My Daily Impression - Saturday Food

in mydailyimpression •  5 years ago  (edited)

This my Entry about My Daily Impression
**A Saturday Food **- Gurita Snack
(A combination Sozzies with Noodle)

A Squidy Octopus Replica in a Snack of Food

We can share our impression with a simply way about our world related to the theme below :

Monday - Sky(Cloud, Sun, Moon, Stars, etc)
Tuesday - Water(River, Sea, beach, etc)
Wednesday - Land(Mountain, Landscape)
Thursday - Plantation(Tree, flower, forest, etc)
Friday - Human(People, face, family, etc)
Saturday - Food(Anything as food or drink)
Sunday - Animal(Any species of animal)

By using a tag of #MondaySky #TuesdayWater #WednesdayLand #ThursdayPlantation #FridayHuman #SaturdayFood and #SundayAnimal we can remembering the beauty and peace of our world.

About MyDailyImpression

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