Greetings earthlings, how are you? I had a few days without writing, my camera got damaged and that has delayed me a lot, the one I have has some problems too, but hey, there are just a few more problems, that is nothing for someone like me who lives on earth on fire, hahaha. Well, here I am to show you a little bit of things that I like and I hope you also like them. I started with a photo of a flower of one of my melon plants (the Cucumis Melo) that bush is already somewhat large and as you can see it is full of flowers, the ones closest to the main root are mostly male flowers, according to what I have understood and those of the tips of the females that in the future will be the possible fruits, the Melon is a very tasty fruit that is used to make rich juices, eat as a fruit salad and be added to prepare the tizana.
So are the bushes of Black Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) that around here is the favorite dish of the area, it fascinates me, and later I will show you a dressing that leaves them very rich, in this area the Beans are very soft, The earth produces that grain like this, soft, because in other places they come out like a stone and the softer the grain is much better as a dish, because it releases all its flavor in the broth, they take less time to be cooked and ready to eat, the bad is that due to lack of experience I sowed them without making hills and as it rained several times in continuous days, some bushes become watery and dry, but I think that if we will eat beans, I sowed about 2.8 kilos and I hope to harvest an average of 80, for several things that affected her, among them a plague of bud worms that gave her a hard time when they were small and I tithe the number of plants a lot, in a normal harvest each kilo gives between 50 and 70 kilos of grain when harvesting, but I plant at the same time. good god, with nothing of chemical products and I only use herbs to control pests, I do not have production of some organic fertilizers so they only receive the nutrients that the earth has, the truth is there are few resources to invest, the time I have I must share between working here on the internet and there in the land in that orchard that I try to make or what is called here in my country, Conucos.
Below you can see the table of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum) that I have, there are about 90, I had a large warehouse, but one day I arrived and they had taken half, I do not want to talk about that, but I was going to give it to the neighbors some plants so that they would also have (as dictated by grandfather's law) because if you give the neighbor, he will also have the same as you and that causes the seed to multiply and almost always the neighbors are reciprocal and give you some plants, but the The real reason is that since you have all of them, no one needs to hide your harvest, that's what my grandfather used to say, so I was only able to give away about 70 plants and only to those closest to me: my brother-in-law and my other sister-in-law's husband.
There I have about 80 bushes of chili peppers (Capsicum) and I still have an equal amount to go to the furrows, but the truth is for me it is only a lot of work, most of the time I am going to clean weeds, and when I reach the end of the lands and turn over, and that weed has grown, it does it very quickly in winter, because the rainwater has something magical. By the way, working there I have already had several heavy downpours, and I have been soaked in all of them, hahaha, another thing that delays me, and after it rains one almost cannot get into that little mud, hahaha, but they I was commenting on this because the truth is, I really like getting wet in the rain, that fills me with great and magical joy.
The Auyama (Cucurbita maxima) bushes there you can see how the weed has grown a lot around the plant, that was clean about 15 days ago and look at the weed is high, I think that in order to yield I must buy one of those. gasoline weeding machines, but those things are very expensive for now, but I don't know if I can buy them, because I'm one of those who don't like to sell food, hahaha, yesterday I harvested and I gave almost everything to family and friends, but the truth is that I am filled with great joy, already for the next season that I harvest in greater quantity if I will at least try to barter.
Look at what a beautiful bundle of dressings: Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) and chives (Allium schoenoprasum) the ideal for those grains that I mentioned before and also to make a rich guasacaca to accompany various dishes, this I do like, when I harvest Yuca that I also have, I'll prepare that smoothie to place on that plate full of Yuca (
Manihot esculenta) parboiled, as I like those two things the most together, although if you fry the Yuca it is also good, before I would put it on the grill but I no longer eat almost meat, I am not saying that I have eliminated it completely, but I eat it little, and I hope one day to eliminate it completely from my diet, believe me, my wife prepares some delicious dishes with only vega, those foods that nature gives us, I hope one day to produce enough, among what I think is to plant about 1500 Yucca plants, A friend used to say: where there is Yuca there is no hunger. My grandfather said it differently but it is true, if I get to have that amount of bushes, any family member or friend who needs it, I can give him a gift as a gift, to take it out and take what he harvests, with one condition, hahaha, of course Let him sow the seed, so when he returns there will be 15 plants for him, how do you think I will only sow so many plants? Hahaha. Those are my crazy ideas of multiplying food.
Well, that's how we spent the day there in our land, that day they accompanied me: Karla (my wife) Carlos (our son) and Karleinys (my spoiled, the smallest in the house) the truth is that they prefer to stay at home (to spend the day playing on the computer) but I take them to teach them to love our land, because those that cost us effort are loved much more and that effort forms the character for a human being of good for the future, there I halo them of nature, how important it is to be able to have the privilege of sowing, but above all to reap something that we are going to eat, transmit the ideals to them so that in turn when I am not here, they do it with their children, and with this try to guide their steps without imposing, if not that they look at what it feels like when nature gives you the fruit of the work of caring for plants and the joy that is felt in the soul when a fruit is eaten from a plant that is seen to grow from that little seed , but above all, the pride of multi apply the seed.
Me despidos de ustedes mis apreciados terrícolas, dejando aquí plasmado esa chispa de energía curativa que nos brinda la naturaleza con su grandeza sanadora, la que con solo estar cerca de ella nos cura ese montón de males a los que nos enfrentamos hoy, en estos tiempos modernos de tantas cosas, a mi me sirve y espero ustedes noten el sendero que nos lleva a disfrutar del aire, ese beso mágico d que les hablo. Bendiciones y que nuestra madre naturaleza les colme de su brillo.
That day the wind sang beautifully, with a brave tune that resounded in the Catatumbo, my eyes closed in front of her allowed to receive the mother's caresses, the one that ran through my head and let me see those that when I was a child my mother Omaira gave me, a beauty , the moment, that, only one can be repeated in your life too, just close your eyes and let the breeze take you to fly.
I say goodbye to you, my dear earthlings, leaving here reflected that spark of healing energy that nature gives us with its healing greatness, which just by being close to it cures us all the many ills that we face today, in these times Modern of so many things, it serves me and I hope you notice the path that leads us to enjoy the air, that magical kiss that I speak to you. Blessings and may our mother nature fill you with her brilliance.
Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.
Location: Villa de Cura.
Original photographs of willsaldeno, I do not edit the photos, because I like to put only what I achieve with the camera and not something improved with an editor.