You should give "The Shape of Water" a try. It's a fantastic story about a woman who falls in love with an otherworldly being.
Review: In THE SHAPE OF WATER, mute Elisa (Sally Hawkins) works nights as a cleaning lady for an aerospace research center in the early 1960s. She and her talkative best friend, Zelda (Octavia Spencer), start cleaning one of the rooms and discover some kind of non-human being (Doug Jones) in a tank full of water. Finding herself drawn to him, Elisa keeps visiting, bringing him hard-boiled eggs and playing music. But since the cruel, vicious Colonel Strickland (Michael Shannon) violently treats the creature as an enemy, Elisa decides to break him out. She enlists the aid of her loyal next-door neighbor, commercial artist Giles (Richard Jenkins), and is unexpectedly helped by scientist Hoffstetler (Michael Stuhlbarg), who doesn't want to see the creature killed and dissected. With the creature living in her bathtub, Elisa realizes that she must free him. But does she have enough time? And what's the secret of their mysterious connection?
Don't know about the movies but for the TV series I've just started watching "Black Mirror" and I am really impressed by the quality of this show. You should definitelyy try this one out.
Vegemite!!! Disgustingly interesting. Think of soggy football socks which you haven't washed in a week.
Then again if you enjoy strong smelling blue cheese, you might enjoy this.
Yes honestly I do believe it will come together after all north Korea really needs aid and more welfare in the country. I do believe trump has no bad meanings at the end. But we shall see, could also be a trap from Russia, who knows.
It depends on what you define by better.
If by better you mean a better earning opportunity, then yes.
If by better you mean by keeping your thoughts online in a more permanent decentralized way, then yes.
If by better you mean easier to use and has greater readership then no; not yet anyway.
Like all body parts that become fatigued, they need time to heal. Sleep heals muscles and repairs them , creates new pathways in the brain in order to adapt to everything that is being absorbed. Without rest anything living or non living will get worn out.
Posting (writing, photos, videos, audio...etc), loaning your Steem Power, trading your Steem, building your own community to discuss certain topics...etc.
More will come when the SMT (Smart Media Tokens) are introduced.
Unconditional love does not exist, though that is not necessarily a bad thing. It is all transactional though it is now always obvious how.
Even a dog loves it's owner because the owner takes care and feeds it.
I would probably study a different thing at University (not Civil Engineering).
I would start traveling the world earlier. Finally, I would have invested in bitcoin when it was cheap. :)))
I think only we can decides what is right and what is wrong. we know that somthing is right in our point of view but the same thing is wrong in others opinions. for example whole world condemned the terror attacks of ISIS but they said it #JIHAD. Is it?
So just listen to your inner soul.
Humans exist because they have morality and know what fear is. Ask yourself, why can't you just simply drive into a wall without hesitation? That is your inner mechanism which is telling you that that is wrong. We constantly make a descision based on cause -> result.
Depends on the relationship. If the partners are higher status the women will be more forgiving. If the partners are equal to or lower status than the women, they will be held accountable.
It's all about perceived market value. Economics 101. ;)
Bitcoin will be simply played by bears in market with price range of $7k to 8.5k until bulls doesn't enter in the market.Many analysts stated bitcoin price when it was surging like a rocket but this fuel isn't enough to stop downward inclination and rebounding to the previous level of $20k
Based on previous years records and based on network trends, I am guesstimating within 8 months. Here are a few qualitative reasons:
The last major crash was 2014 and took 2+ years to recover. The network of users were much smaller than and they didn't get half as much press as in 2017 & 2018. News travels much faster these days.
Also there are many more people to enquire information on.
Ease of buying into bitcoin is much easier now than ever.
Many countries didn't have exchanges back in 2014. Now there are many local and global exchanges and the buy-in requirements / barriers to entry are much lower than ever.
The relative stability. The last time there was a major crash, the value dropped from USD1000+ to a few hundred.
Now, very few people expect it to go below USD7k if at all. The longer it stays above USD7k the greater the trust people will get in it.
At one point, the general public will feel more confidence to get in again.
The technological improvements. With the introduction of technologies related to higher security (Segwit) and performance / lower fees (Lightning Network LN) the bitcoin of today is far superior to that of 2014.
As the adoption of LN grows and improves technologically, it is very likely that merchants will start to get into bitcoin over the counter.
We are talking about 1 second transaction times with fees close to 0.
The blacker the berry , the sweeter the juice. People always want what they cannot have at the moment. Once you achieve your goal (fruit) there will be something else you strive for with obstacles that make it forbidden.
It starts when you want to consume something, say a hamburger or nice pair of shoes. Once you buy that meal or pair of Nike's you get rewarded with satisfaction. That sends a message to your brain that it's good to consume things and becomes stronger the more you consume.
It's a learned behavior and is done through a process known as "Positive Reinforcement".
Right now, no but I hope someday some smart person will come up with a pill that we can take so we do not need to sleep but without the complications that comes with sleep deprivation.
Sounds strange! We want to find the alternative to sleeping. Suppose scince would find a way to do it but will it be satisfying. The answer is nope.
Today people wander around the world to find a refreshing moments. But nothing better than The natural sleeping. Sleeping after tiredness.
So my dear friend there is no alternative to sleeping. ๐
No definitly not! Sleeping is not also for being tired but also for body-recovery, processing emotions by dreams (you dream every night!). I was also looking for an answer but there isn't any.
You can sleep like Einstein tho, but only for 1 week maximum! 4 hours awake, 20 minutes of sleep, 4 hours awake, 20 minutes sleep and so fort!
I wish, and I'm one of the lucky ones, I average 4 hours a night, and I usually hate that I have to do that.
I have a trick that can get you through several days if you are working on a project etc. Edison?? used it when working on projects. I call it the Rock and Bucket.
Basically, when you have worked all you can and need some sleep, Get a Rock and a Metal Bucket. lie down on a couch with the rock in your hand hanging off the side of the couch over the bucket. When your body relaxes enough that your hand drops the rock, just up and you are usually ready to go for another 8 to 10 hours.
There's actually some science behind it but don't want to do that here. Of course, most people are going to say you need way more sleep than is really necessary.
Either create something that others are passionate about such as many large brands (Disney, Nike etc..) or have a child. Also by inventing something new or innovating on something old but putting a new twist on it it may carry on even after you are gone. If you capture the hearts of the people with your goals and ambition it is easy to keep your legacy living. The only problem is later on it may not be what you imagined it to be, it could be better or or it could be worse depending on what the next person wants their legacy to be.
For most regular people the answer is to make sure it is on a decentralized blockchain. If you have great ideas, make sure you post it directly on the blockchain (Steem) and continue to develop it there,
If you can find any way to improve open blockchains do it.
It will be there much longer than your life span and your childrens
In the morning like all regular monkeys do as it provides a burst of sugar, potassium and energy to start your day. Don't forget to use the peel to fertilize your home garden.
You can set goals for yourself but FOMO (fear of missing out) is always around the corner. Try to investigate what a coin can be worth. Not in terms of value per coin but the marketcap. For example I give you Steem. It contains services like Youtube, Facebook-like, Reddit, Soundcloud and many more. If you add all marketvalues of that companies together you will easily reach 100B plus. Steemit is not even 1B at the moment so it is very lickely that Steem will raise substantially.
If you are a technical trader try using 3 indicators which you master. If 2 out of 3 indicators tell you that the market will reverse, buy-in or exit!
I believe we mostly get this concept wrong
We work to earn wealth. Money is paper while wealth entails actual riches or assets. The reason we work for this is that during our time on earth, your wealth classifies your position in the most neccesariluy hierarchy which is the "wealth hierarchy". The higher your are the more comfortable life is.
Money gives freedom to work and life with comforts.Money cannot give you all the things but some of the things can be purchased with it.Money estimates your social and political standing and acceptance by group of humans,which is the reason why people grave more to the money.
