Place of interest.. on Mars!

in nasa •  4 years ago 

A decent map of the Isidis Planatia region.

Jezero Crater is located 3 degrees north of where the 15N latitude line intersects the western edge of the Isidis basin. (On my screen, 3 degrees is roughly the height of my mouse pointer)

Just southwest of Jezero lies Syrtis Major, a massive 2300 meter shield volcano that is almost certainly responsible for the high concentration of porous basalt ejecta we see in the recent remarkable photographs of Jezero.

Here's a magnificent map of Mars, produced by National Geographic.

The plains of Isidis Plantia can be found north and just east of the massive Hellas basin on the right side of the map. (The Hellas basin was almost certainly caused by a giant asteroid impact during the early history of the solar system)

Over on the left side of the map, don't miss Mons Olympus, 374 miles wide, rising 69,000 ft above the the Martian datum, and the largest volcano (and I think the largest mountain) in the Solar System.

Just to the south east of Olympus Mons is the Tharsis Rise (also known as the Tharsis Bulge), the product of millions of years of pyroclastic flow from the three large volcanoes located there.

You cannot imagine how badly I want to take a walk across Hellas Basin, or a stroll up the slopes of Mons Olympus.

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