Ooohhh Weee! I want to start by prefacing this with the fact that I wholeheartedly agree on the need to focus on how humans interact with these 5 areas to tackle (though my questions are a bit different - I'll include them below):
- Power
- How can we most safely and effectively move away from centralized power systems and back into the hands of communities, and reducing energy loss due to transporting it long distances?
- How can we best reduce total power usage? (there's no reason to have Googles, Amazons, DoDs, NSAs, etc. using up as much power as entire nations.)
- How can we get the century+ of information & technology around zero-point energy out from behind the government/corporate walls keeping it from the public?
- How can we most safely & effectively shift away from energy technologies that harm us and the planet? (including current solar, which involves tons of toxic chemicals, rare earth minerals, and doesn't last long enough to break-even on it's petroleum footprint)
- Built Environment
- How can we re-engineer the stuff that surrounds us? (this is actually a pretty great question) My focus would be on the longest-lasting, most temperature stable, least heat absorbing materials, as well as more modular designs, and getting away from corporate & government control of what gets built where, and how.
- Transport
- How do we transform the ways we move? (simple, theoretically encapsulates everything)
- How can we shift away from planned obsolescence in our modes of transportation?
- How can we reduce the transportation of "consumer goods" to only when absolutely necessary? (instead of shipping crappy products back and forth across the planet constantly)
- Food
- How can we spark a worldwide shift to healthier food systems? (again, great umbrella)
- How can we most effectively teach people in the "western" world how to grow their own food again? (instead of shipping food an average of 1400 miles)
- How can we get corporations like Monsanto, the FDA, General Mills, etc. out of our food systems completely?
- How can we most effectively teach people about mindful eating, how to track their bodies' responses to the things they eat, and how to intentionally shift their diet when it goes against habit?
- Nature
- How can we get humans to understand that they don't know better than nature, and should stop trying to plan for Mother Earth?
- How can we remind the human race that there is no separation between us (individually and collectively) and nature?
Now then, on to the more basic assumptions of your post, and where I hugely disagree with you, and the Agenda 21 propaganda being pushed by organizations like TED (who long ago stopped allowing talks that fall outside the mainstream).
First, we are not in an extinction event, or near one (unless you're talking about the fact that a bunch of psychopaths around the planet have nuclear weapons.) The global climate is an ever-changing thing, which we don't even understand a LITTLE bit, much less have computer models that can accurately track (hence why every single prediction alarmists have made has never come true, and they've been doing it for more than 50 years)
Second, the largest polluter on the planet is the US military-industrial complex, followed by the many other governments of the world, and a few mega-corporations. These are the exact same folks who ARE the UN, wrote the "climate accords," and have been planning to use the climate scare to gain total control of the human race for many, many decades. That is why...
Third, CO2 is not a pollutant, and is not "the problem" we need to be worrying about. This focus was started specifically because every human creates CO2 by living, thus making us each a "polluter", and in need of control. Methane is almost 80% more heating, water vapor is more heating, cities heat the area around them, we are still coming out of a mini ice age, and CO2 is absolutely necessary for plant life.
Before turning this into a novella, I'll link to the two posts I've already made breaking down why the conversation changed from pollution, the dangers of nuclear power, deforestation, etc to this focus on catastrophic proclamations and demanding that "government do something about this." Each one of these took many, many hours of research (specifically in writing them, on top of years of being around the topic), and I included dozens of research links and the sources to back up every claim.
- Part 1: GLOBAL COOLING! No, wait... GLOBAL WARMING!! Ah, um... CLIMATE CHANGE!!! Just be afraid & give us more power!
- Part 2: So, we've seen that most #ClimateChange "science" is complete BS... Why is the agenda being pushed? And by whom?
I hope you'll take the time to read what I've put together, and look at the issue of climate/economics/human survival/health of the planet from a different angle. There are definite problems, and we have all the solutions, but as long as the corporate media keeps people focused on catastrophes that won't come and solutions offered by the same people causing the problem...
PS: You'll be seeing a comment from another account I run, @TribeSteemUp, shortly. Completely unrelated to this conversation :-)