I believe we mostly get this concept wrong
We work to earn wealth. Money is paper while wealth entails actual riches or assets. The reason we work for this is that during our time on earth, your wealth classifies your position in the most neccesariluy hierarchy which is the "wealth hierarchy". The higher your are the more comfortable life is.
I believe we mostly get this concept wrong
We work to earn wealth. Money is paper while wealth entails actual riches or assets. The reason we work for this is that during our time on earth, your wealth classifies your position in the most neccesariluy hierarchy which is the "wealth hierarchy". The higher your are the more comfortable life is.
This is right that money can't buy all the things like self satisfaction, sleep, hunger, emotions etc. But We understand the value of money when we badly need it.
This is right that money can't buy all the things like self satisfaction, sleep, hunger, emotions etc. But We understand the value of money when we badly need it.
Both (& write to the Steem blockchain and will have much slower performance than a centralized system like Quora.
Decentralized technologies are still improving but I think we can expect performance improvements and more stability within 2 years. The performance should fingers crossed be acceptable to most and close to that of current centralized systems.
Evaluate your current situation. Plan out the best options that align with your life goals and future and pursue the one you know or is most likely to get you there. The risk also depends on the people around you and what you are responsible for. You have to factor everything, sit down and write your plan down then re evaluate it until you come to a general baseline. Iterations will come after.
Overconfidence leading to gambling like behaviour (e.g. putting higher amounts er trade then necessary)
Instead I should have a more discipline of a professional trader.
That's a rather broad question, with a lot of possible answers. I would say just pick one and go for it. Depending on the idea, if one of the ideas will propel you towards many of the things you want to do, then implement it and use it to knock some things off the bucket list.
TLDR: Yes, you will be able to..
It is just a matter of good discipline in trading. It will obviously take longer with USD100.
However, undisciplined traders given millions of dollars can quickly lose them too. History is full of examples of them. In short money is no replacement for knowledge.
As the saying goes "A fool and his money are soon parted." hold true.
Daytrading stock/forex is a bit more doable then Crypto's. Crypto's go hand in hand in swings and Forex/Stock is less likely that they will rise and fall all together.
Because people are flawed. We get pleasure and self-worth from getting stuff. What kills me is how much people spend on useless stuff, or they are spending money in ways that don't make sense. In the US, it is not uncommon to find a person living in an old single wide trailer, with a 30 or 40 thousand dollar car parked outside. It drives me nuts knowing their car is worth more than their house, what's worse they are probably renting the house.
When a user makes a post needs to connect with database and show you results in the index which makes it harder to compile makes the process slower,good quality of code and server can eliminate this problem.
If we lived forever I would say Yes. But since we don't and our time is limited, I will say No. But as technology develops and lifespans increase, more will become possible, and there will be fewer ideas that are impossible to achieve within a person's lifetime.
It's just my opinion, but if you achieved everything you wanted to in life you were not pushing hard enough.
There are some things that are impossible for us to achieve, creating something out of nothing.....
Problem with us as humans is that if we achieve something, we want the next thing to happen. This can be due to greed or maybe because of constantly wanting to improve ourselves. I think that that is fine!
If we go to bed a bit more wiser then we stood up then our day was succesfull imo.
I think so.. however i also think that sometimes we set certain goals for purposes they don't necessarily address. So "everything" may not be about quantity of actual goals achieved. Everything may be achieving one thing that satisfies all goals.
Whenever I go on for a few days without enough sleep, I get sore throat and I find it very difficult to recover. I eventually have to take antibiotics, usually amoxycilin to recover.
You will have a severe lack of alertness, even missing 1.5 to 2 hours of sleep can cause your brain to function much more slowly. Your memory can be impaired because your brain has used up all its energy. You will become stressed out because you are restricting your body from an essential function , similar to when you are hungry. This can lead to mood swings and overall frustration causing problems with not only yourself, but the people around you. Your body will feel weaker, I actually just experienced this the past night i missed about 2-3 hours of sleep and my body did not feel as strong as it usually does and my workouts were lacking. You increase your chances of getting into accidents on the road. Also from personal experience, I have nodded of in many situations on long drives only to realize i was still on the highway but don't know how I got to that specific point.
Although people say to be successful there are gonna be days where you will miss sleep I think the opposite. If you sleep well then you can more efficiently and effectively use the time in your day, your concentration and energy will be up.
I think it is love and our instinct to care for the careless. Altho puppies are less careless than humans. Also there are enough people who don't give a **** for puppies, baby's etc. Don't know why tbh :)
In short spurts it is fine because it gives your mind a break from the daily grind.
As most things in life, overindulging in anything (e.g. laziness) is often detrimental to oneself.
Illuminati is a semi-fiction based group based on the freemasonries (those exist tho). I think people are looking into putting stamps on groups which they don't know and I think Illuminati is just a stamp for the 1% group of the world (the wealthiest)
that's just the way it is. better yet that is the way people are. even when we have the things that we want, we start wanting more, better, something else.
Life has No Meaning...Life has no Purpose.. The purpose of life is to live....We are humans...Humans have no purpose in life... A machine has purpose.. The Table Fan has purpose...Human Beings have no purpose...They are just meant to live and live happily...
I think there is no general meaning of life. You can create your own meaning really. There does not need to be any type of written end goal for human beings. Think about what you live for everyday or what you want out of your life, and there you have it. That is your meaning of life.
Some people strive to be great philosophers and gain worldly knowledge to pass on and create a legacy while others live for the weekend parties at some club.
Your personal quest could be to find the meaning of life which could very well be the meaning to your life if you let it.
I have found that the most meaningful experiences are the near painless ones that don't cause others pain and only provide a subtle amount of pleasure. It's in that subtle, harmless and painless pleasure that I find meaning in life.
Because you have built a certain persona around yourself that you may or may not like. And would rather see it improved upon or remain untarnished. Some people do not care what others think and go on living life as they please , this may be inspirational to others but can also come off as unrefined or brutish to another group of people.
Sometimes it is good to react because you are able to present yourself in the correct light or how you want to be perceived rather than how someone else's perception about you is. In the case of wrongfully accused, their entire lives are turned on their heads and ruined along with their reputation for something they may have not even done. They could be a great person but looked upon differently because of where they were at a certain time or how they dress.
It is hard to just say it doesn't matter what people think because sometimes when you need to reach certain goals you may need to impress the right people .
You need to be confident. Not primairly in yourself but just for taking photo's. Also try to imagin how the picture will look like. Don't forget, most people know special stands or poses and use Photoshop a lot!
I think every name has a meaning and its own story behind it. The love of our loved ones is connected with our name.
My name is Anuj and its meaning is Younger Brother. I think you also loved it...... :)
Yes, I like my name. Matthew Ryan Hunter
Matthew which means "Gift From God"
Ryan which means little king, descendant of the king, or illustrious
Hunter which means a hunter, bird catcher, or one who seeks.
Sarcasm is only an issue if you have something like borderline, autism or just are very insecure. Sarcasm can be hard since some people are very realistic with their sarcasm.
You can do several things:
give them the answer based on their sarcastic questions.
Why do we hope to gain? Because when we travel there are so many new experiences so we may hope to learn something new.
What do we hope to gain? New and rare situations, landscapes, cultures, languages to reshape the statue of our mind into something more elaborate. We may hope to be inspired from what we see, whether it be a poor farmer living a happy simple life or dining at a once in a lifetime $2000 dollar dinner.
We hope to gain experience and knowledge in order to later process it and shape a life out of it.
Learn how to be very selective. Turn off everything else that doesn't help you in your long term goals. They are mostly noise and don't bring your much advantage.
It is very difficult to keep focus now that we have such an information overload. Everywhere you look someone is trying to feed information into your brain. I believe that if you can stay calm and know what is currently important , take deep breaths and focus you will gradually train your brain to think this way.
Even now, I have many tabs open and before even finishing this post, I wanna click on one of them and see the latest updates. You need to compartmentalize what you are doing and not let anything in until you complete your task.
It is difficult but very possible, just gotta keep trying.
