Consumption of spinach extract reduces appetite for food and hunger for up to 95%, scientists have found. This is due to the spinach tylacoids that stimulate the release of hormones (leptin and others) that lead to a feeling of satiety.
In the study, overweight people received placebo or spinach extract in random order for at least one week. Blood glucose and lipid levels were measured before breakfast. Four hours later the participants took 5 grams of the extract and a standard lunch. The results show that spinach extract has increased the satiety of humans to over two hours compared to placebo.
Another recent study shows that tilacloids in spinach reduce the desire for sweet foods in overweight women. In this study, participants took 5 grams of spinach extract before breakfast for 3 months. The results of this study indicate that tilacloids increase the weight loss by 43% and reduce hedonic hunger to 95%. This type of hunger, which is most commonly a compulsive desire for sweet and / or greasy, highly processed foods (snacks), is the common cause of unhealthy eating and obesity.
For people who took spinach extract, it was much easier to stick to three meals a day without having a compulsive desire for food in the meantime. They have lost even more weight than the control group at the end of the study.
Spinach extract works by slowing the digestion process . This gives the intestinal hormones more time to send to the brain the message that we are full.
"It's about using the time to digest food," says Professor Charlotte Erlandson-Albert, one of the authors of the study. "There is nothing wrong with our digestive system, but it does not work well with modern" pre-chewed "food. Tilacloids slow down digestion, creating a feeling of satiety. This means that we can stick to our normal diet, with no snacks and unnecessary foods such as sweets, chips, and the like. "
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