage, and let me also mention loosing virginity for girls before 18 and if not she is weird, and you name name it, the world is full of weirdos and their weird things