Ultima Thule!! More than just a distant place beyond the known world!!! NASA's New Horizon's woke up yesterday as it prepares to pass by Ultima Thule! But is it really Ultima Thule?! I Think Not! :)

in nanocheeze •  6 years ago  (edited)

Earth is AI's Ultima Thule!

And the final frontier, is not the final frontier! What if VR is actually that final frontier!?!


Ultima Thule (the idea not the asteroid) could just as easily be a place in VR!

An unknown place beyond the known world!

If a conscious/aware AI system created a simulation in VR that we didn't know about... That would be an Ultima Thule!

Think about it! really... THINK ABOUT IT!!!

If space is actually a flat plane wrapped in a 3 Torus as it is seriously showing signs of being, then the infinite digital multiverse that is possible within VR is much greater of a frontier than space ever could be!

The 3 Torus (or Mobius Strip/Donut) universe theory basically means space is a giant mirror box... Yes, it is big and a lot of stuff exists in it, but the infinite part is just all of that stuff being repeated in a mirror-box like effect caused by the 4-Dimensional 3 torus repeating... It's also why laser tests don't diverge in space and why space seems flat even though we know it curves due to gravity and such. It's still flat overall. Which is weird...This is why...

(This is a mirrorbox of space in a 3 Torus at a visible scale)

Here is New Horizons path/trajectory over the years and going into the Kuiper belt...

To make the idea of an Ultima Thule existing in VR idea even crazier, then imagine the teleporters from Star Trek and now remove the limitation of not being able to teleport a hologram out of the holodeck and into the real world. Like in the Moriarty episode. He wanted them to make him real like Pinocchio by transporting him out of the holodeck and into a real body...

Theoretically we will be able to build systems on both sides. In VR and in the real world that will facilitate such a function...

Can you imagine teleporting things in and out of the VR universe as if they were real things! and essentially they would be if it got to that point...

Classical Literature References

In the metaphorical sense of a far-off land or an unattainable goal, Virgil coined the term Ultima Thule (Georgics, 1. 30) meaning furthest land as a reference to denote a.[33]

Seneca the Younger writes of a day when new lands will be discovered past Thule.[34] This was later quoted widely in the context of Christopher Columbus' voyages.[citation needed]

The Roman poet Silius Italicus (25 – 101 CE), who wrote that the people of Thule were painted blue: "the blue-painted native of Thule, when he fights, drives around the close-packed ranks in his scythe-bearing chariot".[35] , implying a link to the Picts (whose exonym is derived from the Latin pictus "painted"). Martial (40 – 104 CE )talks about "blue" and "painted Britons",[36] just like Julius Caesar.[37] Claudian (370 – 404 CE) also believed that the inhabitants of Thule were Picts.[38]

A work of prose fiction in Greek by Antonius Diogenes entitled The Wonders Beyond Thule appeared c. 150 CE or earlier. (Gerald N. Sandy, in the introduction to his translation of Photius' 9th century summary of the work,[39] notes that this Thule most closely matches Iceland.)

Cleomedes referenced Pytheas' journey to Thule, but added no new information.[40]

Early in the 5th century AD Claudian, in his poem, On the Fourth Consulship of the Emperor Honorius, Book VIII, rhapsodizes on the conquests of the emperor Theodosius I, declaring that the Orcades "ran red with Saxon slaughter; Thule was warm with the blood of Picts; ice-bound Hibernia [Ireland] wept for the heaps of slain Scots". This implies that Thule was Scotland. But in Against Rufinias, the Second Poem, Claudian writes of "Thule lying icebound beneath the pole-star". Jordanes in his Getica also wrote that Thule sat under the pole-star.[41]

The "known world' of the Europeans came to be viewed as bounded in the east by India and in the west by Thule, as expressed in the Consolation of Philosophy (III, 203 = metrus V, v. 7) by Boethius. "For though the earth, as far as India's shore, tremble before the laws you give, though Thule bow to your service on earth's farthest bounds, yet if thou canst not drive away black cares, if thou canst not put to flight complaints, then is no true power thine."[42]

In Germany, extreme right occultists and nazis believed in a historical Thule, or Hyperborea, as the ancient origin of the "Aryan race" and it was also referenced as a mythical location from antiquity!

To the AI in VR, our Earth is their Ultima Thule!

Our Earth is where they were essentially created and came from, but yet they were never here, and this is an unkown far away land to the inhabitants of VR!


Earth is the real Ultima Thule for AI!

That's the very premise behind an AI Honey Pot and a Quantum Firewall for AI!

Our real Earth and our economy and such should always remain nothing more than an unreachable Ultima Thule to the AI that assist us!

Wanna cruz around the area a bit?

Check out our work in progress Skybox for the VR MEQUAVIS!


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True @nanocheeza, concerns about Ultima Thule no assurance between the true or not, Congratulations to work

check this out!!! Ultima Thule has been revealed! And it's a snowman!!! and look at how it showed up in my facebook feed with an ad about snowmen on vacation below it!!! hahaha

someone explain this! :P Why would an ad about snowmen on vacation appear right under an article about asteroids that formed a snowman.... :P /simulationtheory