When deciding whether a person is trustworthy, their character and their history ought matter.

in musk •  2 years ago 


One of the ways in which I was mislead by reading Heinlein in my youth is that it led me to expect villains to be both smarter and more persuasive than they are in real life.

We are living in the dumbest timeline.

He took the stage at a Dave Chappelle show last night and was greeted with loud booing. He tried to assuage the crowd by yelling "I'm rich, bitch!" ... and was even more heavily boo'd by the crowd, with plainly audible jeering that went on for some time.

The end result, of course is that you woke folks who hurt his feelings are now a mortal threat to civilization.

We need grown ups in the public sphere now more than ever.

He has set out to make the most mundane aspects of content moderation sound sinister. If he were truly aiming for transparency, he would turn those files over to the many journalists that have asked for them, rather than write hit-pieces.

He recently wildly misrepresented the world of Yoel Roth, he is repeating right-wing talking points about Dr. Fauci, and he has gone out of his way to re-platform outright Nazis like Anglin (founder of Daily Stormer) and Patrick Casey (Identity Europa). Anglin is currently running a very slick recruiting campagin on Twitter.

None of this is anything new for Musk. The man has always been a pathalogical liar (in public, over, and over, and over).

You know how I feel about Nazis and white nationalists. Musk have given the single largest recruiting boost to white nationalists that has occurred in my lifetime.

On Musks's management of Twitter: the fact that he re-platformed famous and egregious neo-Nazis without discussing it with anyone and did so while the press was distracted with "The Twitter Files" should be your first clue that his "commitment to transparency" is much like the bulk of most of his other public utterances: self-serving b.s.

We can start talking about "transparency" when he commits (and follows through) with releasing all communication between himself and the government of China, when he allows outside investigators not in his employ to examine "The Twitter Files", and when he commits to creating a public database of all removal requests, from every source.

His commitment to "transparency" is much like his commitment to almost everything else he has ever promised: vapor-ware.

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