Same as in the animal kingdom I think. Every animal including humans want to be better then others. Reason can be different tho. For me personally it would only be a healthy competition. Some do it because they are insecure I think.
I guess when you feel something in your gut , you can take advantage with it because it is something at your core communicating with you. Like if you feel like you should take the job opportunity you may be more inclined to do better there because it aligns with something within your soul and just feels right. Even though it may not be the most rational decision at the moment you can make it work to your advantage and just go for it.
On the other hand going by your gut when there is nothing to back it up , say ,when you really think someone stole something but aren't really sure might not be the best idea. I have one accused someone of stealing something from me at a party just because I had a gut feeling he did but when I went back home and looked it had just fallen from the top shelf and was on the floor under some clothes.
I was separated from my biological mother when I was 2 years old, and then placed in foster care. A few years later I was adopted by the same family that took me in.
I felt a gap of some sort growing up since I knew I was adopted and later moved to the Phillippines when I was 24 years old. After that, I got married on my 25th birthday (in the Philippines) and became a part of my wife's family.
I never met my biological father, I don't have very many memories of my biological mother, and I didn't feel that connected with my adopted parents growing up, so my wife's parents played a great role in being my first "real parents" (or so it seemed at the time).
I used the love I have for my wife to love them too, and after loving everyone in their family, I realized how much my adopted parents love and loved me. They were my first real parents!
Now I love my adopted parents and my in-laws, including both mothers as if they were my own, real and biological parents.
P.S. I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area of the United States.
Underdog's are usually more relatable to people than the untouchable champ who already has his followers and reputation. The champ is always this golden shining presence while the underdog has something to prove.
It can be a few things. People think the underdog made it up to this point because they worked harder than anyone else and struggled doing it so they deserve their spot at the top.
People may be jealous or tired of the current top position holder and want to see him dethroned. They want to see change or see something exciting.
It invokes a sense of satisfaction and a spike of emotion when the underdog finally gets his day.
I think it's mostly due with people who really don't understand cryptocurrency. i think they treat it like a casino rather than a steady long term investment. if you want short term investments that you don't really believe in and just want to speculate on. Try traditional investing or gambling. its much more safe. If people believe in the direction and purpose of crypto, they would not panic at every market move.
There was a hack at a smaller crypto-exchange. Everyone is in panic now but it will recover short-term. It is painfull however I will not be concerned much since value was way too high past year. Look at this as a correction or a buying-opportunity.
There any many factors leading to a current downturn,
Gaining price to fast in a short period of time, all markets need corrections to sustain growth and reduce volatility.
Launch of futures markets added a lot of liquidity from alternative markets with great liquidity and a bias to bitcoin leading to a mentality favoring short positions.
The hype last year which caused tens of thousands of inexperienced Investors to rush in trying to profit in the short term, selling higher than they bought.
inexperienced investors investing in altcoins losing 90% of investments and blaming bitcoin and selling all.
Printing of 100's of millions of Tether artificially accelerated rise.
Cost to use bitcoin network increased drastically on bitcoin cash lunch due to the network being spammed with dust transactions from thousands of bitcoin cash address and lacking the means to mitigate until segwit was adopted which rejects spam and increased efficiency dramatically reducing costs to under a $1.
Thank you for answering this question. I haven't invested in cryptocurrencies yet but I think I will later this year. I will wait for some of the dust to settle first.
For a market to be alive it has to understand both up trend and the down trend. If you are confused if it is right descision to stay in the market then it is the right time for you to exit from the market. A confused mind will not work well in the market.
No, The answer to this question is never.
No two person in this world can love each other equally. The reason is simple you cannot measure love. Love is an emotion which is driven by personal experience and experience will differ from person to person. What you might have experienced from your kid is not necessarily having the same effect on the kid. Suppose you have taken your kid to a garden where you both of you had a healthy and hearty conversation and both of you will change after this incident. Because this experience will change the dynamics between you too and thus changing the emotions and finally comes the "Love". This goes for all the relationship.
Now some may say that the parental love is not that kinda love. and is unconditional. To which I disagree because unconditional love does not exist. Do get me wrong, I am a true believer in Love but the term unconditional does not fit anywhere. In fact, all the other adjective used in along with the love does not apply, True love, Pure love etc.. Love is love and it is either there or not. Coming back to the unconditional love. There are conditions which are overlooked, that' s all.
No, it's to early in this space to draw a conclusion and walk away. Looking at all the signs from institutional, non retail, investors there are billions of dollars waiting to be invested in crytpo. Look at a company like Coinbase. They are not acquiring other companies and building new platforms to just throw money away. They see the herd is coming. Just hold tight.
Nope, still in cryptos ... not selling a thing. This moment now is truly the FUD. It's really weeding out those who are super weak -hearted. If anyone goes back in time to other years when Bitcoin and the general crypto market was down for long time ... this is normal. These down periods are normal. People just have short-term memory.
You clearly havenโt been in the crypto scene at all if you think that it is time to throw the towel and give up due rock the value. Just because crypto was over hyped and ran up in numbers and is now being corrected doesnโt mean crypto is dead. Thats like literally saying that if the stock market hit recession we sGould firstly get out of the stock market, and second never ever touch the market again. Anything that goes up in life has to go down, and if you look at a year to date chart you can actually see that crypto is still near the same that it was last year at this time.
It is difficult to keep the faith with all of the controversies surrounding cryptocurrencies and the consistent price declines that we've since about January with some small rebounds that lasted an extremely short time. My advice would be to pick a few that you understand well and believe in, if you then decide you want to stay in, you should understand that it's a long term investment and all investments have ups and downs. Nothing in this world consistently increases in value without ever going down as well. It's the nature of any free trade market. When markets are low, people tend to buy and hold, when markets are high the experienced investors will look to sell while the less experienced investors will think they're missing out on something extraordinary in generally buy in at the higher levels only to see the prices drop as the more experienced investors start to sell and realize their gains. Hang in there, stick with it through the down times, and at some point if you remain liquid you might just find yourself in a better position. I've also noticed slightly that since the inception of cryptocurrenciess it does seem that it runs about a 3 year cycle where there's some significant down times but then after a few year period there tends to be a significant jump in comparison to the usual carry values.
Be patient and HODL as much as you can. Donโt sell BTC or other crpytocurrencies at these low prices. It is only a loss when you sell and realize the net losses.ย What is certain is that in the long run, the prices will bounce back and shoot up. Probably in a series of quick and sprint bull-runs. The concept of "bull" and "bear" market is not applicable here in the traditional sense.ย
Find something else to do instead of refreshing the website for the cryptocurrency prices every 5 minutes.
I have received delegated Steem Power, as a new Steemit user. When I use some of the Steem I earned to power up, the delegation goes down so I still sit at 15 SP--- no net increase.
Is there a better way to reinvest my Steem, until the delegation goes away in a few weeks?
Steem invests in a new user. As the new user earns steem or steem power, the delegation is slowly withdrawn. from my experience, it is better to lease some steem power and upvote your posts and comments till you make a decent amount and have your own steem power. It took me months to understand that without being able to vote at least 0.01 cents, you make nothing out of it. Commenting is another way to make some sp. Write meaningful comments and others will vote you and the interaction also helps a lot. All the best
You get more "power" on the platform with more SP. More bandwith, more voting power. Voting power can be used to build your community buy passing out votes. It is a complex system but you get a annual rate on SP.
My suggestion is to power up your steem as you get it. This increases your voting power. I help teach a class on discord in steemschools that teaches the basics of steemit and would like for you to attend a session. The are held every day and are free classes.
But the problem is, right now it doesn't increase my voting power, because the new-user delegation is decreased by exactly as much as my power-up. So instead of being at 15.1 SP I'm still at 15 SP.
I'd suggest you power up as fast as possible. Better if from your post reward. The benefit of staked steem power outweighs what little liquid Steem you choose to withdraw.
