in natrure •  6 years ago  (edited)

What is left of the Tall Phlox that had been growing and multiplying around here. The grazing deer, increasing shade and dry spells have almost wiped them out over the resent years.





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Maybe like a cat they have 9 lives and are survivors. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

These survivors had from help from me with watering and protection from deer :-)

Hi there! Where are the cats? They must be hiding somewhere among those flowers. LOL! Are those wildflowers?

Hi dm, no outside cats here but I should include a picture of a cat in each post... :-)

Yes you could Photoshop one in somewhere and hide him making us guess where he is!

Wish I had the ability to do that... :-)

Glad some are still remaining they are beautiful

Can never have enough beautiful things around :-)

Ohh yes without a doubt :)