A Nature Inspired Life: Storytelling With Photography

in naturalmedicine •  5 years ago  (edited)

This week @tribesteemup asks: What Inspires You The Most In Life?

I could write about love or the people that inspire me most, or how nature inspires me every single day but If you read my blog, you already know all of that.

Instead, I wanted to share my passion for photography and how it inspires me.

I've always used photography to capture moments. Baby feet and blue eyes, family gatherings, candid moments and of course, travel and nature. I've captured loved ones that are no longer here, and that matters to me a lot. Since moving to our homestead, I've become deeply passionate about using photography to help me tell stories about our life here on the farm.

I spend a lot of time immersed in nature, completely disconnected from technology. I don't own a cell phone. I have only a desktop computer and a super crappy internet connection. I am often outside all day long, living entirely in the moment with no distractions. There's so much to appreciate and soak up every day. The morning dew on the plants, the precise time the birds start their day, then the bees loving on the roses and wild thyme. I am uplifted and alive as I absorb some of natures energy while I do my work. This life and the earth beneath my feet is such a gift, and I am nourished by it.

That's the challenge for me with photography, trying to capture emotion in the images I share. I am not after technical perfection, it is more than that, much deeper than that. I want to capture the essence of the moment in that image and nature inspires me to keep trying to capture what I see with my camera.

Capturing the beauty of the world through my lens is my way of expressing love and hope. I use my camera to be a storyteller, an artist, and perhaps even a historian.

Today In The Garden: A Photographic Walk


Rosa Rugosa


Nasturtium (Tropaeolum)


Bergamont (Monarda)




Lavender (Lavandula)




Rosa Rugosa

Yarrow (and red clover)


St. Johns Wort




Raspberry & Black Eyed Susan

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I just love your nasturtiums! Of course, all the photos are lovely! But those were my favorites.

I don't try to capture emotions, I try to capture memories, as mine is failing so badly. I often wish I had been able to take more film photos over the decades of all kinds of things. I did get a lot of my son as he grew, and those are so precious.

But I just love browsing thro your photos in each post. :))

I remember the first time we met and you said you didn't have a cell phone. I still think you are the only person I know without one period I am so envious of your life away from technology and all it's distractions. I love the idea of you walking around in nature all day and immersed in the beauty of life, and trying to capture it with your beautiful photography. My sister is really into her photography and so is my dad. I just haven't had time to wrap my head around it. Lovely photos as usual xx

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I've been drawn to photography since I was a kid, but then again I am not a wordsmith like you, which is something that I really admire. Cell phones are tricky. I do have to borrow my sons to get an activation code or something like that. It is becoming hard to do certain things without one which is quite frustrating because I don't think that it is really sustainable or good for the plant for every man woman and child to have a phone.

It's just not worth having a phone around here because the reception is so bad and it was costing me around $80 per month for something I could barely use.

Wonderful that you are capturing all those moments with your loved ones, life on your homestead and the beauty of nature! I love your photography! Did you take z photography
course or was it intuitive type learning?
I've been playing around with my camera, a lot of taking photos of all the beautiful wildflowers. I still have my simple Cannon point and click but I have been having a bit of trouble with it and have been thinking of upgrading it. What camera do you use or do you have any recommendattions?
So happy you are sharing your photos with us - much appreciated!

you really do have such a wonderful way of capturing the beauty all around you with your words and your photos, loved this post, I always find your posts so inspiring. Much love to you and please start using the creativecoin tag esp for your photos and when you make herbal magic xx here's a link to the discord group https://discord.gg/NNNrkWz, would love to see you on there xxx

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