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I prefer online shopping! Simply because I can put as many things as I want in my chart, let them sit for a few days and come back only to realize I don't really want them.

For me, the answer is very simple. I don't shop online. I prefer to see what I want to buy, feel it and even try it on as the case may be. I have tried shopping online few times, but the experience that I got is not something to talk about. Well, maybe whenever I leave my base to another place more civilised then I might want to consider shopping online again, but for now, its a no no.

It depends. If I have a lot if time on hand then I'll prefer to shop in a store. If, on the other hand, I'm pressed for time, then I'd opt to shop online

No doubt in this age of information and Technology, I prefer to shop online, in the nearest future I envisage a situation where shopping is been took a whole different level whereby you can shop,pay and even receive your good at your own convenience.

There is arguably a vacuum shopping online brought to bear and that is time, not everyone has the time to roam a shop looking up for goods while you have the privilege of tapping on your phone screen and getting them to your destination without much hassle.

I know some people prefer to shop in a store by only if avail the time, I think this conversation is done.

As I said earlier I prefer shopping online.


Shopping online is very common in this generation and I've also being a part of it but to be candid I would prefer shopping in a store to doing it online. I remembered some months ago that I ordered for cloths online,I was disappointed when my package was delivered. The texture was of low quality and I paid handsomely for it. That was when I changed my perspective towards getting stuffs online.
If I had visited a store,I would have picked what I really wanted because there would be an avenue to feel and touch to know whether the product worth its price which can't be done in online shopping. more so, It takes time for goods to be delivered, sometimes you will have to wait till eternity and the frustration will make you council your order.this cannot happen when you go to a store,if one store doesnt have what you want, another will.I'm not saying that shopping online isn't cool,of cos it is,you can search for whatever you want online from the comfort of your home and get it delivered to your door step saving you the stress of moving from one store to another but in my own opinion,getting my stuffs directly from the store gives me the opportunity to get physical and not screen quality of what I'm buying and getting it when its needed is also of great importance..