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Oral cancer is a cancer that grows and develops in the mouth. For example on the lips, tongue, gums, mouth walls, and palate. This cancer can spread directly to the tissues around the mouth or through the lymph nodes. Oral cancer is a rare type of cancer, which is only about 2 percent of all cancer cases.

It is probable that oral cancer attacks elderly people aged 50-75 years and is more common in men than women. But this cancer can also occur in young adults, mainly due to HPV infection (human papillomavirus).

Type of Oral Cancer

The most common oral cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. It is estimated that around 90 percent of people with oral cancer suffer from this type.

Another type of oral cancer is malignant oral melanoma and adenocarcinoma. Malignant oral melanoma is a cancer that develops from melanocytes in the mouth. While adenocarcinoma is a cancer that attacks the salivary glands.

Oral Cancer Symptoms

Like cancer in general, oral cancer rarely causes symptoms in the early stages so it is difficult to detect. However, beware if you experience signs such as:

Sprue that does not heal within a few weeks.

Sprue who is bleeding.

Red or white spots in the mouth.

Lumps or thickening of the inner walls of the mouth that do not go away.

Swelling in the lymph nodes of the neck that does not heal.

Pain in the mouth, especially the tongue.

Difficult or painful when swallowing and chewing.

Shaking teeth without obvious causes.

Change of voice or way of talking (for example being slurred).

Having trouble talking.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Jaw that feels stiff or sore.

Sore throat.

Symptoms of oral cancer also tend to be difficult to recognize because they are often similar to indications of other diseases. Stay alert and immediately consult a doctor if these symptoms do not go away for more than 3 weeks, especially for heavy smokers or people who often consume alcohol.

Causes and Risk Factors for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is caused by abnormal changes or mutations in the development of cells in the mouth or lips. The cause behind this mutation is not known with certainty. However, there are several factors that are believed to trigger the appearance of this cancer. Among others are:

Using all types of tobacco, such as cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco.

Excessive consumption of liquor.

have HPV (human papillomavirus) infection.

Poor diet.

Oral hygiene is not maintained, for example allowing cavities or gums to become infected.

Chewing betel nuts.

Decreased immune system.

Oral Cancer Diagnosis

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor will ask for the symptoms that you experience and check the condition of your mouth. If you are suspected of having oral cancer, you will be advised to undergo a biopsy or take a tissue sample to confirm whether or not there are cancer cells.

There are several biopsy methods available today including:

Incision biopsy. In this method, the patient will be given local anesthesia in the area to be incised. The doctor will then slice a small portion of the part to be examined. These incisions will then be stitched again.

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Also called fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), and is often chosen when there is swelling in the neck area that is thought to originate from cancer cells in the mouth. This procedure is usually performed simultaneously when the doctor performs an ultrasound examination.

Nasendoscopy. The Nasendoscope is a flexible long flat tube with a camera at the end. This tool is inserted from the nose to the throat, and is usually done when a malignancy in the nose, throat (pharynx) or vocal cords is suspected. The patient will be given local anesthesia in the form of spray before this procedure is performed.

Panendoscopy. This procedure is performed using general anesthesia. In general, the process is almost the same as nasendoscopy, but uses a larger tube. With this procedure, you will get a clearer picture of the conditions around your nose and throat, and can simultaneously remove small-sized tumors.

Patients who are positively diagnosed with oral cancer will undergo further examinations to detect the stage and level of development of oral cancer they develop. This procedure can be done through endoscopy, X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans, and PET scans.

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If necessary, the doctor will then be able to evaluate the severity of your cancer using a classification method called TNM.

T - indicates the size of the main tumor (primary) that appears in the mouth. The size is characterized by T1 to T4, with T1 showing the smallest tumor size and T4 being the largest and deepest tumor.

N - shows the presence or absence of tumor (metastases) in the neck or lymph nodes around; N0 means there is no spread, and N1, N2, and N3 indicate the spread to the neck or surrounding lymph nodes.

M - indicates the presence of tumor spread in other body parts.

This classification will show how aggressive oral cancer you are experiencing, and also in what stages of oral cancer you experience and the treatment options.

Oral Cancer Treatment

By knowing the stage and level of cancer development suffered by patients, doctors can determine the treatment steps that will need to be done. Likewise with the patient's health condition and the location and type of oral cancer he suffered.

Early-stage oral cancer has the highest probability of complete recovery. While mid-stage oral cancer may be cured. But advanced oral cancer is generally incurable and the treatment is only to relieve symptoms and slow the spread of cancer.

Treatment steps for oral cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. These three steps are often combined to get maximum results.

Early stage oral cancer can be treated with surgery using a laser beam. This procedure is called photodynamic therapy (PDT). But if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, then removal of the tumor with healthy tissue around it needs to be done. For example, removal of part of the tissue in the walls of the mouth, tongue, or even the jaw.

The doctor will then carry out a reconstruction operation to re-form the part or tissue that is removed. Today, the latest technology called 3D printing has been implemented to help doctors reconstruct bone replacement that is almost the same as the original.

Radiotherapy steps are usually used after surgery to prevent the return of cancer cells. This radiation therapy can be done from outside or inside the body.

In dealing with cancer that has spread widely in the body or at high risk of growing back, doctors will recommend chemotherapy. Medications used in this process will destroy DNA from cancer cells so they cannot multiply. But these drugs can also reduce the immune system so that patients are susceptible to infection.

In addition to benefits, radiotherapy and chemotherapy have the potential to cause side effects. Some of these include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, mouth ulcers, and a sore mouth.

Cetuximab is also sometimes used to treat advanced oral cancer. The use of this drug is usually combined with radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Cetuximab will attack proteins on the surface of cancer cells to prevent the spread of cancer. But it is recommended that patients cannot undergo chemotherapy for certain medical reasons, such as being pregnant.

Oral Cancer Complications

Every step of treatment certainly has a risk of complications. Likewise with handling oral cancer. Difficulty swallowing and impaired speech are the main complications that can occur after you undergo surgery and radiotherapy.

Difficulty swallowing includes serious complications because it can cause malnutrition and trigger aspiration pneumonia due to food entering the respiratory tract and getting stuck in the lungs. This complication generally improves with the healing process and therapy. But there is a possibility that your swallowing ability will not fully recover.

Similarly, swallowing, radiotherapy and surgery also have the potential to cause interference in your speech. Therefore, speech therapy will be very useful to restore your speech.

Oral Cancer Prevention

Because the cause is unknown, oral cancer cannot be completely prevented. But you can still take simple steps to reduce risk and hinder its development, namely:

Do not use tobacco in any form, including smoking.

Avoid consumption of liquor.

Apply a healthy and balanced diet, especially by increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits.

Maintain oral hygiene, such as brushing teeth.

Check your dental health regularly, at least once a year.