How and Why to Harmonize the Heart and Brain (With Simple 5 Minute Exercise)

in naturalmedicine •  5 years ago  (edited)

The heart-brain harmony exercise shared by Gregg Braden in this video was a great help to me when I was going through one of the lowest points of my life, and I just wanted to share this informative video as well as a brief summary of the powerful info on this subject here today.

There are so many benefits to harmonizing the heart and brain, which includes an instant boost to the body’s immune system, a jump-start to internal healing by triggering the release of so many healing chemicals and hormones in the body, quicker memory recall, heightened level of intuition, and reduction of stress, among other things.

Modern science has discovered that the human heart is actually much more than just a pump, and also acts as a powerful electromagnetic generator that creates an electromagnetic field around the human body about 10 feet in diameter, with the electric and especially the magnetic waves produced by the heart being many times more powerful than those produced by the brain.

The emotions we experience on a day-to-day basis determine the frequency of these waves and of this field; for just like thoughts, emotions are too a form of energy. Each one of us is directly affecting every single person we come into contact with every day, even without saying a single word. This is why moods often seem contagious, and why someone in especially high spirits can instantly raise the spirits of an entire room full of people, just by walking into the room. And conversely why someone in especially low spirits in an extremely negative mood can instantly bring down an entire group of formerly happy people just with his presence.

But not only this, recent discoveries have also found that the heart has its own neurites similar to the brain, and has its own memory, and can therefore ‘think’ independently of the brain. And as such, the heart is also in constant communication with the brain.

Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions),” HMI researchers explain in Science of the Heart, an overview of research conducted by the institute.

This is where the importance of harmonizing the heart and brain comes into the picture. When an individual is experiencing a positive or high-vibratory emotion such as compassion, love, peace, or joy, then the signals being sent to the brain are coherent, and this induces the brain to release the healing chemicals and hormones into the body.

On the other hand, when an individual is experiencing negative or low-vibration emotions such as fear, rage, and rage, then the waves being sent from the heart to the brain are erratic and unstable, which induces the brain to release all of the stress hormones which negatively affect brain function and over time make us sick, and this is considered a state of incoherence, when the heart and brain are not harmonized.

As Gregg Braden explains:

Research has shown that when we create rejuvenating emotions, such as appreciation, care, gratitude, and compassion, the signal from heart to brain becomes more harmonized to reflect the quality of the emotions. In the presence of a harmonized signal, there is no need for the fight-or-flight response. The stress hormones decrease, allowing the heart and brain to shift and produce the chemistry that supports stronger immune response and greater amounts of DHEA, the precursor to all other hormones in the body.

Most people in the western world are living in a fairly constant state of stress, which is one major reason among many that there is such a growing epidemic of chronic disease, and such high rates of depression and mental illness as well. At the same time, people in the west are programmed from a young age to operate primarily from the brain, without relying on the intelligence of the heart, which is what has led to such a materialistic and greed-based society.

The good news is that tapping into our heart intelligence and thus living a much more balanced life becomes quite easy once we harmonize our heart-brain connection, and reestablish heart-brain coherence. Thankfully, harmonizing our heart and brain, and re-establishing heart-brain coherence is something anyone can do on a conscious level, and there are very simple 5 minute exercises that accomplish this, such as the one shared by Gregg Braden, which I will detail below.

  1. First, get into a quiet location, still your mind, relax, and slow your breathing.
  2. Begin to focus your attention on your heart space, and as you breathe slowly through the heart, place your hands gently over your heart to help shift your focus to your heart.
  3. To the best of your ability, create, feel and experience any of the four following powerful emotions: compassion, gratitude, care, appreciation. The goal is to fully experience the emotion, and this can be effectively done either by recalling a memory in which you felt this way, or focusing on anything or anyone you truly feel compassion, gratitude, care, or appreciation towards, and just dwell wholeheartedly on that feeling and fully embrace it.
  4. Hold onto the feeling of love, peace or joy that experiencing and embracing this powerful emotion brought you, for as long possible after you complete the exercise. Over time and with dedicated practice and focus, one will be able to hold on to this optimal state for a longer time during normal day-to-day activities.

Braden states that the physical healing benefits of this practice within the body are both immediate and continue to last for six hours.

This is a great practice to do first thing in the morning, at night, before meditating or practicing yoga, and especially at the end of a stressful day or anytime your stress levels are elevated above normal levels.

Also, once the heart and brain are harmonized, learning to listen directly to the heart without your mind getting in the way becomes much easier.

Much more could be said on the topic, but that will have to do for now in this post. For more in-depth discussion on the subject of using the mind and heart to heal (healing with our thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs), see my detailed post on the documentary Heal - The Healing Power of Belief and Your Inner Power to Heal - as well as the documentary itself, which should be available on Netflix; and check out the works of Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Joe Dispenza, all of whom also have many informative videos on YouTube.

I hope the information in this post brings peace, healing, and joy to others, as it once did for me.

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