Hola comunidad de steemit hoy quiero compartir mi vida como ajedrecista

Todos los días los observaba 10 minutos como ellos jugaban ps ese era el tiempo de recesó, poco a poco vi como movían cada pieza y me uní a ellos solo con verlos nadie me enseñó los primeros movimientos, el 22 de mayo del 2007 es el cumpleaños de ciudad bolivar una fundación "plaza la comunidad" realizó un evento ajedrecístico intercolegial y a mi escuela la invitaron nos llevaron a 4, en representación de la escuela.
Un día una inesperada llamada tarde en la noche llega a mi madre, era el profesor de ajedrez que me estaba invitando a salir al otro día a un estadal de ajedrez con todos los gastos pagos a la Ciudad de Upata a 3 horas de la Capital. Mis padres estaban muy dudosos de dejame ir ps solo tenia 10 años para viajar y ese fin de semana era el día de las Madres, yo estaba súper feliz pero mi padre no del todo, mi mama logro converserlo y me dejaron ir.
Amaneció y yo súper temprano en el lugar de salida también iba mi compañera Laura ella se convirtió en mi mejor amiga en el ajedrez teníamos la misma edad siempre juagariamos en la misma categoría y mi meta era superarla, salimos un poco mas tarde del medio día.
Este era mi primer torneo estadal, fueron 5 rondas para que clasificaran 4 al nacional, estaba muy nerviosa la primera ronda ps primera vez que jugaba con reloj y perdí por los nervios, pero las otras rondas me impuse en todas quede de segunda y mi compañera Laura primera, ambas clasificamos para los JUDENAMUN 2008 en el estado Trujillo.
Comencé a asistir a clases de ajedrez semanales, pues debía aprende anotar las jugadas, a jugar con reloj, las aperturas, defensas y sii el ajedrez es un deporte muy complejo al momento de entrenarlo de alta competencia!
Dos meses después llego el gran día de reunirnos para abordar un bus con destino Valera, Trujillo yo no dormía de la emoción dure una semana así porque rodaron la fecha como en 3 ocasiones en una semana, la emoción de viajar tan lejos y sola, solo con mi entrenador.
Acá le dejare el link de un vídeo echo por nuestro entrenador juan Suares de lo que fue toda la competencia.fuenye
En el año 2008 jugué 3 torneos importantes
Este fue mi primer torneo Nacional donde había una representación de cada estado ahí jugando solo podrían participar personas que nunca hubieran participado en un Nacional Federado.
¿Por qué te enamoraste de tu hobby?
Me enamore del ajedrez desde el día que supe que podría viajar por el país jugándolo y conociendo gente nueva Gratis
¿Cuándo lo practicas? ¿Es parte de tu vida diaria o tienes que salir de tu rutina para poder hacerlo?
Últimamente con la universidad ,no lo estoy practicando diariamente pero cuando estaba en la secundaria o sea durante 5 años lo entrene todas las mañanas mayormente 3 horas al día!
¿Es algo que compartes con otra persona o es tu hobby TU cosa y lo haces por ti mismo?
Lo comprarto con muchas personas , pero como es un juego individual definitivamente lo disfrutó sola!
¿Qué está pasando en tu mente cuando lo haces?
Debo estar súper concentrada en la apertura que voy a jugar , estar solo pendiente de cada jugada.
¿Es tu hobby una prioridad? ¿La práctica le quita tiempo a su familia o pareja? ¿Lo tiene alto en su lista de prioridades o no es tan importante en comparación con familiares y amigos?
Cuando hay un torneo importante definitivamente es mi prioridad, en los juegos universitarios debía adelantar un examen con un doctor para poder viajar y el me dijo la medicina o el ajedrez, yo dije el ajedrez ya que cada vez en Venezuela es mas difícil asistir a las competencias como antes que podía durar un mes viajando, llegar a casa y seguir viajando al día siguiente.
¿Es tu hobby caro? ¿Gasta mucho dinero cuando lo practica?
Es gratis realmente, cuando decides ir a competencia si debes gastar en el viaje , pero el deporte como tal es gratis!
¿Qué sacrificios haces para poder practicar tu hobby?
Ninguno , solo dedicarle tiempo y estar relajada.
¿Eres un aficionado? Un adepto? ¿Un experto? ¿Qué hace las diferencias entre ellos?
Soy una experta pues el tiempo que llevo jugando , la cantidad de competencias y la diferencia esta que estoy registrada en la federación nacional y ínternacional
La FIDE ,aquí mi usuario
¿Depende solo de las habilidades o también necesitas herramientas o equipos para mejorar?
De las habilidades de tu mente, puedes mejorar con la ayuda de aplicaciones en el cellll pero todo esta en la mente.