I would suggest to try play on the market and earn more steem from day trading. Bitcoin UP - steem up, bitcoin down and steem down. You can earn more steem is still new to the blockchain. therefore not that many users have noticed it yet. give it a few more months and we should see an uptake in traffic and votes.
but hey that's just my opinion and i could be wrong.
Now with the rise of blockchain, we have decentralized apps like Steemit and (which is great!) How long do you think it will take before a majority of the apps and services in the internet becomes decentralized?
Email took 1996 - 2004 to become mainstream in all countries.. Keeping in mind that for Email to become mainstream it first had to penetrate internet connectivity, which is not the issue now. So we can probably half the email mainstream adaptation time. I would say in around 5 years decentralisation could become the mainstream of internet.
first fry green peppers in a pan by using attar. then add some grated tomato on it. keep frying for 2 minutes. Add whipped eggs and stew 2 minutes. this is called menemen in turkish, it is delicious.
I like scrambled eggs. sometimes I scramble them with peppers and eat as a sandwich. My Grandmother taught me how to make them, I always think of her when I eat them.
I believe that we love our pet so much, because they love us unconditionally! My dog is always excited to see me come through the front door. Even if I just left for a minute to grab something from the car.
They are good companions to have. They never intentionally do anything to hurt you and can be a great protector to you and your family. You raise them as you would a child and invest time into training them which is a rewarding process. They are part of the family.
If Musing can get a group of good users to provide content and answer questions I think it can be just as good or even better than Quora since there is a possibility for a huge incentive. People will provide quality answers because those are the ones most likely to be upvoted rather than trolling (of course these may be upvoted too if they are funny enough). If we can build a community that wants to help this budding site grow it can be immense.
I see at this point there may be a few barriers to entry as people do have to wait for a steem account after signing up and people are not as familiar with this concept. But once it is out there and people figure out what this platform can do, it really is a great idea.
It doesn't have to, it can be much more. Quora is just an intelligent platform gathering intelligent people to answer questions. Musing could be much more, but it does need to bring together dedicated people who enjoy a sense of educated and elevated community.
Trolls are the number one enemy of such a platform, since the number of people who answer questions will avoid stepping into an offensive area.
There are people and people and today, I am writing here. A little less than an hour ago I answered on Quora :D
So while it might be or might not, the steps are in place and content creators are in both places.
Movie to recommend?
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
You should give "The Shape of Water" a try. It's a fantastic story about a woman who falls in love with an otherworldly being.
Review: In THE SHAPE OF WATER, mute Elisa (Sally Hawkins) works nights as a cleaning lady for an aerospace research center in the early 1960s. She and her talkative best friend, Zelda (Octavia Spencer), start cleaning one of the rooms and discover some kind of non-human being (Doug Jones) in a tank full of water. Finding herself drawn to him, Elisa keeps visiting, bringing him hard-boiled eggs and playing music. But since the cruel, vicious Colonel Strickland (Michael Shannon) violently treats the creature as an enemy, Elisa decides to break him out. She enlists the aid of her loyal next-door neighbor, commercial artist Giles (Richard Jenkins), and is unexpectedly helped by scientist Hoffstetler (Michael Stuhlbarg), who doesn't want to see the creature killed and dissected. With the creature living in her bathtub, Elisa realizes that she must free him. But does she have enough time? And what's the secret of their mysterious connection?
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Don't know about the movies but for the TV series I've just started watching "Black Mirror" and I am really impressed by the quality of this show. You should definitelyy try this one out.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Must try The Shawshank Redemption
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Song to recommend?
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
One Kiss by Dua Lipa, Calvin Harris
Familiar by Liam Payne & J Balvin
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Moved to the Hive platform.
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Which team do you support for 2018 World Cup besides your country?
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Brasil and Belgium
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Brazil (Brasil) for SURE!!!!! Ole Ole Ole
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Snacks to recommend in Australia?
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Vegemite!!! Disgustingly interesting. Think of soggy football socks which you haven't washed in a week.
Then again if you enjoy strong smelling blue cheese, you might enjoy this.
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When North Korea said that they will gradually disarm their nuclear capabilty, do you believe them?
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They simply go the same way as China did, you just need to check last 50 years Chinese history.
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Yes honestly I do believe it will come together after all north Korea really needs aid and more welfare in the country. I do believe trump has no bad meanings at the end. But we shall see, could also be a trap from Russia, who knows.
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No more or less than when the US says that they want to bring peace to the Middle East.
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Which future is easy to scalp?
This is in relation to future trading.
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Why is money so addictive? The more you have it the more you want it?
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Because money offers instant gratification. As you spend it, you get a dopomine hit while at the same time using it up. So you will always need more.
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It measures superiority which every human being urges.
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More Money More Problems then you need money to get out of those problems.
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Is blogging at Steemit better than blogging in blogger?
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Definitely, at least you can earn some STEEM
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It depends on what you define by better.
If by better you mean a better earning opportunity, then yes.
If by better you mean by keeping your thoughts online in a more permanent decentralized way, then yes.
If by better you mean easier to use and has greater readership then no; not yet anyway.
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Why is sleep so important?
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Like all body parts that become fatigued, they need time to heal. Sleep heals muscles and repairs them , creates new pathways in the brain in order to adapt to everything that is being absorbed. Without rest anything living or non living will get worn out.
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Besides the upvotes, is there any other way to monetize the blogs at Steemit?
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If you can find yourself sponsors
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How does one go about doing that?
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If you have Steem Power, you can delegate it to SmartSteem or Minnowbooster and earn some 18 to 20 % per annum.
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Posting (writing, photos, videos, audio...etc), loaning your Steem Power, trading your Steem, building your own community to discuss certain topics...etc.
More will come when the SMT (Smart Media Tokens) are introduced.
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What does unconditional love mean to you?
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Unconditional love = the way how dogs view human.
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Unconditional love does not exist, though that is not necessarily a bad thing. It is all transactional though it is now always obvious how.
Even a dog loves it's owner because the owner takes care and feeds it.
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That the object of love will be loved even if the situations and circumstances surrounding it are not ideal.
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What is your thoughts about the incident at Starbucks where 2 young coloured entrepreneurs were caught by police for sitting in Starbucks, waiting for their friends?
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Hve you ever been discriminated and how did you handle it?
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Which one is easier to make money? Future Trading or CFD trading?
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here's what I found if it helps - CFDs vs Futures
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If you are given a second chance at life, what would you do differently?
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I would probably study a different thing at University (not Civil Engineering).
I would start traveling the world earlier. Finally, I would have invested in bitcoin when it was cheap. :)))
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If I got a chance again begin my studies,I would follow the advice of Plato and start from Mathematics.
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Buy a ton of bitcoin in early 2010. :D
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Learn finance and trading while still in school.
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Who decides what is right and what is wrong?
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You should decide
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I think only we can decides what is right and what is wrong. we know that somthing is right in our point of view but the same thing is wrong in others opinions. for example whole world condemned the terror attacks of ISIS but they said it #JIHAD. Is it?
So just listen to your inner soul.
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People with strange thoughts and actions are most likely psychological sick or brainwashed
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Humans exist because they have morality and know what fear is. Ask yourself, why can't you just simply drive into a wall without hesitation? That is your inner mechanism which is telling you that that is wrong. We constantly make a descision based on cause -> result.
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If you can choose to be immortal, would you make that choice?
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Why not
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Probably but I always remember Duncan MacLeod. His life was not easy...
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i don't think i will. i think the real beauty of life is it's mortality. If it were to never end it would have no worth at all.
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Our souls are immortal, it's our task to understand that as a humans
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I don't think I have the power to see humanity destroy itself. So, that's a No from Me.
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I don't think I have the power to see humanity destroy itself. So, that's a No from Me.
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Do you think women are more forgiving to their cheating partners than men?
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Depends on the relationship. If the partners are higher status the women will be more forgiving. If the partners are equal to or lower status than the women, they will be held accountable.
It's all about perceived market value. Economics 101. ;)
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Yes they are
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It may not be cheat
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What is the easiest way to make money?
