Starting in Steemit from Venezuela - Natural Beauties of Venezuela

in natural •  6 years ago  (edited)

I thank God, the Developers and Administrators of this site for having accepted me and joined this successful group, here I came to learn and contribute my humble knowledge. Waiting for a fruitful and enjoyable relationship for all. Now my first post natural beauties of My Earth. Angel Falls or Kerepakupai Vená It is the highest waterfall in the world, with a height of 979 m (807 m of uninterrupted fall), generated from the Auyantepuy. It is located in the Canaima National Park, in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela. A protected natural area, established as a National Park on June 12, 1962 and declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1994, extends over an area of more than 30,000 km² (similar to the territorial extension of Belgium).

Parque Canaima, one of the most fabulous places in the country, is without a doubt, the Canaima Lagoon and its surroundings. In this lagoon you can see the Hacha, Wadaima, Golondrina and Ucaima jumps and in the background the 3 tepuyes that accompany any view of Canaima: The Nonoy-Tepuy (Zamuro) on the left, the Kuravaina-Tepuy (Venado) to the center and the Topochi-Tepuy (Cerbatana) with its slight inclination to the right. The Tepuy or Tepuies a class of especially steep plateau, with vertical walls and relatively flat tops (although not in all cases) characteristics of the Guyanese shield, mainly in the area of the Venezuelan Gran Sabana. It is usually composed of quartzite and sandstone with some thin slate beds. These mountains are the oldest exposed formations on the planet; its origin dates from the Precambrian. They are a complex between the northern border of the Amazon River and the Orinoco, between the Atlantic coast and the Negro river. Throughout the course of Earth's history, the plateau was eroded, and tepuyes were formed.
The Caribbean Sea is an open sea in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, located east of Central America and north of South America, covering the surface of the Caribbean plate. It is also called the Antilles Sea because it is located south and west of the Antillean arch. It is bordered to the north by the so-called Greater Antilles -Cuba, La Española (Haiti and Dominican Republic) and Puerto Rico, located to the south of the Tropic of Cancer, to the east with the Lesser Antilles (meridian 60 ° W), to the south with Venezuela, Colombia and Panama (parallel 9 ° N), and to the west with Mexico, Belize and Guatemala (meridian 88 ° W), and Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica (meridian 84 ° W).
The Bolívar peak is the highest geographical feature of Venezuela, with an official altitude of 4,978 meters above sea level. It is part of a set of peaks located in Sierra Nevada within the homonymous national park in the Cordillera de Mérida.
National park Médanos de Coro is a national park located in the state of Falcón, in the jurisdiction of the Miranda, Colina and Falcón municipalities, in northwestern Venezuela. Its most important area is circumscribed around the isthmus, on the way to the Paraguaná Peninsula on the north side of the city of Santa Ana de Coro. The isthmus comprises a belt 30 km long and 5 km wide. It has an average height of 20 masl (meters above sea level). Its sandy accumulations move in a changing way due to the action of the trade winds that blow from east to west. Los Médanos de Coro was declared a National Park on February 6, 1974, covering an area of 91,280 hectares, of which 42,160 are continental lands and 49,120 are marine areas. Well then, friends, these are some of the greatnesses of Venezuela, if you follow me and comment I will bring you towns and unpublished photos of Venezuela. see you soon.

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