Every day I watched them 10 minutes as they played ps that was the time of recess, little by little I saw how they moved each piece and I joined them just by seeing them nobody taught me the first movements, on May 22, 2007 is the birthday from bolivar city a foundation "plaza la comunidad" held an intercollegiate chess event and my school was invited to take us to 4, representing the school.
There were 4 rounds, which won 3 only lost one with a girl named Laura Valero, Professor Juan Suarez Coach of the state team and Professor of Talent School we took the data and wanted us to join their training group.
My partner Laura the Pope had taught and was in good condition for a national competition and a few months went to a tournament on the island of Margarita, I had never traveled and less alone with only 10 years, while she was traveling I played day to day with my classmates and about 3 months and I beat everyone in school and

One day an unexpected call late at night comes to my mother, it was the chess teacher who was inviting me to go out the next day to a chess stand with all expenses paid to the City of Upata at 3 hours from the Capital. My parents were very hesitant to let me go, I only had 10 years to travel and that weekend was Mother's Day, I was super happy but my father was not at all, my mother managed to talk him and they let me go.
It dawned and I was super early in the place of departure also my partner Laura she became my best friend in chess we were the same age we would always play in the same category and my goal was to overcome it, we left a little later than noon.
This was my first state tournament, there were 5 rounds to classify 4 to the national, I was very nervous the first round ps first time I played with a clock and lost by nerves, but the other rounds I imposed on all of the second and my partner Laura first, we both qualify for the 2008 JUDENAMUN in the Trujillo state.
I started to attend weekly chess classes, because I had to learn to write down the plays, to play with the clock, the openings, defenses and if chess is a very complex sport when training it with high competition!
Two months later the big day came to get together to board a bus to Valera, Trujillo I did not sleep of emotion for a week like this because they shot the date as on 3 occasions in a week, the excitement of traveling so far and alone, just with my coach.
Here I will leave the link of a video made by our coach Juan Suares of what was the whole competition. Source
In 2008 I played 3 important tournaments
This was my first National tournament where there was a representation of each state playing there, only people who never participated in a Federated National could participate.
INTERNATIONAL Fair of the Orinoco- Cd Bolivar
This tournament was my best experience ps I met the world champion Judith Polgar who for that year was the only female champion of the world.
Hello steemit today I want to share with you my life as a chess player
More than 10 years ago I was studying 3rd grade in UEB Jose Luis Orsetti, I liked being in the classroom then in the library a group was passing, outside of classes I wanted to be part of them but I did not know how to play chess that was what did, then I could not stay alone in recess time.
Every day I watched them 10 minutes as they played ps that was the time of recess, little by little I saw how they moved each piece and I joined them just by seeing them nobody taught me the first movements, on May 22, 2007 is the birthday from bolivar city a foundation "plaza la comunidad" held an intercollegiate chess event and my school was invited to take us to 4, representing the school.
There were 4 rounds, which won 3 only lost one with a girl named Laura Valero, Professor Juan Suarez Coach of the state team and Professor of Talent School we took the data and wanted us to join their training group.
My partner Laura the Pope had taught and was in good condition for a national competition and a few months went to a tournament on the island of Margarita, I had never traveled and less alone with only 10 years, while she was traveling I played day to day with my classmates and about 3 months and I beat everyone in school and to tables with teachers.
One day an unexpected call late at night comes to my mother, it was the chess teacher who was inviting me to go out the next day to a chess stand with all expenses paid to the City of Upata at 3 hours from the Capital. My parents were very hesitant to let me go, I only had 10 years to travel and that weekend was Mother's Day, I was super happy but my father was not at all, my mother managed to talk him and they let me go.
It dawned and I was super early in the place of departure also my partner Laura she became my best friend in chess we were the same age we would always play in the same category and my goal was to overcome it, we left a little later than noon.
This was my first state tournament, there were 5 rounds to classify 4 to the national, I was very nervous the first round ps first time I played with a clock and lost by nerves, but the other rounds I imposed on all of the second and my partner Laura first, we both qualify for the 2008 JUDENAMUN in the Trujillo state.