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Investing , money makes money easily
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Buying a lottery ticket. Also a high risk proposition.
Returns are proportional to risks.
Or to put it another way Easy come, easy go
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When is bitcoin going to hit a new high?
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I believe it will in next year
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Bitcoin will be simply played by bears in market with price range of $7k to 8.5k until bulls doesn't enter in the market.Many analysts stated bitcoin price when it was surging like a rocket but this fuel isn't enough to stop downward inclination and rebounding to the previous level of $20k
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Based on previous years records and based on network trends, I am guesstimating within 8 months. Here are a few qualitative reasons:
Also there are many more people to enquire information on.
Many countries didn't have exchanges back in 2014. Now there are many local and global exchanges and the buy-in requirements / barriers to entry are much lower than ever.
Now, very few people expect it to go below USD7k if at all. The longer it stays above USD7k the greater the trust people will get in it.
At one point, the general public will feel more confidence to get in again.
As the adoption of LN grows and improves technologically, it is very likely that merchants will start to get into bitcoin over the counter.
We are talking about 1 second transaction times with fees close to 0.
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Have you noticed that the reviews on google are not really honest? Most reviews are done because the reviewer has vested interest? Maybe he/she is promoting an affiliate link?
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Is a standing table really worth all the hype?
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Yes it is! You feel more energetic at the end of the day. Altho I see people standing bent etc, try to stand straight.
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Yes but be careful when "it" rises! you may find yourself in need of some adjustment.
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Why is the best fruit always forbidden?
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The blacker the berry , the sweeter the juice. People always want what they cannot have at the moment. Once you achieve your goal (fruit) there will be something else you strive for with obstacles that make it forbidden.
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Which is a better investment? A standing table or a really good chair?
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I would go for a somewhat cheaper Ikea chair and a standing table. Standing for a hour or two per day is much better!
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How have your life impact other people around you?
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How exactly to exit a losing trade?
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Plan the trade. Small amounts in and set stop lost when you enter. Don't change the stop loss later on.
Trading psychology 101.
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Why are human so addicted, the more we get or consume, the more we want?
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It starts when you want to consume something, say a hamburger or nice pair of shoes. Once you buy that meal or pair of Nike's you get rewarded with satisfaction. That sends a message to your brain that it's good to consume things and becomes stronger the more you consume.
It's a learned behavior and is done through a process known as "Positive Reinforcement".
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Do you think Steemit is a ponzi scheme? Why or why not?
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Is there an alternative to sleeping?
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Right now, no but I hope someday some smart person will come up with a pill that we can take so we do not need to sleep but without the complications that comes with sleep deprivation.
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A bit of meditation each day can be a replacement for maybe an hour of sleep everyday but prolonged meditation is not a complete replacement.
It is a filler, but there is no replacement.
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Sounds strange! We want to find the alternative to sleeping. Suppose scince would find a way to do it but will it be satisfying. The answer is nope.
Today people wander around the world to find a refreshing moments. But nothing better than The natural sleeping. Sleeping after tiredness.
So my dear friend there is no alternative to sleeping. ๐
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No definitly not! Sleeping is not also for being tired but also for body-recovery, processing emotions by dreams (you dream every night!). I was also looking for an answer but there isn't any.
You can sleep like Einstein tho, but only for 1 week maximum! 4 hours awake, 20 minutes of sleep, 4 hours awake, 20 minutes sleep and so fort!
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I wish, and I'm one of the lucky ones, I average 4 hours a night, and I usually hate that I have to do that.
I have a trick that can get you through several days if you are working on a project etc. Edison?? used it when working on projects. I call it the Rock and Bucket.
Basically, when you have worked all you can and need some sleep, Get a Rock and a Metal Bucket. lie down on a couch with the rock in your hand hanging off the side of the couch over the bucket. When your body relaxes enough that your hand drops the rock, just up and you are usually ready to go for another 8 to 10 hours.
There's actually some science behind it but don't want to do that here. Of course, most people are going to say you need way more sleep than is really necessary.
Just my #twocents take it or leave it.
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When we die, how do we ensure our legacy lives on?
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Either create something that others are passionate about such as many large brands (Disney, Nike etc..) or have a child. Also by inventing something new or innovating on something old but putting a new twist on it it may carry on even after you are gone. If you capture the hearts of the people with your goals and ambition it is easy to keep your legacy living. The only problem is later on it may not be what you imagined it to be, it could be better or or it could be worse depending on what the next person wants their legacy to be.
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For most regular people the answer is to make sure it is on a decentralized blockchain. If you have great ideas, make sure you post it directly on the blockchain (Steem) and continue to develop it there,
If you can find any way to improve open blockchains do it.
It will be there much longer than your life span and your childrens
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When is the best time to eat banana?
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In the morning like all regular monkeys do as it provides a burst of sugar, potassium and energy to start your day. Don't forget to use the peel to fertilize your home garden.
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How to exit a winning trade before it turns around and become a loser?
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Set a simple goal, like: whenever I earn 20%, I will exit
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You can set goals for yourself but FOMO (fear of missing out) is always around the corner. Try to investigate what a coin can be worth. Not in terms of value per coin but the marketcap. For example I give you Steem. It contains services like Youtube, Facebook-like, Reddit, Soundcloud and many more. If you add all marketvalues of that companies together you will easily reach 100B plus. Steemit is not even 1B at the moment so it is very lickely that Steem will raise substantially.
If you are a technical trader try using 3 indicators which you master. If 2 out of 3 indicators tell you that the market will reverse, buy-in or exit!
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Why is money so important? Why do we work so hard to earn this thing called money?
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I believe we mostly get this concept wrong
We work to earn wealth. Money is paper while wealth entails actual riches or assets. The reason we work for this is that during our time on earth, your wealth classifies your position in the most neccesariluy hierarchy which is the "wealth hierarchy". The higher your are the more comfortable life is.
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Money gives freedom to work and life with comforts.Money cannot give you all the things but some of the things can be purchased with it.Money estimates your social and political standing and acceptance by group of humans,which is the reason why people grave more to the money.
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I believe we mostly get this concept wrong
We work to earn wealth. Money is paper while wealth entails actual riches or assets. The reason we work for this is that during our time on earth, your wealth classifies your position in the most neccesariluy hierarchy which is the "wealth hierarchy". The higher your are the more comfortable life is.
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I believe we mostly get this concept wrong
We work to earn wealth. Money is paper while wealth entails actual riches or assets. The reason we work for this is that during our time on earth, your wealth classifies your position in the most neccesariluy hierarchy which is the "wealth hierarchy". The higher your are the more comfortable life is.
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This is right that money can't buy all the things like self satisfaction, sleep, hunger, emotions etc. But We understand the value of money when we badly need it.
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This is right that money can't buy all the things like self satisfaction, sleep, hunger, emotions etc. But We understand the value of money when we badly need it.
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Why is musing so slow?
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Both (& write to the Steem blockchain and will have much slower performance than a centralized system like Quora.
Decentralized technologies are still improving but I think we can expect performance improvements and more stability within 2 years. The performance should fingers crossed be acceptable to most and close to that of current centralized systems.
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How do we identify the best opportunity to pursue?
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Evaluate your current situation. Plan out the best options that align with your life goals and future and pursue the one you know or is most likely to get you there. The risk also depends on the people around you and what you are responsible for. You have to factor everything, sit down and write your plan down then re evaluate it until you come to a general baseline. Iterations will come after.
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What is the biggest trading mistake that you have made?
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Played 3x leverage game
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Auroracoin on Cryptsy. Cryptsy went gone with all my coins and Auroracoin have been valueless for years!
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Buying high selling low (
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Influenced by high returns ,while not making any stop loss.
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Overconfidence leading to gambling like behaviour (e.g. putting higher amounts er trade then necessary)
Instead I should have a more discipline of a professional trader.
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When we have so many ideas and we want to do so many things, how do we make the best choice?
