Balance, Grounding and The Four Agreements

in naturalmedicine •  6 years ago  (edited)

My 2019 focus seems to have shifted, like something subtle but big. The new year has only just started and we just had that powerful Full Moon! It feels like some kind of completion in a sense. For me, the focus seems to be on my abilities and knowledge as a healer. As if I am suddenly zoning in on a more precise description of my life somehow. I'm wanting to move forward with that in my writing, especially with sharing on natural medicine and nutrition for healing.

Lately it takes me longer to write something down than the number of ideas I tend to have waiting and I have tended to write on a lot of different subjects. Conversely, I think that being a 'good' or true healer means that you are dealing with a variety of issues on many different levels of reality. So real healing comes from a LOT of places. Or cooperative experiences. I tend to think ... All Things in Balance and truly it means balancing all things besides just keeping what you have in balance. At least for some of us.

If you aren't aware of this (I'm explaining it for some new friends, following me) I am a psychic. The downsides of that are so often, contending with mental health issues like, depression or anxiety. So this figures big into my whole view of healing and I think that fits for a lot of people. Although ... I think that empaths like myself tend to have huge challenges dealing successfully with this life and this world. OR at least the old world.

Healing for me though, has taken such a dramatically DIFFERENT path than I ever would have expected! My abilities have played a tremendous role in it all. I was talking about this with my step mom recently over the phone and I mentioned some of my shamanic or paranormal experiences. For example. Having a dream of walking into a health food store and picking up a remedy and showing it to myself clearly and deliberately, or having a dream where I write myself a note over something going on with my body or a remedy I need. I wake up from sleep and research.

So, speaking of mental illness and natural healing. I was talking to my son the other day about schizophrenia and the status quo 'modern' medical view of it. Ha ha. That downside thing. Or what narcissists and self appointed reality policepeople use to bully people who don't view (or interface with) the world the way that they do. Calling it that.

I was saying, think about it this way. If you walk into a room full of colorblind people who don't even know that there is such a thing as color. And you see colors. And the people who were all colorblind got together and, since they were the majority AND they were scientists, no less ... decided that you were crazy and delusional for seeing color. Even to the point of insisting that you needed medication to stop your delusions of color. Or hospitalization, isolated away from society because your idea of color was scaring people and considered dangerous. This is not okay. It should be obvious.

Here's an example. I ran into this video months ago and I started to practice it as much as I could. When the weather was nice, I was going outside every day when I was able to manage it and it was most days, taking my shoes off and just lying on the ground. I would call it common sense. After I was doing it awhile I noticed that it helped. A LOT. Call it a balancing of energy and even a constructive and natural method for dealing with electrical storms in my brain.

The Science of Grounding

(Back to the 'S' word...)

"Schizophrenia is just another word that describes psychic ability. Truth. Are all schizophrenics, psychic? I am not sure. But I do think that all psychics are technically schizophrenic. And I don't mean that in any negative or disrespectful way. Consider it a red flag. ... for people labelled with this diagnosis in our current medical system. That for those who've received it, whether it's a casual judgment or an official diagnosis, there is a lot more to the picture than judgment implies. A need to look deeper."

Taken from
Its Just Another Word

Yep. I always do it. Digress and then pull myself back on course! I guess the idea was to open up another aspect of my writing on healing and natural medicine and nutrition for people I recently connected with to see, without having to go searching through my blog list. There's some interesting stuff in there for certain. There's probably also some crap. You know. Stuff you wrote and you go back and go ... 'maybe I would change how I said this or that.' Or when you find yourself in a new social group and you are considering your own (re) introduction. It felt a bit there like a fork in the road where I didn't want it to fork.

So I wanted to share something spiritual and healing. Or mentally healthful. But I've been thinking these thoughts too about what is considered mental illness. There is a LOT of writing to be done on this subject, especially regarding what it is, and what it is NOT. And how differences in how people interact with the world shouldn't be used unfairly as a basis for discrimination or control by others in a free and evolving society. Even and especially regarding how you go about healing your life vs. how you are 'supposed to' go about "healing" your life.

People in my household have been through a lot of different or difficult experiences and, well. In my life, proactive healing and time out from a lot of what is considered 'normal life' is how it is here. Safe, healing space for us means that I am not okay with people coming in from the outside and bullying me (or anyone) on who I am or what it is okay for me to be. Especially during intense healing periods and crisis healing states.

I've got some full color flyers on the refrigerator on trauma states and domestic violence and abuse. I've had these up for months now and I think it just helps everyone's level of awareness. It has helped me to set boundaries with people by making them aware up front what's going on with me and others in the household without being able to talk about it directly. In fact, its the elephant in the room. I was inspired yesterday to add a little bit more to my refrigerator and I found this. Something like proposed house rules or at least loving suggestions.

The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz

  1. Be impeccable with your word.

Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love. Keep your promises.

  1. Don't take anything personally.

What is going on in other people's heads isn't about you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

  1. Don't make assumptions.

Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

  1. Always do your best.

Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

Then I added this, in my own words.

John Trudell said, our purpose here is to learn to use our God given, conscious intelligence intelligently, or in the most loving way possible. Do the best you can as often as you can. Take responsibility for the coherent use of your intelligence. Use it clearly and coherently. Use it to recognize reality. We are given the sacred power of intelligence to live this life. THINK.

Namaste, Peeps.
LR 1/23/2019


Take Back Your Life From Prescription Drugs

Rethinking Mental Illness: Are We Drugging Our Prophets and Healers?

Edit: 2/1/2019
Saw this on Facebook just now. Similar thoughts.


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Huge article (I think you could have easily done two or three parts on this one...) but great advice.

I also have the empath gift/curse. As do my daughters. My elder daughter sees auras. I can "only" feel them. I have often told her that compared to her, I'm blind. She can see so much! (She's also clairaudient, but I think she's turned that one off because it was too frightening for her.)

I'm working on learning more about our gifts. It can be so difficult at times!

I found your post today because @porters featured you in the Pay it Forward Curation contest. Keep up the great work!

Thanks! I write often about Indigos and psychic ability ... I was trying to bring it into focus again since I've been making a few waves recently with natural medicine posts. I see it more or less as a shamanic path. They really go hand in hand. There is so much to say about all of it for certain.

Indigos can be identified on their birth charts quite easily. I'm more of a crystal, as it turns out. One of my children is a true indigo, my daughters are crystals though.

Yes, it really does all go hand in hand.

Gosh I want to take this advice to MY fridge. I keep reminding myself but then the craziness comes in again...anxiety, self doubt, all the fluctuations of the mind stuff.

Start again, start again.

A refreshingly honest stream of consciousness post that makes me love SteemFolk all the more.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the nice comments. It takes work learning to deal constructively with anxiety and self doubt... I think its been my biggest lesson in recent years. What self love is really all about. But it is way worth it. Its one of those steps or lessons that when you finally get it there's a huge paradigm shift. Bigger than probably any other. Never ever give up on yourself.

Great content to add to the #naturalmedicine bringing more exposure to mental health and self love. Thanks for sharing!

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Interesting article and video. Thanks for sharing! I had never heard of Grounding in my life... Looks like I need to go to the beach some more. :-D

PS: I've find your post because @porters featured you in her entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

I'd like to ask you to participate in my Art Curation Initiative #8

Awesome, thanks for commenting!

Wow, lots of good stuff here my friend. I found myself in my garden bare foot late last year. I started going out there every day after work bare foot rain or shine after the first time. Now I know why! I like those four agreements. I may be posting those on my fridge in the near future. as much for myself to follow as well as others. Thanks for your wonderful post.

You are welcome. Yes, grounding is awesome!