Spiders - Show Us Your California

in mycalifornia •  2 years ago 

Hi friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly Show Us Your California contest hosted by @socalsteemit where we share an aspect of our California.




The recent rain and wind storm (which started out as Hurricane Hillary but turned into a tropical storm by the time it reached us in So Cal) caused a lot bush and tree debris. With all that, the local spider’s webs were also destroyed - I took some time to walk around and snap some pics of spiders rebuilding their webs after the storm:

Pretty cool to see them all back out and rebuilding after the storm. They didn’t waste much time as it was the next day you could find them everywhere in the open trying to get their setup squared away.

Thanks for coming by and checking out a piece of my California.


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Thanks for telling. Most welcome 🤗

Congratulations @brian.rrr, your post won 1st prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!