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That's a rather broad question, with a lot of possible answers. I would say just pick one and go for it. Depending on the idea, if one of the ideas will propel you towards many of the things you want to do, then implement it and use it to knock some things off the bucket list.
Just my #twocents take it or leave it.
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I think this is where a personal Mission Statement comes in. It can be used as a guide to help you make the best choice and it's created by you.
Mission Statement: (sample)
I created that Mission Statement after 33 years of living life as me and think it pretty much says what I need to focus on.
You can create a Mission Statement too. Just take some time to discover what you value most in life and make it happen!
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When I make mistake in my musing posting, it is difficult to fix. Why can't musing be more user friendly?
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If you are a day trader with less than USD 10K fund, will you ever be able to earn a living day trdaing?
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You won't unless you have great resource which can give you insight of the market.
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TLDR: Yes, you will be able to..
It is just a matter of good discipline in trading. It will obviously take longer with USD100.
However, undisciplined traders given millions of dollars can quickly lose them too. History is full of examples of them. In short money is no replacement for knowledge.
As the saying goes "A fool and his money are soon parted." hold true.
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Daytrading stock/forex is a bit more doable then Crypto's. Crypto's go hand in hand in swings and Forex/Stock is less likely that they will rise and fall all together.
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Why do we work so hard and collect material stuffs?
We work so hard to collect material stuffs and when we die, no one would even cares.. Why do we even bother?!
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Because people are flawed. We get pleasure and self-worth from getting stuff. What kills me is how much people spend on useless stuff, or they are spending money in ways that don't make sense. In the US, it is not uncommon to find a person living in an old single wide trailer, with a 30 or 40 thousand dollar car parked outside. It drives me nuts knowing their car is worth more than their house, what's worse they are probably renting the house.
Just my #twocents take it or leave it.
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How do you treat a subordinate who blatantly and constantly lie to you?
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Beat that ass
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Why is really slow?
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When a user makes a post needs to connect with database and show you results in the index which makes it harder to compile makes the process slower,good quality of code and server can eliminate this problem.
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When is the best time to trade EURUSD?
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Is nothing really impossible ? Can we really achieve everything that we want to during our lifetime?
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If we lived forever I would say Yes. But since we don't and our time is limited, I will say No. But as technology develops and lifespans increase, more will become possible, and there will be fewer ideas that are impossible to achieve within a person's lifetime.
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Desire never completes but if you are satisfied with what you have already perceived you have achieved everything.
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If you cut all your worldly transient desires to a few that make you genuinely satisfied then yes we can achieve everything.
If I lived a simple life where my end goal was to run a mushroom farm, I am sure that my desire will be fulfilled.
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It's just my opinion, but if you achieved everything you wanted to in life you were not pushing hard enough.
There are some things that are impossible for us to achieve, creating something out of nothing.....
Just my #twocents take it or leave it.
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Problem with us as humans is that if we achieve something, we want the next thing to happen. This can be due to greed or maybe because of constantly wanting to improve ourselves. I think that that is fine!
If we go to bed a bit more wiser then we stood up then our day was succesfull imo.
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I think so.. however i also think that sometimes we set certain goals for purposes they don't necessarily address. So "everything" may not be about quantity of actual goals achieved. Everything may be achieving one thing that satisfies all goals.
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What happens if you are constantly deprived of sleep?
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Whenever I go on for a few days without enough sleep, I get sore throat and I find it very difficult to recover. I eventually have to take antibiotics, usually amoxycilin to recover.
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You will have a severe lack of alertness, even missing 1.5 to 2 hours of sleep can cause your brain to function much more slowly. Your memory can be impaired because your brain has used up all its energy. You will become stressed out because you are restricting your body from an essential function , similar to when you are hungry. This can lead to mood swings and overall frustration causing problems with not only yourself, but the people around you. Your body will feel weaker, I actually just experienced this the past night i missed about 2-3 hours of sleep and my body did not feel as strong as it usually does and my workouts were lacking. You increase your chances of getting into accidents on the road. Also from personal experience, I have nodded of in many situations on long drives only to realize i was still on the highway but don't know how I got to that specific point.
Although people say to be successful there are gonna be days where you will miss sleep I think the opposite. If you sleep well then you can more efficiently and effectively use the time in your day, your concentration and energy will be up.
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Why do we procrastinate? How do we overcome procrastination ?
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Why do we feel some warm feeling when we see something cute like a baby or a puppy? Is that love?
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I think it is love and our instinct to care for the careless. Altho puppies are less careless than humans. Also there are enough people who don't give a **** for puppies, baby's etc. Don't know why tbh :)
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Is it normal to procrastinate?
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In short spurts it is fine because it gives your mind a break from the daily grind.
As most things in life, overindulging in anything (e.g. laziness) is often detrimental to oneself.
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Is the Illuminati conspiracy true?
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Illuminati is a semi-fiction based group based on the freemasonries (those exist tho). I think people are looking into putting stamps on groups which they don't know and I think Illuminati is just a stamp for the 1% group of the world (the wealthiest)
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Name your top five priorities in life?
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Why must all good things come to an end?
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I think Nelly Furtado wrote a song about that? :D
Also bad things come to a end, everything does, even the universe will end sometime.
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Because then people will realize that they are good things and will stop taking them for granted.
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that's just the way it is. better yet that is the way people are. even when we have the things that we want, we start wanting more, better, something else.
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If there is no afterlife, then what is the meaning of life?
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If there really is no afterlife the only thing I can imagen are two thing.
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Life has No Meaning...Life has no Purpose.. The purpose of life is to live....We are humans...Humans have no purpose in life... A machine has purpose.. The Table Fan has purpose...Human Beings have no purpose...They are just meant to live and live happily...
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I think there is no general meaning of life. You can create your own meaning really. There does not need to be any type of written end goal for human beings. Think about what you live for everyday or what you want out of your life, and there you have it. That is your meaning of life.
Some people strive to be great philosophers and gain worldly knowledge to pass on and create a legacy while others live for the weekend parties at some club.
Your personal quest could be to find the meaning of life which could very well be the meaning to your life if you let it.
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You write really good answers!
P.S. I followed you.
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The meaning of life is to find meaning in life.
I have found that the most meaningful experiences are the near painless ones that don't cause others pain and only provide a subtle amount of pleasure. It's in that subtle, harmless and painless pleasure that I find meaning in life.
Good luck!
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Why is a good movie so uplifting?
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You clearly haven't seen Graves of the Fireflies.
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Why do we react to what others say about us?
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Because you have built a certain persona around yourself that you may or may not like. And would rather see it improved upon or remain untarnished. Some people do not care what others think and go on living life as they please , this may be inspirational to others but can also come off as unrefined or brutish to another group of people.
Sometimes it is good to react because you are able to present yourself in the correct light or how you want to be perceived rather than how someone else's perception about you is. In the case of wrongfully accused, their entire lives are turned on their heads and ruined along with their reputation for something they may have not even done. They could be a great person but looked upon differently because of where they were at a certain time or how they dress.
It is hard to just say it doesn't matter what people think because sometimes when you need to reach certain goals you may need to impress the right people .
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Why do some people look good on camera and others not so good?
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You need to be confident. Not primairly in yourself but just for taking photo's. Also try to imagin how the picture will look like. Don't forget, most people know special stands or poses and use Photoshop a lot!
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it depends on pose , girls make quick actions to their facial muscles.
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Many use good photo and photo-editing apps these days to beautify themselves. ;)
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Do you like your name? Does your name has any meaning?
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Not really. My parents could have put in more effort.
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Yes, My name is Ram, Hindu Lord Ram. (Great Men)
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I think every name has a meaning and its own story behind it. The love of our loved ones is connected with our name.
My name is Anuj and its meaning is Younger Brother. I think you also loved it...... :)
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My name is Jeffrey, I like it because in short it is Jeff and for me they are both a bit cool in my opinion in my foreign language (dutch)
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Yes, I love my name. My parents named me Margaret which means pearl. They think I'm a gem! Many of my friends call me Maggie.
