My Town in Ten Pics : Poornia - Sunday 04/04/2021

in mytown10pics •  3 years ago  (edited)

I really love my native village. In the spring, she drowns in apple and cherry blossoms, the aromas of lilac and bird cherry. In summer, the slopes are covered with gray feather grass. In autumn, the multicolored leaves are pleasing to the eye. In winter, an endless, boundless white space opens up.


My town is unusually beautiful, and everything that surrounds us pleases the heart. In the countryside, there are still corners of wild, pristine nature.


My town is unusually rich in forests, meadows, fields, reserves of clay, sand and chalk. The only thing that worries me now is that there are no young people here, mostly pensioners have remained.


But time goes by, society is developing rapidly, modern technologies are being introduced, changing the way of life and thoughts of a person, changing the face of the earth.


I am proud of my native land and I want my village to become richer and more beautiful. I believe that things will be different here in the future. That fine asphalt roads will connect my little village with nearby villages, buses will run, and people can easily get to any place in their area.


New beautiful comfortable houses will grow; a modern large enterprise will be built, which will operate using the natural resources of our area, a kindergarten, a theater and a museum, a hospital and a church, a large modern store, a cultural center and a computer center will open. Then all people will have the opportunity to work where they like, while close to home.


The standard of living of my fellow villagers will be no different from the urban ones. Natural gas will come to every home. Computers with Internet access will appear in villagers' homes. And then no one will leave the village in search of a better life. It will come to life again, my fellow countrymen will live and work here.


People will become more cheerful and kinder. They will take care of nature, take care of animals and birds, and help them. After all, nature is the source of life and well-being. And nature will serve man, give him its beauty and inexhaustible wealth.


But there are things that I would like to keep, despite all the positive changes. I do not want the village spirit, the simplicity and warmth of human communication and participation to disappear.


And also let the natural beauty of the native land be preserved. Let rowan and birch plantings border my village in the same way, lilacs and bird cherry blossoms under every window, and in autumn it still smells of apples and mushrooms.


Thanks for being with me.

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