I started to attend weekly chess classes, because I had to learn to write down the plays, to play with the clock, the openings, defenses and if chess is a very complex sport when training it with high competition!
Two months later the big day came to get together to board a bus to Valera, Trujillo I did not sleep of emotion for a week like this because they shot the date as on 3 occasions in a week, the excitement of traveling so far and alone, just with my coach.
Here I will leave the link of a video made by our coach Juan Suares of what was the whole competition. Source
In 2008 I played 3 important tournaments
This was my first National tournament where there was a representation of each state playing there, only people who never participated in a Federated National could participate.
INTERNATIONAL Fair of the Orinoco- Cd Bolivar
This tournament was my best experience ps I met the world champion Judith Polgar who for that year was the only female champion of the world.
-Torneo Regional "Entre Ríos" -San Félix -III
In 2009, I joined the Bolivar Sports Talent Unit and began to see chess as a sport, not as a pastime.
-- Porlamar.
In 2017 I only played the JUVINEU university games because of the country situation, it is no longer the same to travel to competition and with the little training due to the University.
Why did you fall in love with your hobby?
I fell in love with chess since the day I knew I could travel around the country playing it and meeting new people ** Free **
How did you choose this hobby? Or better yet, how did you choose this hobby?
I chose it because I only saw that everyone played and I decided to learn to play it alone.
How long have you been doing it ...? Are you learning more and more every day?
I have been more than 10 years since 2007 but in 2008 I went to my first national, which was my engine to fall in love with chess
What do you love about this hobby?
Travel know and share with those people who do not live in your city but share that passion for chess.
Do you like it because you're good at that?
It could be better, but something I have learned and put into practice and I have had my prizes !!
Do you love it because it takes away your stress? Do you enjoy it because it is a challenge?
It takes away my stress, I can last 5 hours in a game thinking about each play to beat my opponent.
When you practice it? Is it part of your daily life or do you have to leave your routine to do it?
Lately with the university, I'm not practicing it daily but when I was in high school or for 5 years I trained him every morning, mostly 3 hours a day!
Is it something that you share with another person or is your hobby YOUR thing and do it for yourself?
I buy it with many people, but as it is an individual game I definitely enjoyed it alone!
What is going on in your mind when you do it?
I must be super concentrated in the opening that I am going to play, to be single pending of each play.
Is your hobby a priority? Does the practice take time away from your family or partner? Do you have it high on your list of priorities or is it not so important compared to family and friends?
When there is an important tournament it is definitely my priority, in the university games I had to pass an examination with a doctor to be able to travel and he told me medicine or chess, I said chess since every time in Venezuela it is more difficult to attend the skills like before that could last a month traveling, get home and continue traveling the next day.
Is your hobby expensive? Do you spend a lot of money when you practice it?
It's really free, when you decide to go to competition if you have to spend on the trip, but the sport as such is free!
What sacrifices do you make to practice your hobby?
None, just spend time and be relaxed.
Are you an amateur? An adept? An expert? What makes the differences between them?
I am an expert because the time I have been playing, the amount of skills and the difference is that I am registered in the national and international federation
The FIDE, here my user
Does it depend only on the skills or do you also need tools or equipment to improve?
Of the abilities of your mind, you can improve with the help of applications in the cellll but everything is in the mind.
Are you lucky that your hobby is part of your work?
If there are people who live chess in European countries but in Venezuela if a minimum wage does not give you a sport less, only if you are a baseball player and you are going to the United States.
If I had to explain your hobby to an extraterrestrial, how would I do it?
God, it would be super difficult for the change of language but I would explain it play by play

Muy buena participación, interesante la forma de presentarla ¡Ya estas participando felicitaciones! (Hay algunos errores en la ortografía pero no es de preocuparse, nuestro consejo es que te tomes un momento para releer con calma al redactar)

coment by: @andyartland
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Excelente post! gracias por compartir tu vida ajedrecistica! sigue adelante!
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Que bonita historia:)
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