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Yes, I like my name. Matthew Ryan Hunter
Matthew which means "Gift From God"
Ryan which means little king, descendant of the king, or illustrious
Hunter which means a hunter, bird catcher, or one who seeks.
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How do you deal with sarcasm?
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I am the dealer of sarcasm. I'd say go along with it for a while and see how long they can stay sarcastic.
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Sarcasm is only an issue if you have something like borderline, autism or just are very insecure. Sarcasm can be hard since some people are very realistic with their sarcasm.
You can do several things:
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Which is easier to day trade? E-mini S&P futures or E-mini Nasdaq Futures?
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Why do we hope to gain when we travel?
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Why do we hope to gain? Because when we travel there are so many new experiences so we may hope to learn something new.
What do we hope to gain? New and rare situations, landscapes, cultures, languages to reshape the statue of our mind into something more elaborate. We may hope to be inspired from what we see, whether it be a poor farmer living a happy simple life or dining at a once in a lifetime $2000 dollar dinner.
We hope to gain experience and knowledge in order to later process it and shape a life out of it.
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How do we maintain focus when there is so much distraction in the world today?
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Yes, you are right. There are lots of distraction in the outer world, just turn inward. Meditate and keep calm yourself.
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Learn how to be very selective. Turn off everything else that doesn't help you in your long term goals. They are mostly noise and don't bring your much advantage.
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It is very difficult to keep focus now that we have such an information overload. Everywhere you look someone is trying to feed information into your brain. I believe that if you can stay calm and know what is currently important , take deep breaths and focus you will gradually train your brain to think this way.
Even now, I have many tabs open and before even finishing this post, I wanna click on one of them and see the latest updates. You need to compartmentalize what you are doing and not let anything in until you complete your task.
It is difficult but very possible, just gotta keep trying.
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Why isn't the RSI indicator reliable when predicting a trend reversal?
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Why does time flies so quickly when one is having fun?
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Because you are not worrying about anything, you are living in the present moment. That's how we live. Have fun!
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Why do we feel the need to do better than other people?
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Same as in the animal kingdom I think. Every animal including humans want to be better then others. Reason can be different tho. For me personally it would only be a healthy competition. Some do it because they are insecure I think.
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How do we recognise our gut feelings and how to take advantage of it?
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I guess when you feel something in your gut , you can take advantage with it because it is something at your core communicating with you. Like if you feel like you should take the job opportunity you may be more inclined to do better there because it aligns with something within your soul and just feels right. Even though it may not be the most rational decision at the moment you can make it work to your advantage and just go for it.
On the other hand going by your gut when there is nothing to back it up , say ,when you really think someone stole something but aren't really sure might not be the best idea. I have one accused someone of stealing something from me at a party just because I had a gut feeling he did but when I went back home and looked it had just fallen from the top shelf and was on the floor under some clothes.
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Why is it that the more we have, the more we desire?
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Who is John Wick?
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He is a 50 year Old Vampire who is also known as Neo..
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Do you honestly love your mother-in-law like you love your own mother?
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I was separated from my biological mother when I was 2 years old, and then placed in foster care. A few years later I was adopted by the same family that took me in.
I felt a gap of some sort growing up since I knew I was adopted and later moved to the Phillippines when I was 24 years old. After that, I got married on my 25th birthday (in the Philippines) and became a part of my wife's family.
I never met my biological father, I don't have very many memories of my biological mother, and I didn't feel that connected with my adopted parents growing up, so my wife's parents played a great role in being my first "real parents" (or so it seemed at the time).
I used the love I have for my wife to love them too, and after loving everyone in their family, I realized how much my adopted parents love and loved me. They were my first real parents!
Now I love my adopted parents and my in-laws, including both mothers as if they were my own, real and biological parents.
P.S. I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area of the United States.
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Why do we always feel the need to support the underdog ?
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Underdog's are usually more relatable to people than the untouchable champ who already has his followers and reputation. The champ is always this golden shining presence while the underdog has something to prove.
It can be a few things. People think the underdog made it up to this point because they worked harder than anyone else and struggled doing it so they deserve their spot at the top.
People may be jealous or tired of the current top position holder and want to see him dethroned. They want to see change or see something exciting.
It invokes a sense of satisfaction and a spike of emotion when the underdog finally gets his day.
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I think this can be due to selfish reasons but we can't do anything about it as humans. We feel better helping the poor, with no bad intentions.
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Whats going on with cryptocurrencies? Why is it going down?
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The darkest hour is nearest the dawn.
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I think it's mostly due with people who really don't understand cryptocurrency. i think they treat it like a casino rather than a steady long term investment. if you want short term investments that you don't really believe in and just want to speculate on. Try traditional investing or gambling. its much more safe. If people believe in the direction and purpose of crypto, they would not panic at every market move.
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There was a hack at a smaller crypto-exchange. Everyone is in panic now but it will recover short-term. It is painfull however I will not be concerned much since value was way too high past year. Look at this as a correction or a buying-opportunity.
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There any many factors leading to a current downturn,
Gaining price to fast in a short period of time, all markets need corrections to sustain growth and reduce volatility.
Launch of futures markets added a lot of liquidity from alternative markets with great liquidity and a bias to bitcoin leading to a mentality favoring short positions.
The hype last year which caused tens of thousands of inexperienced Investors to rush in trying to profit in the short term, selling higher than they bought.
inexperienced investors investing in altcoins losing 90% of investments and blaming bitcoin and selling all.
Printing of 100's of millions of Tether artificially accelerated rise.
Cost to use bitcoin network increased drastically on bitcoin cash lunch due to the network being spammed with dust transactions from thousands of bitcoin cash address and lacking the means to mitigate until segwit was adopted which rejects spam and increased efficiency dramatically reducing costs to under a $1.
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Thank you for answering this question. I haven't invested in cryptocurrencies yet but I think I will later this year. I will wait for some of the dust to settle first.
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For a market to be alive it has to understand both up trend and the down trend. If you are confused if it is right descision to stay in the market then it is the right time for you to exit from the market. A confused mind will not work well in the market.
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Do you honestly love your daughter-in-law like you love your own daughter?
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Do you honestly love your son-in-law like you love your own son?
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At what age do our children stop listening to what we say?
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Will our children ever love us like we love them?
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No, The answer to this question is never.
No two person in this world can love each other equally. The reason is simple you cannot measure love. Love is an emotion which is driven by personal experience and experience will differ from person to person. What you might have experienced from your kid is not necessarily having the same effect on the kid. Suppose you have taken your kid to a garden where you both of you had a healthy and hearty conversation and both of you will change after this incident. Because this experience will change the dynamics between you too and thus changing the emotions and finally comes the "Love". This goes for all the relationship.
Now some may say that the parental love is not that kinda love. and is unconditional. To which I disagree because unconditional love does not exist. Do get me wrong, I am a true believer in Love but the term unconditional does not fit anywhere. In fact, all the other adjective used in along with the love does not apply, True love, Pure love etc.. Love is love and it is either there or not. Coming back to the unconditional love. There are conditions which are overlooked, that' s all.
Just Love and be Loved
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Do you sometimes feel that your parents talk nonsense?
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Do you think you are smarter than your parents?
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Why do we love pets?
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Do you believe that some Pets bring good luck?
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Is death final?
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Is it really out of sight, out of mind?
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Why do we get angry when someone made a mistake that affect us but did not tell us whereas we would be less angry if they inform us before we find out about it?
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Can you really make money trading forex?
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Has anyone given up on cryptos yet? The price keeps going down, is it ever going to go up again?
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This is the perfect time to buy and hodl. No one knows where the bottom is, but you'd be picking up value from the bargain bin.
Remember to never invest more than you are willing to lose.
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No, it's to early in this space to draw a conclusion and walk away. Looking at all the signs from institutional, non retail, investors there are billions of dollars waiting to be invested in crytpo. Look at a company like Coinbase. They are not acquiring other companies and building new platforms to just throw money away. They see the herd is coming. Just hold tight.
