Man, Musk is such a child.

in musk •  3 years ago 


People really don't seem to understand the Twitter bot disclosures. Musk's statements on the issue haven't helped in that regard either.

The 5% number is AFTER Twitter filters out the obvious bots. Of course there are more bots than that. But among mDAUs (monetizable daily active users), there are fewer than 5% bots based on Twitter's sampling procedures ( looking at a random sample of 9k mDAUs and assessing with public and private information like IP addresses and activity whether it is a human account ).

So when Musk says stuff like "Twitter can't possibly have fewer than 5% bots", he's mischaracterizing what they are saying.

He specifically has a bot problem because he's a high profile person with a lot of money who impulsively retweets things. He's an unusual person who keeps thinking that his experiences are typical.

Here's Twitter's CEO explaining the whole process. They get rid of spam accounts every day:

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