My 2017 Top 5 Posts

in my2017top5 •  7 years ago 

I am novice in Steem. I have a few posts in 2017

My best 2017 posts:

1) "About me" in Russian

It was a mistake. I will tell you about me in English later)

2) " dark cat"

3) "bird's house"

4) My old copper coin

5) Local public Chritmas tree

It were my first steps in Steem, I will be better!

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Keep at it and make sure your content is good and success will come with time! :) Thank you for your participation!

nice entry maybe add a photo on the top this helps for people to find it when browsing, also I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a post to make it simple to do just scroll down to 5 on this post Here

thank you! I added a Steemit Profile Picture. I will resize my top photos