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Ofcourse, hundreds of people give up crypto every day, but also hundreds people get faith in this everday and balance is kept yet
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Nope, still in cryptos ... not selling a thing. This moment now is truly the FUD. It's really weeding out those who are super weak -hearted. If anyone goes back in time to other years when Bitcoin and the general crypto market was down for long time ... this is normal. These down periods are normal. People just have short-term memory.
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You clearly havenโt been in the crypto scene at all if you think that it is time to throw the towel and give up due rock the value. Just because crypto was over hyped and ran up in numbers and is now being corrected doesnโt mean crypto is dead. Thats like literally saying that if the stock market hit recession we sGould firstly get out of the stock market, and second never ever touch the market again. Anything that goes up in life has to go down, and if you look at a year to date chart you can actually see that crypto is still near the same that it was last year at this time.
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Moved to the Hive platform.
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It is difficult to keep the faith with all of the controversies surrounding cryptocurrencies and the consistent price declines that we've since about January with some small rebounds that lasted an extremely short time. My advice would be to pick a few that you understand well and believe in, if you then decide you want to stay in, you should understand that it's a long term investment and all investments have ups and downs. Nothing in this world consistently increases in value without ever going down as well. It's the nature of any free trade market. When markets are low, people tend to buy and hold, when markets are high the experienced investors will look to sell while the less experienced investors will think they're missing out on something extraordinary in generally buy in at the higher levels only to see the prices drop as the more experienced investors start to sell and realize their gains. Hang in there, stick with it through the down times, and at some point if you remain liquid you might just find yourself in a better position. I've also noticed slightly that since the inception of cryptocurrenciess it does seem that it runs about a 3 year cycle where there's some significant down times but then after a few year period there tends to be a significant jump in comparison to the usual carry values.
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ย Given up on cryptos? OFCOURSE NOT!
Be patient and HODL as much as you can. Donโt sell BTC or other crpytocurrencies at these low prices. It is only a loss when you sell and realize the net losses.ย What is certain is that in the long run, the prices will bounce back and shoot up. Probably in a series of quick and sprint bull-runs. The concept of "bull" and "bear" market is not applicable here in the traditional sense.ย
Find something else to do instead of refreshing the website for the cryptocurrency prices every 5 minutes.
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Do you prefer day trading, scalping or long term trading aka investing? Why?
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Have you ever lied in your life?
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Have you ever stolen anything and why did you do it?
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As a new Steemit user, should I be avoiding powering up?
I have received delegated Steem Power, as a new Steemit user. When I use some of the Steem I earned to power up, the delegation goes down so I still sit at 15 SP--- no net increase.
Is there a better way to reinvest my Steem, until the delegation goes away in a few weeks?
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My question exactly. But without powering up, I noticed that my vote has no value. So, I guess, the only way is to power up. But am not in a hurry.
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I'd power up for sure. At least in the begining until you get a decent SP amount.
Get your strategy right and go for it :)
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Steem invests in a new user. As the new user earns steem or steem power, the delegation is slowly withdrawn. from my experience, it is better to lease some steem power and upvote your posts and comments till you make a decent amount and have your own steem power. It took me months to understand that without being able to vote at least 0.01 cents, you make nothing out of it. Commenting is another way to make some sp. Write meaningful comments and others will vote you and the interaction also helps a lot. All the best
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You get more "power" on the platform with more SP. More bandwith, more voting power. Voting power can be used to build your community buy passing out votes. It is a complex system but you get a annual rate on SP.
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My suggestion is to power up your steem as you get it. This increases your voting power. I help teach a class on discord in steemschools that teaches the basics of steemit and would like for you to attend a session. The are held every day and are free classes.
We win together!
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But the problem is, right now it doesn't increase my voting power, because the new-user delegation is decreased by exactly as much as my power-up. So instead of being at 15.1 SP I'm still at 15 SP.
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I'd suggest you power up as fast as possible. Better if from your post reward. The benefit of staked steem power outweighs what little liquid Steem you choose to withdraw.
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I would suggest to try play on the market and earn more steem from day trading. Bitcoin UP - steem up, bitcoin down and steem down. You can earn more steem
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Why aren't the upvote rewards in as high as other platforms like Steemit?
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Submit is still new to the blockchain. therefore not that many users have noticed it yet. give it a few more months and we should see an uptake in traffic and votes.
but hey that's just my opinion and i could be wrong.
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When you do good to others or help others, do you expect anything in return?
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How long until decentralization becomes the mainstream in internet?
Now with the rise of blockchain, we have decentralized apps like Steemit and (which is great!) How long do you think it will take before a majority of the apps and services in the internet becomes decentralized?
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Email took 1996 - 2004 to become mainstream in all countries.. Keeping in mind that for Email to become mainstream it first had to penetrate internet connectivity, which is not the issue now. So we can probably half the email mainstream adaptation time. I would say in around 5 years decentralisation could become the mainstream of internet.
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Why do people love to travel so much so that some people even take up loans for travelling?
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Everything that is new gives to some people joy. Some people naturally want to travel. Some people don't. Most of us are OK to travel once a year.
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What is your favorite way to cook eggs?
Today is National egg day. So, I was wondering about people's egg eating preferences. I love spinach and feta omelettes.
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fry them
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I love a fried egg sandwich!.
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first fry green peppers in a pan by using attar. then add some grated tomato on it. keep frying for 2 minutes. Add whipped eggs and stew 2 minutes. this is called menemen in turkish, it is delicious.
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It sounds amazing. I will have to try it in the future, Thanks for sharing.
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Bull's eye...
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I had to look that one up. I never cooked my eggs with the bread like that. I will have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
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Scrambled Eggs for Breakfast ,Fried eggs for lunch and bread Omlete for Dinner
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I also love to eat eggs for meals besides breakfast,. Thanks for sharing.
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Fried with sausage
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I like my fried eggs over hard with the yolk broken and topped with cheese. Sausage is a great side along with some home fries. Thanks for sharing.
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Scrambled eggs
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I like scrambled eggs. sometimes I scramble them with peppers and eat as a sandwich. My Grandmother taught me how to make them, I always think of her when I eat them.
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Have you traveled the world and how long did it take you?
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Where would you like to retire and why?
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Are you gay and if so, when did you realise that you are gay?
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Why do we love our pets so much?
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They don't talk)) W think that they stupid, and when somebody stupid do something non stupid we feel good. They are fluffy
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I believe that we love our pet so much, because they love us unconditionally! My dog is always excited to see me come through the front door. Even if I just left for a minute to grab something from the car.
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They are good companions to have. They never intentionally do anything to hurt you and can be a great protector to you and your family. You raise them as you would a child and invest time into training them which is a rewarding process. They are part of the family.
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When you are old, will you stay in a home?
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Will Musing will ever be like quora?
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I don't think so, It's missing something important that is that you need to have a steem accounts, quite difficult yet
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If Musing can get a group of good users to provide content and answer questions I think it can be just as good or even better than Quora since there is a possibility for a huge incentive. People will provide quality answers because those are the ones most likely to be upvoted rather than trolling (of course these may be upvoted too if they are funny enough). If we can build a community that wants to help this budding site grow it can be immense.
I see at this point there may be a few barriers to entry as people do have to wait for a steem account after signing up and people are not as familiar with this concept. But once it is out there and people figure out what this platform can do, it really is a great idea.
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It doesn't have to, it can be much more. Quora is just an intelligent platform gathering intelligent people to answer questions. Musing could be much more, but it does need to bring together dedicated people who enjoy a sense of educated and elevated community.
Trolls are the number one enemy of such a platform, since the number of people who answer questions will avoid stepping into an offensive area.
There are people and people and today, I am writing here. A little less than an hour ago I answered on Quora :D
So while it might be or might not, the steps are in place and content creators are in both places.
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Don't know much about the Quora, but this platform instills some good sentiments
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Why does it feel good to help others?
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What is the best way to remove a mole?
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Would you let some poor people stay in your house?
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