Picking guavas!

in nature •  3 years ago 

Few weeks ago I went guava picking with my family! Oh boyyy it was really cold!!🥶🥶

We met up with my uncle at his house then continued our journey! It’s located at Plaine Champagne, it’s known for wild guavas!

Did you know the scientific name for wild guavas is Psidium friedrichsthalianum it’s basically a tongue twister!!🤣

it was sunny when we first came and a few minutes later it started pouring!

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here's my dad, my sister, my uncle, my aunt and my little cousin picking guavas

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Here's Rheem smiling ear to ear after getting completely soaked up! if you're having a bad day her smile can make it 100 times better!!

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Honestly there wasn't any much left ,we had to go into bushes to find some but it was totally worth it!

here's us walking back to our cars after having an amazing day!

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the weather changed so quickly! from a rainbow to fog!!

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we went home around four-ish, after that cold day, a hot shower was badly needed!

Time spent with family always needs to be cherished!🥰

That was my small adventure!

I hope you all have an amazing day/evening!

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