It's an inside job

in myth •  7 years ago 

Today's job involved a lot of caek cc @marxculture

I hear this line a lot in self-improvement circles. "And then I realised, it's an inside job! Wow!"

So for people whose first language is not English, here's a quick explanation. "an inside job" traditionally referred to the idea of a crime that has been committed, at least partially, by people associated with the victim of the crime - so for example, an inside job might be a bank robbery where employees of the bank are part (or all) of the gang. So detectives in popular culture might say "we suspect it was an inside job" and of course the audience already knows it was, so that adds to the excitement.

In that way, it became something of a cliche or trope, that when you hear of a crime being committed, you might usually take it at face value, that these people were robbed by some other people, but it turns out that no, it was a disgruntled employee of the robbery victim, who were doing the robbing - shocking!

So switch then to someone realising that although their alcoholism is something that they need help with, it's not all of the people, places and things in their life that need to change, it's them, it's an inside job and it has been all along. It's your insides that need to be altered, your thoughts, decisions, feelings. When we talk about "doing the work" this is the work that needs to be done. We need to take a good look at ourselves, admit where we've been going wrong, decide that we're going to live differently, find some forgiveness and repair any damage we might have done along the way. That's hard. It's not nearly as straightforward as it sounds when I write it out in a single sentence. And it can take a long time to put everything right.

But there's no work more worth doing.

What I then think is fascinating is taking it round another loop and looking at the movies about the "inside job" as a metaphor for the damage we do to ourselves. Deep down, we know that the villain behind our personal misfortune (or the villain behind the villain) is within us, it's our thinking and activities that have lead to our own downfall. That's why the story is so popular, because even if you haven't clocked it yet, it's probably true for you too.

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I'm actually interested in where the limits of this 'I need to change myself' approach are....and where the 'we need to change society approach begins'.

I'm in teaching and someone recently started up a Mindfulness class, to cope with the stress - which I and all of the rest of us suffer from massively... the most interesting response was this....

'Therapy usually encourages us to ask 'what is wrong with me, and what can I do to change myself'

A Marxist approach to therapy (it was on the union email!) is to ask 'what is wrong with this system, and what can we do to change it'.

I'm very interested in where the boundary is! In teaching I think it's a terrible message to send out to teachers that 'you need to do mindfulness classes to cope' when objectively the system is so fundamentally flawed (the 80:1 student to staff ratio is proof enough if you ask me!)...and then there's all the targets, targets, targets, even the Buddha himself couldn't have coped with the English education system!

Sometimes its us that make our own misery, but sometimes it's the system - if monks need monasteries...

Thanks for the upvotes btw!


Yes, it's complicated, isn't it :) But I think the main thing is, it's not just one or the other. And I think it's easier to help fix the system if you're already doing some work on your self.

I don't know, I also think that if one sees it as a zero sum thing - ie "there's someone to blame here and if it's not me it must be you" then that's destined to go back and forth for ever.

I agree - there's always something you can do to change yrself - and yes, very complicated. Currently working on myself with a fine pint of Harveys, I think?

What's up with the photo btw? Struggling with the link there...

heh! no, I'm not sure either now, perhaps it was some sort of "that cake needs to be in my insides" kind of gag :)

I like it - very lateral, something I need to work on...

For the most part, I blame myself.

I hope you can forgive yourself too :)

you have to be one of the strongest willed men i know. and you should be proud of that, because that's an incredible achievement. all power to you.

download.jpeg Thanks fella!

It's an inside job! You speak the truth here, I think a lot of things in life are an "inside job" definitely!

inside job.jpg

Is that a movie? It looks like a movie I'd like to see.... Why yes is is!

Haha that wasn't what I was thinking of but it looks good too! There was an old bank heist movie from maybe 10-15 years ago, I think it was called Inside Job. I remember it being a fun time, with a super exciting and implausible twist at the end that lets the main characters steal all the money.

Ah, now that's another really interesting point, in the movies, you're nearly always rooting for the perps to get away with the crime. Hmmm... thank you, that adds some richness.