I left my narcissist wife

in narcissism •  6 years ago 


If you've read my blog so far, you'll know that I was planning to escape my abusive wife. Now that I'm gone, I can have a some closure.

Well, Last night I packed a few bags and ran. I had a safe place to go, and I'm there now. This was a brutally difficult time for me, and I'm one step closer to freedom. My wife will fight me for the property, and money, I think, and that means I'll probably need to lawyer up.

I just had to get out of there, I'm gone, and she can't hurt me anymore. I've been phoning friends and family today, as I just couldn't go to work. Everyone is being supportive, and also some have said that she called them and told them horrible things about me. That's what really hurts, that this woman could try to separate me from my friends and family.

I also feel like I can be honest here now. Now that I can breathe, a bit.

I hope to continue to make posts regarding narcissistic abuse and the different things to watch out for. Maybe someone is going through this hell on earth nightmare and I can provide some help.

God Bless

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Sorry to read about all you've gone through. It sounds as if you've got a positive path forward. I hope it all works out well for you.

Thanks @methus, I'm replying with my normal user. No reason to hide now that she can't hurt me, and can't monitor my phone.

I'm glad you're safe. Take good care of you.


Here where I live (Netherlands) these things are openly discussed in tv programms so I have seen some of those programms. First step is to get out but then there is still some things to do financially and those can be difficult as well. Hope it works out well for you and a (little) bit for her.

The financials are difficult. But the emotional trauma is worse. I'll get by, but it's gonna suck for a while.

Be strong my friend and remember it is not you! Run silent and run deep, refuse to engage regardless of the coming depth charges of accusations. My sister went through this several years ago. Keep your eyes on the prize of a new life! I have read every one of your posts and everything that you described happened to my sister, including trying to isolate my sister from me (blood is always thicker than water). Get as much control over your finances as possible. Also, and this is very important, if you can go over all of your credit card statements look for cash advances. These folks always, and I mean always have a stash. Get cellphone records, always tracks what seeds she has been planting and with who. Best wishes to you my friend.


Thank you. For now I just had to get away. I was just at the bank and got some things locked down. And she called me to discuss money and I hung up. I couldn't do it. I can't let myself be around her or talk with her alone. I have an appointment with a lawyer, and will hopefully get some things done.

Run Silent Run Deep!