Introducing Jesufemi #mychild365

in mychild365 •  6 years ago 

Here i am introducing my second child Jesufemi,she has been a great to my family and i,watch out for more as i would take time to write about here

Facts about Jesufemi

  1. She was born on the 23rd of April,2017
  2. She started walking several weeks
  3. She can already mumble some words like dad,mum
    4)i have a feeling she might end up using left-hand
    5)She has a happy spiritIMG_20180408_112405.jpg
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I'm very glad that you started participating in my contest. Good luck to you and your child.

Я очень рад, что вы начали участие в моем конкурсе. Удачи Вам и Вашему ребенку.

Thank you,i hope we would all enjoy the adventure