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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

No, he is referring to a proposal to get Steemit Inc. to lock their Steem in a smart contract for many years. You can read the proposal here:

you've definitely got my vote

Personaly to me the bigest Electric's Pro is TORQUE.

Yes, I think that trying to tackle the entire existing financial system is a doomed adventure. There is too much power and control from the fiat banks and institutions to let that happen. The best case outcomes as you say for crypto are currently social uses. Growth will come from building that user base, and eventually the big end of town will have to adapt.

The best revolutions begin from within. Becoming a part of the existing system, through regulation and playing the game to the rules of the big guys is the best hope for growth of the financial usage side of crypto.

Thanks for your response.

I find it an interesting conversation. In some ways, how people feel about this is coloured by why they came to be involved in crypto in the first place. There is definitely an anti-establishment (Fu** the system) crowd, and I admire their enthusiasm and idealism. Most of us however, don't really care and are here for other reasons.

Thanks for your comment.

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First off, I am so happy that you are are here with us. In a world that doesn't value caring for others as much as it should, you need to know that you are valued, and there are people who don't even know you that sincerely care for you let alone those who do know you.

I sincerely hope that you never return to the dark place that left you feeling that taking your own life was the only option left. If you ever do, please feel free to contact me and I will listen. Anytime, any day.

That said, it sounds like you have developed a wonderful strategy for reminding yourself that the the darkness always comes to an end, and tattoos can be a wonderful and permanent reminder of this fact.

This is so nice of you @abhaya504, I have visited that dark place many times, I am doing well at the minute but life has it's ups and downs. I have always tried to do the best I can but sometimes it doesn't seem like it is good enough.
I don't plan on getting any more star tattoos, the ones I have are enough, I have a great doctor now that watches over me on a regular basis and has said that in the last year and a half I have come on leaps and bounds.

Thank you for the offer to chat with you when I feel like this, it is so nice of you to offer, I may take you up on it at some point because who knows what the future holds.

Anytime. Anytime. Happy to be connected!

No need to feel sorry for your reaction. While you're correct, tattoos are becoming commonplace, it's only become a normality in the past 15 years or so.

I have two full sleeves and can feel some people cringe inside when I'm interacting with them. I'm actually happy to be on the front lines of this cultural revolution, and do all that I can to show others that a tattoed person can be a bright, articulate, and valuable resource.

Thanks for sharing your honest opinion!

The weird thing is... in literally any other scenario I wouldn't give it a second thought... it's just in the office and meeting rooms. I think it's because our office is still styled from the 70s and everyone is super old and uncool... if I was in like a graphic design place or anywhere with some young blood I'd be freaked if there were no full sleevers.

People might cringe inside, but they'll forget the second that they realise you're actually awesome.

That's what I figured, though I think questions that get 'sufficient' responses certainly should qualify as posts.

Is clicking the post my answer box a one time thing, because I am not seeing the option?

I think that would be justified but maybe they are worried about abuse. Others have been asking just to post the question. I know you would be genuine but they wouldn't.

Yeah, steem will be better once the community steps up to guard their norms.
Its not hard to spot the abuse, but good luck getting enough downvotes to stop it.
Once we have a rep for not tolerating abuse things will improve.

So, where does the question post to if it doesnt appear on steem's front ends?
And doesnt the ability to post invisible content give an abuse vector?

Yes, that is how I got notified of replies.

If I look on @musing I will see my comments on a post on their blog, genius.

Do y'all take beneficiary rewards?

I just had a look at and there is no beneficiary being taken out of questions or answers.

Pretty cool I think, but I imagine that they (musing) will get a nice steady flow of curation rewards.

wow, i don't even know this is exist,,,thank you so much, maybe i will try it

I'm not at all religious but I was really curious to see how people came to choose the religion that they follow.

I truly appreciate your response. It's taught me a lot. And I'm pleased to see that someone has gone to great lengths to decide on which religion is right for them.

Ok, thanks for that, I will look for some of their answers :-)

cool, I will link it in my next curation post. Thanks for answering :-)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the answer and for your good wishes.

I agree with you and I also think there are very few things which are absolute bad and/or absolute good, otherwise everything else is relative. Aneukmuda1's answer is very interesting in this regard.

Very interesting answer.


I agree with you but somethings are debatable. Let's discuss them in some other session.

I don't mean to be a negative Nancy here, but unless I'm just inept, there's not really anything of value for sale on either of those marketplaces. Does that sound correct?

Fingers crossed for the upcoming iterations to be something a tad more robust!

lol, I have not checked out the merch yet, The last one is only brand new and starting, they will be working on reducing the cost of postage.

There are better coming out, I do know of a market with metals on it that is coming soon, it will also have jewelery items and collectibles, I have had a preview peak of this and Myself I will be saving up to buy a few of the trinket things there, I will not be able to afford things like the silver ounces or platinum,

I too am working on a Dapp project that we are investigating incorporating a marketplace. I'm sure that as more and more money move into these platforms that the products will follow. It's what we've been doing since the beginning of society right? :D

try try bro ... first time .. still learning to walk in musing... dont bully me ehh :)

Thanks my friend.I found a low life who i want to report.

Thanks for the answer. Could you please share a few such sites in your main answer so others could also get benefits from it alongside with me.

To be honest I didn't expect such detaild answer and this is the best answer ever for this question. You explained it very well and thephotos are also awesome. Personaly you look better without beard :)) Thanks a lot

Yes beard gives a different look to men but not on everybody. With or without beard men needs to be a little care himself to look better on girls eyes. Thanks for this great answer.

Indeed I have choices on a man but some guys can have a great look with beard and some others not. But I am agree with you to be cares as personally its more important thing as a make up. Thanks for your answer

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
  ·  6 years ago (edited)
  ·  6 years ago (edited)