I'll Probably Move the Most of My Writing Over to Narrative

in narrative •  6 years ago  (edited)

Narrative seems rough around the egdes, but it may have some potential. It also seems possible to make money there, unlike on Steemit, and they have banned bid bots and a number of other issues that Steemit just can't seem to be able to fix, go figure.

Though it's fair to say that a lot of these projects look great in the beginning (Steemit did, too) and then end up becoming something else - just like Steemit. So I'm skeptical, as always.

But those two-three people interested in reading what I have to write, Narrative may be the place to look for that.

Here's my Narrative profile: https://www.narrative.org/m/Schattenjaeger

If I have something Steemit related on my mind, of course I'll use my Steemit profile. Just not very often these days that I have an interest in this place. Kind of a shame, really. Considering how large of a part this site played in my life just a few short years ago.

I'm considering selling all of my STEEM, but even powering down seems like too much of a hassle, so I dunno.

I'm a little busy since I need to take care of my terminally ill mother, as well as myself, but also due to that, any additional income (on top of what I get from speedrunning) is appreciated, so if Narrative works out, great.

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Are you still on scorum? I could never get any traction there...I've been powering down for a while. Not sure if I'm going to keep going on these type of sites or not.

Sorry about your personal situation with your mom. Has to be tough. Best of luck to you on the emotional front and enjoy any time you can

Posted using Partiko Android

I am, but I haven't posted in a while. A long while, actually. And SCR seems to be going by the way of the STEEM by the looks of things. Though I dunno, I may throw some money at it, just as speculation. It's extremely cheap. I haven't powered down my SCR, just in case.

But BTC is almost guaranteed to destroy most altcoins, I think.

Indeed. Btc is the only coin I've ever held outside of my steemit power and a tiny bit on scorum. Glad to see the dominance up....have you been using lolli?

Posted using Partiko Android

Never heard of it, I'll have a look.

Use my link....this service is a game changer


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I think we may see an alt season but not for a while. The top 10 have kept pace with BTC since Christmas, though.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm having a go at posting on Narrative as well. I have no idea how it will turn out, but we'll see.

My blog there: https://www.narrative.org/m/ocrdu/journal/recent

haven't heard of that one yet... cool


Posted using Partiko iOS

The reward currency (NRVE) runs on NEO, but the blog itself is not on a blockchain, as far as I know.

Interesting. Public wallet?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Why are you so interested? You've stated a million times that Steemit and STEEM are awesome.

(I've never stated that Steemit is awesome. That blogging front end was the first web front end and it does the job most of the time but it sure is not awesome. I think the best Steem front end at the moment is SteemPeak. Steemit, Inc, the company that developed Steem the blockchain has been decidedly less than awesome on Ned's watch. The list of things neglected by Steemit, Inc has been nothing short of astounding. Fortunately, others have stepped up and started working on sidechains that have considerably expanded the ecosystem. Steemit, Inc is also in better shape these days.)

Steem the blockchain is a pretty awesome invention. But pray tell by which logic cannot anything else be awesome but Steem?

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment